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Selected Verse: Colossians 2:18 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Comparing Text
Col 2:18 Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563],

Other Translations For The Same Verse

Text From Selected Translation Comparing Text Translation
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, King James
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no man rob you of your prize by a voluntary humility and worshipping of the angels, dwelling in the things which he hath seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, American Standard
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no man take your reward from you by consciously making little of himself and giving worship to angels; having his thoughts fixed on the things which he has seen, being foolishly lifted up in his natural mind, Basic English
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, Updated King James
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], let no one beguile you of your prize, delighting in humble-mindedness and `in' worship of the messengers, intruding into the things he hath not seen, being vainly puffed up by the mind of his flesh, Young's Literal
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no one fraudulently deprive you of your prize, doing his own will in humility and worship of angels, entering into things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by the mind of his flesh, Darby
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, Webster
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no one rob you of your prize by a voluntary humility and worshipping of the angels, dwelling in the things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, World English
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no man seduce you, willing in humility, and religion of angels, walking in the things which he hath not seen, in vain puffed up by the sense of his flesh, Douay Rheims
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], nemo vos seducat volens in humilitate et religione angelorum quae non vidit ambulans frustra inflatus sensu carnis suae Jerome's Vulgate
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no one rob you of your prize by a voluntary humility and worshipping of the angels, dwelling in the things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, Hebrew Names
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Nadie os prive de vuestro premio, afectando humildad y culto á los ángeles, metiéndose en lo que no ha visto, vanamente hinchado en el sentido de su propia carne, Reina Valera - 1909 (Spanish)
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Que nadie os gobierne a su voluntad con pretexto de humildad y religión de ángeles, metiéndose en lo que no ha visto, andando hinchado en el vano sentido de su carne, Sagradas Escrituras - 1569 (Spanish)
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind, New American Standard Bible©
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Let no one defraud you by acting as an umpire and declaring you unworthy and disqualifying you for the prize, insisting on self-abasement and worship of angels, taking his stand on visions [he claims] he has seen, vainly puffed up by his sensuous notions and inflated by his unspiritual thoughts and fleshly conceit, Amplified Bible©
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Qu`aucun homme, sous une apparence d`humilité et par un culte des anges, ne vous ravisse à son gré le prix de la course, tandis qu`il s`abandonne à ses visions et qu`il est enflé d`un vain orgueil par ses pensées charnelles, Louis Segond - 1910 (French)
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Que personne ne vous frustre du prix du combat, faisant sa volonté propre dans l' humilité et dans le culte des anges, s'ingérant dans les choses qu'il n'a pas vues, enflé d'un vain orgueil par les pensées de sa chair, John Darby (French)
Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563], Ninguém atue como árbitro contra vós, afetando humildade ou culto aos anjos, firmando-se em coisas que tenha visto, inchado vãmente pelo seu entendimento carnal,    Unknown - Maybe Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)