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Selected Verse: Psalms 49:3 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Comparing Text
Ps 49:3 My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394].

Other Translations For The Same Verse

Text From Selected Translation Comparing Text Translation
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding. King James
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth shall speak wisdom; And the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding. American Standard
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. From my mouth will come words of wisdom; and in the thoughts of my heart will be knowledge. Basic English
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding. Updated King James
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth speaketh wise things, And the meditations of my heart `are' things of understanding. Young's Literal
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth shall speak wisdom, and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding: Darby
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding. Webster
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth will speak words of wisdom. My heart shall utter understanding. World English
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. God shall come manifestly: our God shall come, and shall not keep silence. A fire shall burn before him: and a mighty tempest shall be round about him. Douay Rheims
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. vocabit caelum desursum et terram ut iudicet populum suum Jerome's Vulgate
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth will speak words of wisdom. My heart shall utter understanding. Hebrew Names
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. Mi boca hablará sabiduría; Y el pensamiento de mi corazón inteligencia. Reina Valera - 1909 (Spanish)
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. Mi boca hablará sabiduría; y el pensamiento de mi corazón inteligencia. Sagradas Escrituras - 1569 (Spanish)
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth will speak wisdom,
    And the meditation of my heart will be understanding.
New American Standard Bible©
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. My mouth shall speak wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be understanding. Amplified Bible©
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. Ma bouche va faire entendre des paroles sages, Et mon coeur a des pensées pleines de sens. Louis Segond - 1910 (French)
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. Ma bouche dira des paroles de sagesse, et la méditation de mon coeur sera pleine d'intelligence; John Darby (French)
My mouth [06310] shall speak [01696] of wisdom [02454]; and the meditation [01900] of my heart [03820] shall be of understanding [08394]. A minha boca falará a sabedoria, e a meditação do meu coração será de entendimento.    Unknown - Maybe Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)