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Selected Verse: Revelation 11:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Re 11:4 Strong Concordance These [3778] are [1526] the two [1417] olive [1636] trees, and [2532] the two [1417] candlesticks [3087] standing [2476] before [1799] the God [2316] of the earth [1093].
  King James These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
standing before the God of the earth--A, B, C, Vulgate, Syriac, Coptic, and ANDREAS read "Lord" for "God": so Zac 4:14. Ministering to (Luk 1:19), and as in the sight of Him, who, though now so widely disowned on "earth," is its rightful King, and shall at last be openly recognized as such (Rev 11:15). The phrase alludes to Zac 4:10, Zac 4:14, "the two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of the whole earth." The article "the" marks this allusion. They are "the two candlesticks," not that they are the Church, the one candlestick, but as its representative light-bearers (Greek, "phosteres," Phi 2:15), and ministering for its encouragement in a time of apostasy. WORDSWORTH'S view is worth consideration, whether it may not constitute a secondary sense: the two witnesses, the olive trees, are THE TWO TESTAMENTS ministering their testimony to the Church of the old dispensation, as well as to that of the new, which explains the two witnesses being called also the two candlesticks (the Old and New Testament churches; the candlestick in Zac 4:2 is but one as there was then but one Testament, and one Church, the Jewish). The Church in both dispensations has no light in herself, but derives it from the Spirit through the witness of the twofold word, the two olive trees: compare Note, see on Rev 11:1, which is connected with this, the reed, the Scripture canon, being the measure of the Church: so PRIMASIUS [X, p. 314]: the two witnesses preach in sackcloth, marking the ignominious treatment which the word, like Christ Himself, receives from the world. So the twenty-four elders represent the ministers of the two dispensations by the double twelve. But Rev 11:7 proves that primarily the two Testaments cannot be meant; for these shall never be "killed," and never "shall have finished their testimony" till the world is finished.
7 And [2532] when [3752] they shall have finished [5055] their [846] testimony [3141], the beast [2342] that ascendeth [305] out of [1537] the bottomless pit [12] shall make [4160] war [4171] against [3326] them [846], and [2532] shall overcome [3528] them [846], and [2532] kill [615] them [846].
1 And [2532] there was given [1325] me [3427] a reed [2563] like [3664] unto a rod [4464]: and [2532] the angel [32] stood [2476], saying [3004], Rise [1453], and [2532] measure [3354] the temple [3485] of God [2316], and [2532] the altar [2379], and [2532] them that worship [4352] therein [1722] [846].
2 And said [0559] unto me, What seest [07200] thou? And I said [0559], I have looked [07200], and behold a candlestick [04501] all of gold [02091], with a bowl [01531] upon the top [07218] of it, and his seven [07651] lamps [05216] thereon, and seven [07651] pipes [04166] to the seven [07651] lamps [05216], which are upon the top [07218] thereof:
15 That [2443] ye may be [1096] blameless [273] and [2532] harmless [185], the sons [5043] of God [2316], without rebuke [298], in [1722] the midst [3319] of a crooked [4646] and [2532] perverse [1294] nation [1074], among [1722] whom [3739] ye shine [5316] as [5613] lights [5458] in [1722] the world [2889];
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
10 For who hath despised [0936] the day [03117] of small things [06996]? for they shall rejoice [08055], and shall see [07200] the plummet [068] [0913] in the hand [03027] of Zerubbabel [02216] with those seven [07651]; they are the eyes [05869] of the LORD [03068], which run to and fro [07751] through the whole earth [0776].
15 And [2532] the seventh [1442] angel [32] sounded [4537]; and [2532] there were [1096] great [3173] voices [5456] in [1722] heaven [3772], saying [3004], The kingdoms [932] of this world [2889] are become [1096] the kingdoms of our [2257] Lord [2962], and [2532] of his [846] Christ [5547]; and [2532] he shall reign [936] for [1519] ever [165] and ever [165].
19 And [2532] the angel [32] answering [611] said [2036] unto him [846], I [1473] am [1510] Gabriel [1043], that stand [3936] in the presence [1799] of God [2316]; and [2532] am sent [649] to speak [2980] unto [4314] thee [4571], and [2532] to shew [2097] thee [4671] these [5023] glad tidings [2097].
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
19 Therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], If thou return [07725], then will I bring thee again [07725], and thou shalt stand [05975] before [06440] me: and if thou take forth [03318] the precious [03368] from the vile [02151], thou shalt be as my mouth [06310]: let them return [07725] unto thee; but return [07725] not thou unto them.
16 But he said [0559], As the LORD [03068] liveth [02416], before [06440] whom I stand [05975], I will receive [03947] none. And he urged [06484] him to take [03947] it; but he refused [03985].
14 And Elisha [0477] said [0559], As the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] liveth [02416], before [06440] whom I stand [05975], surely, were it not that [03884] I regard [05375] the presence [06440] of Jehoshaphat [03092] the king [04428] of Judah [03063], I would not look [05027] toward thee, nor see [07200] thee.
15 And Elijah [0452] said [0559], As the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] liveth [02416], before [06440] whom I stand [05975], I will surely shew [07200] myself unto him to day [03117].
1 And Elijah [0452] the Tishbite [08664], who was of the inhabitants [08453] of Gilead [01568], said [0559] unto Ahab [0256], As the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478] liveth [02416], before [06440] whom I stand [05975], there shall not be dew [02919] nor rain [04306] these years [08141], but according [06310] to my word [01697].
7 Then he shall minister [08334] in the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] his God [0430], as all his brethren [0251] the Levites [03881] do, which stand [05975] there before [06440] the LORD [03068].
8 At that time [06256] the LORD [03068] separated [0914] the tribe [07626] of Levi [03878], to bear [05375] the ark [0727] of the covenant [01285] of the LORD [03068], to stand [05975] before [06440] the LORD [03068] to minister [08334] unto him, and to bless [01288] in his name [08034], unto this day [03117].
13 And [2532] the sixth [1623] angel [32] sounded [4537], and [2532] I heard [191] a [3391] voice [5456] from [1537] the four [5064] horns [2768] of the golden [5552] altar [2379] which [3588] is before [1799] God [2316],
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
12 And [2532] I turned [1994] to see [991] the voice [5456] that [3748] spake [2980] with [3326] me [1700]. And [2532] being turned [1994], I saw [1492] seven [2033] golden [5552] candlesticks [3087];
12 And [2532] they heard [191] a great [3173] voice [5456] from [1537] heaven [3772] saying [3004] unto them [846], Come up [305] hither [5602]. And [2532] they ascended up [305] to [1519] heaven [3772] in [1722] a cloud [3507]; and [2532] their [846] enemies [2190] beheld [2334] them [846].
14 The second [1208] woe [3759] is past [565]; and [2532], behold [2400], the third [5154] woe [3759] cometh [2064] quickly [5035].
2 And said [0559] unto me, What seest [07200] thou? And I said [0559], I have looked [07200], and behold a candlestick [04501] all of gold [02091], with a bowl [01531] upon the top [07218] of it, and his seven [07651] lamps [05216] thereon, and seven [07651] pipes [04166] to the seven [07651] lamps [05216], which are upon the top [07218] thereof:
3 And two [08147] olive trees [02132] by it, one [0259] upon the right [03225] side of the bowl [01543], and the other [0259] upon the left [08040] side thereof.
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
11 Then answered [06030] I, and said [0559] unto him, What are these two [08147] olive trees [02132] upon the right [03225] side of the candlestick [04501] and upon the left [08040] side thereof?
3 And two [08147] olive trees [02132] by it, one [0259] upon the right [03225] side of the bowl [01543], and the other [0259] upon the left [08040] side thereof.
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
15 Verily [281] I say [3004] unto you [5213], It shall be [2071] more tolerable [414] for the land [1093] of Sodom [4670] and [2532] Gomorrha [1116] in [1722] the day [2250] of judgment [2920], than [2228] for that [1565] city [4172].
1 And the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me came again [07725], and waked [05782] me, as a man [0376] that is wakened [05782] out of his sleep [08142],
2 And said [0559] unto me, What seest [07200] thou? And I said [0559], I have looked [07200], and behold a candlestick [04501] all of gold [02091], with a bowl [01531] upon the top [07218] of it, and his seven [07651] lamps [05216] thereon, and seven [07651] pipes [04166] to the seven [07651] lamps [05216], which are upon the top [07218] thereof:
3 And two [08147] olive trees [02132] by it, one [0259] upon the right [03225] side of the bowl [01543], and the other [0259] upon the left [08040] side thereof.
4 So I answered [06030] and spake [0559] to the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me, saying [0559], What are these, my lord [0113]?
5 Then the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me answered [06030] and said [0559] unto me, Knowest [03045] thou not what these be? And I said [0559], No, my lord [0113].
6 Then he answered [06030] and spake [0559] unto me, saying [0559], This is the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] unto Zerubbabel [02216], saying [0559], Not by might [02428], nor by power [03581], but by my spirit [07307], saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
7 Who art thou, O great [01419] mountain [02022]? before [06440] Zerubbabel [02216] thou shalt become a plain [04334]: and he shall bring forth [03318] the headstone [068] [07222] thereof with shoutings [08663], crying, Grace [02580], grace [02580] unto it.
8 Moreover the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me, saying [0559],
9 The hands [03027] of Zerubbabel [02216] have laid the foundation [03245] of this house [01004]; his hands [03027] shall also finish [01214] it; and thou shalt know [03045] that the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] hath sent [07971] me unto you.
10 For who hath despised [0936] the day [03117] of small things [06996]? for they shall rejoice [08055], and shall see [07200] the plummet [068] [0913] in the hand [03027] of Zerubbabel [02216] with those seven [07651]; they are the eyes [05869] of the LORD [03068], which run to and fro [07751] through the whole earth [0776].
11 Then answered [06030] I, and said [0559] unto him, What are these two [08147] olive trees [02132] upon the right [03225] side of the candlestick [04501] and upon the left [08040] side thereof?
12 And I answered [06030] again [08145], and said [0559] unto him, What be these two [08147] olive [02132] branches [07641] which through [03027] the two [08147] golden [02091] pipes [06804] empty [07324] the golden [02091] oil out of themselves?
13 And he answered [0559] me and said [0559], Knowest [03045] thou not what these be? And I said [0559], No, my lord [0113].
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
1 And the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me came again [07725], and waked [05782] me, as a man [0376] that is wakened [05782] out of his sleep [08142],
2 And said [0559] unto me, What seest [07200] thou? And I said [0559], I have looked [07200], and behold a candlestick [04501] all of gold [02091], with a bowl [01531] upon the top [07218] of it, and his seven [07651] lamps [05216] thereon, and seven [07651] pipes [04166] to the seven [07651] lamps [05216], which are upon the top [07218] thereof:
3 And two [08147] olive trees [02132] by it, one [0259] upon the right [03225] side of the bowl [01543], and the other [0259] upon the left [08040] side thereof.
4 So I answered [06030] and spake [0559] to the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me, saying [0559], What are these, my lord [0113]?
5 Then the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me answered [06030] and said [0559] unto me, Knowest [03045] thou not what these be? And I said [0559], No, my lord [0113].
6 Then he answered [06030] and spake [0559] unto me, saying [0559], This is the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] unto Zerubbabel [02216], saying [0559], Not by might [02428], nor by power [03581], but by my spirit [07307], saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
7 Who art thou, O great [01419] mountain [02022]? before [06440] Zerubbabel [02216] thou shalt become a plain [04334]: and he shall bring forth [03318] the headstone [068] [07222] thereof with shoutings [08663], crying, Grace [02580], grace [02580] unto it.
8 Moreover the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me, saying [0559],
9 The hands [03027] of Zerubbabel [02216] have laid the foundation [03245] of this house [01004]; his hands [03027] shall also finish [01214] it; and thou shalt know [03045] that the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] hath sent [07971] me unto you.
10 For who hath despised [0936] the day [03117] of small things [06996]? for they shall rejoice [08055], and shall see [07200] the plummet [068] [0913] in the hand [03027] of Zerubbabel [02216] with those seven [07651]; they are the eyes [05869] of the LORD [03068], which run to and fro [07751] through the whole earth [0776].
11 Then answered [06030] I, and said [0559] unto him, What are these two [08147] olive trees [02132] upon the right [03225] side of the candlestick [04501] and upon the left [08040] side thereof?
12 And I answered [06030] again [08145], and said [0559] unto him, What be these two [08147] olive [02132] branches [07641] which through [03027] the two [08147] golden [02091] pipes [06804] empty [07324] the golden [02091] oil out of themselves?
13 And he answered [0559] me and said [0559], Knowest [03045] thou not what these be? And I said [0559], No, my lord [0113].
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
10 For who hath despised [0936] the day [03117] of small things [06996]? for they shall rejoice [08055], and shall see [07200] the plummet [068] [0913] in the hand [03027] of Zerubbabel [02216] with those seven [07651]; they are the eyes [05869] of the LORD [03068], which run to and fro [07751] through the whole earth [0776].
9 For behold the stone [068] that I have laid [05414] before [06440] Joshua [03091]; upon one [0259] stone [068] shall be seven [07651] eyes [05869]: behold, I will engrave [06605] the graving [06603] thereof, saith [05002] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], and I will remove [04185] the iniquity [05771] of that land [0776] in one [0259] day [03117].
1 And the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me came again [07725], and waked [05782] me, as a man [0376] that is wakened [05782] out of his sleep [08142],
2 And said [0559] unto me, What seest [07200] thou? And I said [0559], I have looked [07200], and behold a candlestick [04501] all of gold [02091], with a bowl [01531] upon the top [07218] of it, and his seven [07651] lamps [05216] thereon, and seven [07651] pipes [04166] to the seven [07651] lamps [05216], which are upon the top [07218] thereof:
3 And two [08147] olive trees [02132] by it, one [0259] upon the right [03225] side of the bowl [01543], and the other [0259] upon the left [08040] side thereof.
4 So I answered [06030] and spake [0559] to the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me, saying [0559], What are these, my lord [0113]?
5 Then the angel [04397] that talked [01696] with me answered [06030] and said [0559] unto me, Knowest [03045] thou not what these be? And I said [0559], No, my lord [0113].
6 Then he answered [06030] and spake [0559] unto me, saying [0559], This is the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] unto Zerubbabel [02216], saying [0559], Not by might [02428], nor by power [03581], but by my spirit [07307], saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
7 Who art thou, O great [01419] mountain [02022]? before [06440] Zerubbabel [02216] thou shalt become a plain [04334]: and he shall bring forth [03318] the headstone [068] [07222] thereof with shoutings [08663], crying, Grace [02580], grace [02580] unto it.
8 Moreover the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me, saying [0559],
9 The hands [03027] of Zerubbabel [02216] have laid the foundation [03245] of this house [01004]; his hands [03027] shall also finish [01214] it; and thou shalt know [03045] that the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] hath sent [07971] me unto you.
10 For who hath despised [0936] the day [03117] of small things [06996]? for they shall rejoice [08055], and shall see [07200] the plummet [068] [0913] in the hand [03027] of Zerubbabel [02216] with those seven [07651]; they are the eyes [05869] of the LORD [03068], which run to and fro [07751] through the whole earth [0776].
11 Then answered [06030] I, and said [0559] unto him, What are these two [08147] olive trees [02132] upon the right [03225] side of the candlestick [04501] and upon the left [08040] side thereof?
12 And I answered [06030] again [08145], and said [0559] unto him, What be these two [08147] olive [02132] branches [07641] which through [03027] the two [08147] golden [02091] pipes [06804] empty [07324] the golden [02091] oil out of themselves?
13 And he answered [0559] me and said [0559], Knowest [03045] thou not what these be? And I said [0559], No, my lord [0113].
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
14 Then said [0559] he, These are the two [08147] anointed [03323] ones [01121], that stand [05975] by the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].