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Selected Verse: Joshua 7:14 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jos 7:14 Strong Concordance In the morning [01242] therefore ye shall be brought [07126] according to your tribes [07626]: and it shall be, that the tribe [07626] which the LORD [03068] taketh [03920] shall come [07126] according to the families [04940] thereof; and the family [04940] which the LORD [03068] shall take [03920] shall come [07126] by households [01004]; and the household [01004] which the LORD [03068] shall take [03920] shall come [07126] man [01397] by man [01397].
  King James In the morning therefore ye shall be brought according to your tribes: and it shall be, that the tribe which the LORD taketh shall come according to the families thereof; and the family which the LORD shall take shall come by households; and the household which the LORD shall take shall come man by man.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
The Lord taketh - i. e. by lot. The Hebrew word for lot suggests that small stones, probably white and black ones, were used. These were probably drawn from a chest (compare the expressions in Jos 18:11; Jos 19:1). The lot was regarded as directed in its result by God (margin reference); and hence, was used on many important occasions by the Jews and by other nations in ancient times. For example:

(1), for apportionment, as of Canaan among the twelve tribes Num 26:55; of the Levitical cities (Jos 21:4 ff); of spoil or captives taken in war Joe 3:3.

(2) for detection of the guilty, as in the case if Achan, Jonathan Sa1 14:42, and Jonah Jon 1:7.

(3) for determining the persons to undertake a dangerous or warlike enterprise Jdg 20:10.

(4) for making appointment to important functions (Lev 16:8 ff; Act 1:26); or for sharing the duties or privileges of an office among those concerned Ch1 24:31; Luk 1:9.

The casting of lots before Haman Est 3:7 seems to have been with a view of determining the lucky day for his undertaking against the Jews. One passage Pro 18:18 perhaps points also to the employment of the lot to decide litigation.
18 The lot [01486] causeth contentions [04079] to cease [07673], and parteth [06504] between the mighty [06099].
7 In the first [07223] month [02320], that is, the month [02320] Nisan [05212], in the twelfth [08147] [06240] year [08141] of king [04428] Ahasuerus [0325], they cast [05307] Pur [06332], that is, the lot [01486], before [06440] Haman [02001] from day [03117] to day [03117], and from month [02320] to month [02320], to the twelfth [08147] [06240] month, that is, the month [02320] Adar [0143].
9 According [2596] to the custom [1485] of the priest's office [2405], his lot [2975] was to burn incense [2370] when he went [1525] into [1519] the temple [3485] of the Lord [2962].
31 These likewise cast [05307] lots [01486] over against [05980] their brethren [0251] the sons [01121] of Aaron [0175] in the presence [06440] of David [01732] the king [04428], and Zadok [06659], and Ahimelech [0288], and the chief [07218] of the fathers [01] of the priests [03548] and Levites [03881], even the principal [07218] fathers [01] over against [05980] their younger [06996] brethren [0251].
26 And [2532] they gave forth [1325] their [846] lots [2819]; and [2532] the lot [2819] fell [4098] upon [1909] Matthias [3159]; and [2532] he was numbered [4785] with [3326] the eleven [1733] apostles [652].
8 And Aaron [0175] shall cast [05414] lots [01486] upon the two [08147] goats [08163]; one [0259] lot [01486] for the LORD [03068], and the other [0259] lot [01486] for the scapegoat [05799].
10 And we will take [03947] ten [06235] men [0582] of an hundred [03967] throughout all the tribes [07626] of Israel [03478], and an hundred [03967] of a thousand [0505], and a thousand [0505] out of ten thousand [07233], to fetch [03947] victual [06720] for the people [05971], that they may do [06213], when they come [0935] to Gibeah [01387] of Benjamin [01144], according to all the folly [05039] that they have wrought [06213] in Israel [03478].
7 And they said [0559] every one [0376] to his fellow [07453], Come [03212], and let us cast [05307] lots [01486], that we may know [03045] for whose cause [07945] this evil [07451] is upon us. So they cast [05307] lots [01486], and the lot [01486] fell [05307] upon Jonah [03124].
42 And Saul [07586] said [0559], Cast [05307] lots between me and Jonathan [03129] my son [01121]. And Jonathan [03129] was taken [03920].
3 And they have cast [03032] lots [01486] for my people [05971]; and have given [05414] a boy [03206] for an harlot [02181], and sold [04376] a girl [03207] for wine [03196], that they might drink [08354].
4 And the lot [01486] came out [03318] for the families [04940] of the Kohathites [06956]: and the children [01121] of Aaron [0175] the priest [03548], which were of the Levites [03881], had by lot [01486] out of the tribe [04294] of Judah [03063], and out of the tribe [04294] of Simeon [08099], and out of the tribe [04294] of Benjamin [01144], thirteen [07969] [06240] cities [05892].
55 Notwithstanding the land [0776] shall be divided [02505] by lot [01486]: according to the names [08034] of the tribes [04294] of their fathers [01] they shall inherit [05157].
1 And the second [08145] lot [01486] came forth [03318] to Simeon [08095], even for the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Simeon [08095] according to their families [04940]: and their inheritance [05159] was within [08432] the inheritance [05159] of the children [01121] of Judah [03063].
11 And the lot [01486] of the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Benjamin [01144] came up [05927] according to their families [04940]: and the coast [01366] of their lot [01486] came forth [03318] between the children [01121] of Judah [03063] and the children [01121] of Joseph [03130].
26 And [2532] they gave forth [1325] their [846] lots [2819]; and [2532] the lot [2819] fell [4098] upon [1909] Matthias [3159]; and [2532] he was numbered [4785] with [3326] the eleven [1733] apostles [652].
7 And they said [0559] every one [0376] to his fellow [07453], Come [03212], and let us cast [05307] lots [01486], that we may know [03045] for whose cause [07945] this evil [07451] is upon us. So they cast [05307] lots [01486], and the lot [01486] fell [05307] upon Jonah [03124].
41 Therefore Saul [07586] said [0559] unto the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478], Give [03051] a perfect [08549] lot. And Saul [07586] and Jonathan [03129] were taken [03920]: but the people [05971] escaped [03318].
42 And Saul [07586] said [0559], Cast [05307] lots between me and Jonathan [03129] my son [01121]. And Jonathan [03129] was taken [03920].
33 The lot [01486] is cast [02904] into the lap [02436]; but the whole disposing [04941] thereof is of the LORD [03068].
26 And [2532] they gave forth [1325] their [846] lots [2819]; and [2532] the lot [2819] fell [4098] upon [1909] Matthias [3159]; and [2532] he was numbered [4785] with [3326] the eleven [1733] apostles [652].
18 The lot [01486] causeth contentions [04079] to cease [07673], and parteth [06504] between the mighty [06099].
33 The lot [01486] is cast [02904] into the lap [02436]; but the whole disposing [04941] thereof is of the LORD [03068].
18 Do good [03190] in thy good pleasure [07522] unto Zion [06726]: build [01129] thou the walls [02346] of Jerusalem [03389].
8 And Aaron [0175] shall cast [05414] lots [01486] upon the two [08147] goats [08163]; one [0259] lot [01486] for the LORD [03068], and the other [0259] lot [01486] for the scapegoat [05799].
5 Thus were they divided [02505] by lot [01486], one sort [0428] with another [0428]; for the governors [08269] of the sanctuary [06944], and governors [08269] of the house of God [0430], were of the sons [01121] of Eleazar [0499], and of the sons [01121] of Ithamar [0385].
38 But Joshua [03091] the son [01121] of Nun [05126], which standeth [05975] before [06440] thee, he shall go in [0935] thither: encourage [02388] him: for he shall cause Israel [03478] to inherit [05157] it.
54 And ye shall divide [05157] the land [0776] by lot [01486] for an inheritance [05157] among your families [04940]: and to the more [07227] ye shall give the more [07235] inheritance [05159], and to the fewer [04592] ye shall give the less [04591] inheritance [05159]: every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot [01486] falleth [03318]; according to the tribes [04294] of your fathers [01] ye shall inherit [05157].
55 Notwithstanding the land [0776] shall be divided [02505] by lot [01486]: according to the names [08034] of the tribes [04294] of their fathers [01] they shall inherit [05157].
40 Then said [0559] he unto all Israel [03478], Be ye on one [0259] side [05676], and I and Jonathan [03129] my son [01121] will be on the other [0259] side [05676]. And the people [05971] said [0559] unto Saul [07586], Do [06213] what seemeth [05869] good [02896] unto thee.
41 Therefore Saul [07586] said [0559] unto the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478], Give [03051] a perfect [08549] lot. And Saul [07586] and Jonathan [03129] were taken [03920]: but the people [05971] escaped [03318].
42 And Saul [07586] said [0559], Cast [05307] lots between me and Jonathan [03129] my son [01121]. And Jonathan [03129] was taken [03920].
43 Then Saul [07586] said [0559] to Jonathan [03129], Tell [05046] me what thou hast done [06213]. And Jonathan [03129] told [05046] him, and said [0559], I did but [02938] taste [02938] a little [04592] honey [01706] with the end [07097] of the rod [04294] that was in mine hand [03027], and, lo [02009], I must die [04191].
20 And when Samuel [08050] had caused all the tribes [07626] of Israel [03478] to come near [07126], the tribe [07626] of Benjamin [01144] was taken [03920].
19 And ye have this day [03117] rejected [03988] your God [0430], who himself saved [03467] you out of all your adversities [07451] and your tribulations [06869]; and ye have said [0559] unto him, Nay, but set [07760] a king [04428] over us. Now therefore present [03320] yourselves before [06440] the LORD [03068] by your tribes [07626], and by your thousands [0505].