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Selected Verse: Psalms 107:12 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Comparing Text
Ps 107:12 Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826].

Other Translations For The Same Verse

Text From Selected Translation Comparing Text Translation
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help. King James
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Therefore he brought down their heart with labor; They fell down, and there was none to help. American Standard
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. So that he made their hearts weighted down with grief; they were falling, and had no helper. Basic English
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help. Updated King James
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. And He humbleth with labour their heart, They have been feeble, and there is no helper. Young's Literal
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. And he bowed down their heart with labour; they stumbled, and there was none to help: Darby
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Therefore he brought down their heart with labor; they fell down, and there was none to help. Webster
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Therefore he brought down their heart with labor. They fell down, and there was none to help. World English
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Wilt not thou, O God, who hast cast us off? and wilt not thou, O God, go forth with our armies? Douay Rheims
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. nonne tu Deus qui proieceras nos et non exieras Deus in exercitibus nostris Jerome's Vulgate
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Therefore he brought down their heart with labor. They fell down, and there was none to help. Hebrew Names
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Por lo que quebrantó él con trabajo sus corazones, Cayeron y no hubo quien los ayudase; Reina Valera - 1909 (Spanish)
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Por eso quebrantó él con trabajo sus corazones, cayeron y no hubo quién los ayudase. Sagradas Escrituras - 1569 (Spanish)
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Therefore He humbled their heart with labor;
    They stumbled and there was none to help.
New American Standard Bible©
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Therefore He bowed down their hearts with hard labor; they stumbled and fell down, and there was none to help. Amplified Bible©
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Il humilia leur coeur par la souffrance; Ils succombèrent, et personne ne les secourut. Louis Segond - 1910 (French)
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. Et il a humilié leur coeur par le travail; ils ont trébuché, sans qu'il y eût personne qui les secourût. John Darby (French)
Therefore he brought down [03665] their heart [03820] with labour [05999]; they fell down [03782], and there was none to help [05826]. eis que lhes abateu o coração com trabalho; tropeçaram, e não houve quem os ajudasse.    Unknown - Maybe Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)