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Selected Verse: 1 Kings 12:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Comparing Text
1Ki 12:11 And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137].

Other Translations For The Same Verse

Text From Selected Translation Comparing Text Translation
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. King James
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. American Standard
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. If my father put a hard yoke on you, I will make it harder: my father gave you punishment with whips, but I will give you blows with snakes. Basic English
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. And now whereas my father did load you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father has chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. Updated King James
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. and now, my father laid on you a heavy yoke, and I add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, and I -- I chastise you with scorpions.' Young's Literal
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. and whereas my father laid a heavy yoke upon you, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. Darby
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. And now whereas my father burdened you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. Webster
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. Now whereas my father burdened you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.'" World English
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. And now my father put a, heavy yoke upon you, but I will add to your yoke: my father beat you with whips, but I will beat you with scorpions. Douay Rheims
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. et nunc pater meus posuit super vos iugum grave ego autem addam super iugum vestrum pater meus cecidit vos flagellis ego autem caedam scorpionibus Jerome's Vulgate
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. Now whereas my father burdened you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.'" Hebrew Names
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. Ahora pues, mi padre os cargó de pesado yugo, mas yo añadiré á vuestro yugo; mi padre os hirió con azotes, mas yo os heriré con escorpiones. Reina Valera - 1909 (Spanish)
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. Ahora pues, mi padre os cargó de pesado yugo, mas yo añadiré a vuestro yugo; mi padre os hirió con azotes, mas yo os heriré con escorpiones. Sagradas Escrituras - 1569 (Spanish)
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. 'Whereas my father loaded you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke; my father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions.'" New American Standard Bible©
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. And now whereas my father loaded you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke. My father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. Amplified Bible©
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. Maintenant, mon père vous a chargés d`un joug pesant, et moi je vous le rendrai plus pesant; mon père vous a châtiés avec des fouets, et moi je vous châtierai avec des scorpions. Louis Segond - 1910 (French)
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. et maintenant, mon père a chargé sur vous un joug pesant, et moi j'ajouterai à votre joug; mon père vous a corrigés avec des fouets, et moi je vous corrigerai avec des scorpions. John Darby (French)
And now whereas my father [01] did lade [06006] you with a heavy [03515] yoke [05923], I will add [03254] to your yoke [05923]: my father [01] hath chastised [03256] you with whips [07752], but I will chastise [03256] you with scorpions [06137]. Assim que, se meu pai vos carregou dum jugo pesado, eu ainda aumentarei o vosso jugo; meu pai vos castigou com açoites; eu, porém, vos castigarei com escorpiões.    Unknown - Maybe Almeida Atualizada (Portuguese)