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Selected Verse: Hebrews 12:5 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Comparing Text
Heb 12:5 And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]:

Other Translations For The Same Verse

Text From Selected Translation Comparing Text Translation
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: King James
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: and ye have forgotten the exhortation which reasoneth with you as with sons, My son, regard not lightly the chastening of the Lord, Nor faint when thou art reproved of him; American Standard
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: And you have not kept in mind the word which says to you as to sons, My son, do not make little of the Lord's punishment, and do not give up hope when you are judged by him; Basic English
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: And all of you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks unto you as unto children, My son, despise not you the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked of him: Updated King James
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: and ye have forgotten the exhortation that doth speak fully with you as with sons, `My son, be not despising chastening of the Lord, nor be faint, being reproved by Him, Young's Literal
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: And ye have quite forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when reproved by him; Darby
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh to you as to children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked by him: Webster
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: and you have forgotten the exhortation which reasons with you as with children, "My son, don't take lightly the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by him; World English
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: And you have forgotten the consolation, which speaketh to you, as unto children, saying: My son, neglect not the discipline of the Lord; neither be thou wearied whilst thou art rebuked by him. Douay Rheims
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: et obliti estis consolationis quae vobis tamquam filiis loquitur dicens fili mi noli neglegere disciplinam Domini neque fatigeris dum ab eo argueris Jerome's Vulgate
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: and you have forgotten the exhortation which reasons with you as with children, "My son, don't take lightly the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by him; Hebrew Names
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: Y estáis ya olvidados de la exhortación que como con hijos habla con vosotros, diciendo: Hijo mío, no menosprecies el castigo del Señor, Ni desmayes cuando eres de él reprendido. Reina Valera - 1909 (Spanish)
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: y estáis ya olvidados de la consolación que como con hijos habla con vosotros, (diciendo): Hijo mío, no menosprecies el castigo del Señor, ni desmayes cuando eres de él redargüido; Sagradas Escrituras - 1569 (Spanish)
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons,
New American Standard Bible©
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: And have you [completely] forgotten the divine word of appeal and encouragement in which you are reasoned with and addressed as sons? My son, do not think lightly or scorn to submit to the correction and discipline of the Lord, nor lose courage and give up and faint when you are reproved or corrected by Him; Amplified Bible©
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: Et vous avez oubliez l`exhortation qui vous est adressée comme à des fils: Mon fils, ne méprise pas le châtiment du Seigneur, Et ne perds pas courage lorsqu`il te reprend; Louis Segond - 1910 (French)
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: vous avez oublié l'exhortation qui s'adresse à vous comme à des fils "Mon fils, ne méprise pas la discipline du *Seigneur, et ne perds pas courage quand tu es repris par lui; John Darby (French)
And [2532] ye have forgotten [1585] the exhortation [3874] which [3748] speaketh [1256] unto you [5213] as [5613] unto children [5207], My [3450] son [5207], despise [3643] not [3361] thou [3643] the chastening [3809] of the Lord [2962], nor [3366] faint [1590] when thou art rebuked [1651] of [5259] him [846]: e já vos esquecestes da exortação que vos admoesta como a filhos: Filho meu, não desprezes a correção do Senhor, nem te desanimes quando por ele és repreendido;    Unknown - Maybe Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)