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Selected Verse: Micah 6:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Comparing Text
Mic 6:7 Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]?

Other Translations For The Same Verse

Text From Selected Translation Comparing Text Translation
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? King James
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? will Jehovah be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? American Standard
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of sheep or with ten thousand rivers of oil? am I to give my first child for my wrongdoing, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? Basic English
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? Updated King James
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Is Jehovah pleased with thousands of rams? With myriads of streams of oil? Do I give my first-born `for' my transgression? The fruit of my body `for' the sin of my soul? Young's Literal
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Will Jehovah take pleasure in thousands of rams, in ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? Darby
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? Webster
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Will Yahweh be pleased with thousands of rams? With tens of thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my disobedience? The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? World English
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? May the Lord be appeased with thousands of rams, or with many thousands of fat he goats? shall I give my firstborn for my wickedness, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? Douay Rheims
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? numquid placari potest Dominus in milibus arietum aut in multis milibus hircorum pinguium numquid dabo primogenitum meum pro scelere meo fructum ventris mei pro peccato animae meae Jerome's Vulgate
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams? With tens of thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my disobedience? The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? Hebrew Names
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? ¿Agradaráse Jehová de millares de carneros, ó de diez mil arroyos de aceite? ¿daré mi primogénito por mi rebelión, el fruto de mi vientre por el pecado de mi alma? Reina Valera - 1909 (Spanish)
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? ¿Se agradará el SEÑOR de millares de carneros, o de diez mil arroyos de aceite? ¿Daré mi primogénito por mi rebelión, el fruto de mi vientre por el pecado de mi alma? Sagradas Escrituras - 1569 (Spanish)
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Does the LORD take delight in thousands of rams,
    In ten thousand rivers of oil?
    Shall I present my firstborn for my rebellious acts,
    The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
New American Standard Bible©
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams or with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? Amplified Bible©
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? L`Éternel agréera-t-il des milliers de béliers, Des myriades de torrents d`huile? Donnerai-je pour mes transgressions mon premier-né, Pour le péché de mon âme le fruit de mes entrailles? - Louis Segond - 1910 (French)
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? L'Éternel prendra-t-il plaisir à des milliers de béliers, à des myriades de torrents d'huile? Donnerai-je mon premier-né pour ma transgression, le fruit de mon ventre pour le péché de mon âme? John Darby (French)
Will the LORD [03068] be pleased [07521] with thousands [0505] of rams [0352], or with ten thousands [07233] of rivers [05158] of oil [08081]? shall I give [05414] my firstborn [01060] for my transgression [06588], the fruit [06529] of my body [0990] for the sin [02403] of my soul [05315]? Agradar-se-á o Senhor de milhares de carneiros, ou de miríades de ribeiros de azeite? Darei o meu primogênito pela minha transgressão, o fruto das minhas entranhas pelo pecado da minha alma?    Unknown - Maybe Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)