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Selected Verse: Hebrews 8:13 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Heb 8:13 Strong Concordance In [1722] that he saith [3004], A new [2537] covenant, he hath made [3822] the first [4413] old [3822]. Now [1161] that which decayeth [3822] and [2532] waxeth old [1095] is ready [1451] to vanish away [854].
  King James In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

made . . . old--"hath (at the time of speaking the prophecy) antiquated the first covenant." From the time of God's mention of a NEW covenant (since God's words are all realities) the first covenant might be regarded as ever dwindling away, until its complete abolition on the actual introduction of the Gospel. Both covenants cannot exist side by side. Mark how verbal inspiration is proved in Paul's argument turning wholly on the one word "NEW" (covenant), occurring but once in the Old Testament.

that which decayeth--Greek, "that which is being antiquated," namely, at the time when Jeremiah spake. For in Paul's time, according to his view, the new had absolutely set aside the old covenant. The Greek for (Kaine) New (Testament) implies that it is of a different kind and supersedes the old: not merely recent (Greek, "nea"). Compare Hos 3:4-5.
4 For the children [01121] of Israel [03478] shall abide [03427] many [07227] days [03117] without a king [04428], and without a prince [08269], and without a sacrifice [02077], and without an image [04676], and without an ephod [0646], and without teraphim [08655]:
5 Afterward [0310] shall the children [01121] of Israel [03478] return [07725], and seek [01245] the LORD [03068] their God [0430], and David [01732] their king [04428]; and shall fear [06342] the LORD [03068] and his goodness [02898] in the latter [0319] days [03117].
12 For [3754] I will be [2071] merciful [2436] to their [846] unrighteousness [93], and [2532] their [846] sins [266] and [2532] their [846] iniquities [458] will I remember [3415] no [3364] more [2089].
11 And [2532] they shall [1321] not [3364] teach [1321] every man [1538] his [846] neighbour [4139], and [2532] every man [1538] his [846] brother [80], saying [3004], Know [1097] the Lord [2962]: for [3754] all [3956] shall know [1492] me [3165], from [575] the least [3398] [846] to [2193] the greatest [3173] [846].
11 And [2532] they shall [1321] not [3364] teach [1321] every man [1538] his [846] neighbour [4139], and [2532] every man [1538] his [846] brother [80], saying [3004], Know [1097] the Lord [2962]: for [3754] all [3956] shall know [1492] me [3165], from [575] the least [3398] [846] to [2193] the greatest [3173] [846].
10 For [3754] this [3778] is the covenant [1242] that [3739] I will make [1303] with the house [3624] of Israel [2474] after [3326] those [1565] days [2250], saith [3004] the Lord [2962]; I will put [1325] my [3450] laws [3551] into [1519] their [846] mind [1271], and [2532] write [1924] them [846] in [1909] their [846] hearts [2588]: and [2532] I will be [2071] to [1519] them [846] a God [2316], and [2532] they [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a people [2992]:
10 For [3754] this [3778] is the covenant [1242] that [3739] I will make [1303] with the house [3624] of Israel [2474] after [3326] those [1565] days [2250], saith [3004] the Lord [2962]; I will put [1325] my [3450] laws [3551] into [1519] their [846] mind [1271], and [2532] write [1924] them [846] in [1909] their [846] hearts [2588]: and [2532] I will be [2071] to [1519] them [846] a God [2316], and [2532] they [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a people [2992]:
10 For [3754] this [3778] is the covenant [1242] that [3739] I will make [1303] with the house [3624] of Israel [2474] after [3326] those [1565] days [2250], saith [3004] the Lord [2962]; I will put [1325] my [3450] laws [3551] into [1519] their [846] mind [1271], and [2532] write [1924] them [846] in [1909] their [846] hearts [2588]: and [2532] I will be [2071] to [1519] them [846] a God [2316], and [2532] they [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a people [2992]:
11 And [2532] they shall [1321] not [3364] teach [1321] every man [1538] his [846] neighbour [4139], and [2532] every man [1538] his [846] brother [80], saying [3004], Know [1097] the Lord [2962]: for [3754] all [3956] shall know [1492] me [3165], from [575] the least [3398] [846] to [2193] the greatest [3173] [846].
12 For [3754] I will be [2071] merciful [2436] to their [846] unrighteousness [93], and [2532] their [846] sins [266] and [2532] their [846] iniquities [458] will I remember [3415] no [3364] more [2089].
6 But [1161] now [3570] hath he obtained [5177] a more excellent [1313] ministry [3009], by how much [3745] also [2532] he is [2076] the mediator [3316] of a better [2909] covenant [1242], which [3748] was established [3549] upon [1909] better [2909] promises [1860].
1 Now [1161] of [1909] the things which we have spoken [3004] this is the sum [2774]: We have [2192] such [5108] an high priest [749], who [3739] is set [2523] on [1722] the right hand [1188] of the throne [2362] of the Majesty [3172] in [1722] the heavens [3772];
2 A minister [3011] of the sanctuary [39], and [2532] of the true [228] tabernacle [4633], which [3739] the Lord [2962] pitched [4078], and [2532] not [3756] man [444].
3 For [1063] every [3956] high priest [749] is ordained [2525] to [1519] offer [4374] gifts [1435] and [5037] [2532] sacrifices [2378]: wherefore [3606] it is of necessity [316] that this man [5126] have [2192] somewhat [5100] also [2532] to [3739] offer [4374].
4 For [1063] if [1487] [3303] he were [2258] on [1909] earth [1093], he should [302] not [3761] be [2258] a priest [2409], seeing that there are [5607] priests [2409] that offer [4374] gifts [1435] according [2596] to the law [3551]:
5 Who [3748] serve [3000] unto the example [5262] and [2532] shadow [4639] of heavenly things [2032], as [2531] Moses [3475] was admonished of God [5537] when he was about [3195] to make [2005] the tabernacle [4633]: for [1063], See [3708], saith he [5346], that thou make [4160] all things [3956] according to [2596] the pattern [5179] shewed [1166] to thee [4671] in [1722] the mount [3735].
8 How [4459] shall [1248] not [3780] the ministration [1248] of the spirit [4151] be [2071] rather [3123] [1722] glorious [1391]?
18 Verily [281], verily [281], I say [3004] unto thee [4671], When [3753] thou wast [2258] young [3501], thou girdedst [2224] thyself [4572], and [2532] walkedst [4043] whither [3699] thou wouldest [2309]: but [1161] when [3752] thou shalt be old [1095], thou shalt stretch forth [1614] thy [4675] hands [5495], and [2532] another [243] shall gird [2224] thee [4571], and [2532] carry [5342] thee whither [3699] thou wouldest [2309] not [3756].
11 They [846] shall perish [622]; but [1161] thou [4771] remainest [1265]; and [2532] they all [3956] shall wax old [3822] as [5613] doth a garment [2440];
33 Sell [4453] that ye [5216] have [5224], and [2532] give [1325] alms [1654]; provide [4160] yourselves [1438] bags [905] which wax [3822] not [3361] old [3822], a treasure [2344] in [1722] the heavens [3772] that faileth not [413], where [3699] no [3756] thief [2812] approacheth [1448], neither [3761] moth [4597] corrupteth [1311].
33 But this shall be the covenant [01285] that I will make [03772] with the house [01004] of Israel [03478]; After [0310] those days [03117], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], I will put [05414] my law [08451] in their inward parts [07130], and write [03789] it in their hearts [03820]; and will be their God [0430], and they shall be my people [05971].