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Selected Verse: Psalms 136:5 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Comparing Text
Ps 136:5 To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769].

Other Translations For The Same Verse

Text From Selected Translation Comparing Text Translation
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. King James
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To him that by understanding made the heavens; For his lovingkindness endureth for ever: American Standard
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To him who by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy is unchanging for ever. Basic English
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endures for ever. Updated King James
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To Him making the heavens by understanding, For to the age `is' His kindness. Young's Literal
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To him that by understanding made the heavens, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever; Darby
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. Webster
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To him who by understanding made the heavens; for his loving kindness endures forever: World English
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten. Douay Rheims
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. si oblitus fuero tui Hierusalem in oblivione sit dextera mea Jerome's Vulgate
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To him who by understanding made the heavens; for his loving kindness endures forever: Hebrew Names
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. Al que hizo los cielos con entendimiento, Porque para siempre es su misericordia. Reina Valera - 1909 (Spanish)
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. Al que hizo los cielos con entendimiento, porque para siempre es su misericordia. Sagradas Escrituras - 1569 (Spanish)
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To Him who made the heavens with skill,
    For His lovingkindness is everlasting;
New American Standard Bible©
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. To Him Who by wisdom and understanding made the heavens, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever; Amplified Bible©
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. Celui qui a fait les cieux avec intelligence, Car sa miséricorde dure à toujours! Louis Segond - 1910 (French)
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. Qui a fait les cieux par son intelligence, car sa bonté demeure à toujours; John Darby (French)
To him that by wisdom [08394] made [06213] the heavens [08064]: for his mercy [02617] endureth for ever [05769]. àquele que com entendimento fez os céus, porque a sua benignidade dura para sempre;    Unknown - Maybe Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)