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Selected Verse: 1 Samuel 15:10 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Sa 15:10 Strong Concordance Then came the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] unto Samuel [08050], saying [0559],
  King James Then came the word of the LORD unto Samuel, saying,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

Then came the word of the Lord unto Samuel, saying, It repenteth me that I have set up Saul--Repentance is attributed in Scripture to Him when bad men give Him cause to alter His course and method of procedure, and to treat them as if He did "repent" of kindness shown. To the heart of a man like Samuel, who was above all envious considerations, and really attached to the king, so painful an announcement moved all his pity and led him to pass a sleepless night of earnest intercession.
10 Then came the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] unto Samuel [08050], saying [0559],
11 It repenteth [05162] me that I have set up [04427] Saul [07586] to be king [04428]: for he is turned back [07725] from following [0310] me, and hath not performed [06965] my commandments [01697]. And it grieved [02734] Samuel [08050]; and he cried [02199] unto the LORD [03068] all night [03915].
8 And they brought [0935] the head [07218] of Ishbosheth [0378] unto David [01732] to Hebron [02275], and said [0559] to the king [04428], Behold the head [07218] of Ishbosheth [0378] the son [01121] of Saul [07586] thine enemy [0341], which sought [01245] thy life [05315]; and the LORD [03068] hath [05414] avenged [05360] my lord [0113] the king [04428] this day [03117] of Saul [07586], and of his seed [02233].
2 And Jacob's [03290] anger [0639] was kindled [02734] against Rachel [07354]: and he said [0559], Am I in God's [0430] stead, who hath withheld [04513] from thee the fruit [06529] of the womb [0990]?
36 And Jacob [03290] was wroth [02734], and chode [07378] with Laban [03837]: and Jacob [03290] answered [06030] and said [0559] to Laban [03837], What is my trespass [06588]? what is my sin [02403], that thou hast so hotly pursued [01814] after me [0310]?
16 Then Samuel [08050] said [0559] unto Saul [07586], Stay [07503], and I will tell [05046] thee what the LORD [03068] hath said [01696] to me this night [03915]. And he said [0559] unto him, Say on [01696].
29 And also the Strength [05331] of Israel [03478] will not lie [08266] nor repent [05162]: for he is not a man [0120], that he should repent [05162].
6 And it repented [05162] the LORD [03068] that he had made [06213] man [0120] on the earth [0776], and it grieved [06087] him at [0413] his heart [03820].