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Selected Verse: Judges 6:36 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jud 6:36 Strong Concordance And Gideon [01439] said [0559] unto God [0430], If thou wilt [03426] save [03467] Israel [03478] by mine hand [03027], as thou hast said [01696],
  King James And Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
The caution of Gideon, desirous of being assured that he really had a promise from God, does not imply doubts as to God's faithfulness or power to fulfill His promise. Of such doubts there is not a trace in Gideon's character. He is a worthy example of faith Heb 11:32.
32 And [2532] what [5101] shall I [3004] more [2089] say [3004]? for [1063] the time [5550] would fail [1952] me [3165] to tell [1334] of [4012] Gedeon [1066], and [5037] of Barak [913], and [2532] of Samson [4546], and [2532] of Jephthae [2422]; of David [1138] also [2532], and [5037] Samuel [4545], and [2532] of the prophets [4396]: