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Selected Verse: Deuteronomy 11:23 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Comparing Text
De 11:23 Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves.

Other Translations For The Same Verse

Text From Selected Translation Comparing Text Translation
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. Then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves. King James
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. then will Jehovah drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourselves. American Standard
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. Then the Lord will send these nations in flight before you, and you will take the lands of nations greater and stronger than yourselves. Basic English
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. Then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and all of you shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves. Updated King James
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. then hath Jehovah dispossessed all these nations from before you, and ye have possessed nations, greater and mightier than you; Young's Literal
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. then will Jehovah dispossess all these nations from before you, and ye shall take possession of nations greater and mightier than yourselves. Darby
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. Then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall possess greater nations and mightier than yourselves. Webster
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. then will Yahweh drive out all these nations from before you, and you shall dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourselves. World English
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. The Lord will destroy all these nations before your face, and you shall possess them, which are greater and stronger than you. Douay Rheims
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. disperdet Dominus omnes gentes istas ante faciem vestram et possidebitis eas quae maiores et fortiores vobis sunt Jerome's Vulgate
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and you shall dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourselves. Hebrew Names
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. Jehová también echará todas estas gentes de delante de vosotros y poseeréis gentes grandes y más fuertes que vosotros. Reina Valera - 1909 (Spanish)
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. el SEÑOR también echará todos estos gentiles de delante de vosotros y desposeeréis naciones grandes y más fuertes que vosotros. Sagradas Escrituras - 1569 (Spanish)
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. then the LORD will drive out all these nations from before you, and you will dispossess nations greater and mightier than you. New American Standard Bible©
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. Then the Lord will drive out all these nations before you, and you shall dispossess nations greater and mightier than you. Amplified Bible©
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. l`Éternel chassera devant vous toutes ces nations, et vous vous rendrez maîtres de nations plus grandes et plus puissantes que vous. Louis Segond - 1910 (French)
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. l'Éternel dépossédera toutes ces nations devant vous; et vous prendrez possession de nations plus grandes et plus fortes que vous. John Darby (French)
Then will the LORD [03068] drive out [03423] all these nations [01471] from before [06440] you, and ye shall possess [03423] greater [01419] nations [01471] and mightier [06099] than yourselves. também o Senhor lançará fora de diante de vós todas estas nações, e possuireis nações maiores e mais poderosas do que vós.    Unknown - Maybe Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)