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Selected Verse: Proverbs 30:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Comparing Text
Pr 30:8 Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me:

Other Translations For The Same Verse

Text From Selected Translation Comparing Text Translation
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: King James
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Remove far from me falsehood and lies; Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is needful for me: American Standard
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Put far from me all false and foolish things: do not give me great wealth or let me be in need, but give me only enough food: Basic English
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Updated King James
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Vanity and a lying word put far from me, Poverty or wealth give not to me, Cause me to eat the bread of my portion, Young's Literal
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the bread of my daily need: Darby
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Webster
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Remove far from me falsehood and lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Feed me with the food that is needful for me; World English
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Remove far from me vanity, and lying words. Give me neither beggary, nor riches: give me only the necessaries of life: Douay Rheims
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: vanitatem et verba mendacia longe fac a me mendicitatem et divitias ne dederis mihi tribue tantum victui meo necessaria Jerome's Vulgate
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Remove far from me falsehood and lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Feed me with the food that is needful for me; Hebrew Names
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Vanidad y palabra mentirosa aparta de mí. No me des pobreza ni riquezas; Manténme del pan que he menester; Reina Valera - 1909 (Spanish)
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Vanidad y palabra mentirosa aparta de mí; no me des pobreza ni riquezas; manténme del pan de mi juicio; Sagradas Escrituras - 1569 (Spanish)
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Keep deception and lies far from me,
    Give me neither poverty nor riches;
    Feed me with the food that is my portion,
New American Standard Bible©
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Remove far from me falsehood and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, Amplified Bible©
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Éloigne de moi la fausseté et la parole mensongère; Ne me donne ni pauvreté, ni richesse, Accorde-moi le pain qui m`est nécessaire. Louis Segond - 1910 (French)
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Éloigne de moi la vanité et la parole de mensonge; ne me donne ni pauvreté ni richesse; nourris-moi du pain qui m'est nécessaire, John Darby (French)
Remove far [07368] from me vanity [07723] and lies [01697] [03577]: give [05414] me neither poverty [07389] nor riches [06239]; feed [02963] me with food [03899] convenient [02706] for me: Alonga de mim a falsidade e a mentira; não me dês nem a pobreza nem a riqueza: dá-me só o pão que me é necessário;    Unknown - Maybe Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)