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Selected Verse: Hebrews 11:23 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Heb 11:23 Strong Concordance By faith [4102] Moses [3475], when he was born [1080], was hid [2928] three months [5150] of [5259] his [846] parents [3962], because [1360] they saw [1492] he was a proper [791] child [3813]; and [2532] they were [5399] not [3756] afraid [5399] of the king's [935] commandment [1297].
  King James By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
parents--So the Septuagint has the plural, namely, Amram and Jochebed (Num 26:59); but in Exo 2:2, the mother alone is mentioned; but doubtless Amram sanctioned all she did, and secrecy. being their object, he did not appear prominent in what was done.

a proper child--Greek, "a comely child." Act 7:20, "exceeding fair," Greek, "fair to God." The "faith" of his parents in saving the child must have had some divine revelation to rest on (probably at the time of his birth), which marked their "exceeding fair" babe as one whom God designed to do a great work by. His beauty was probably "the sign" appointed by God to assure their faith.

the king's commandment--to slay all the males (Exo 1:22).
22 And Pharaoh [06547] charged [06680] all his people [05971], saying [0559], Every son [01121] that is born [03209] ye shall cast [07993] into the river [02975], and every daughter [01323] ye shall save alive [02421].
20 In [1722] which [3739] time [2540] Moses [3475] was born [1080], and [2532] was [2258] exceeding [2316] fair [791], and [3739] nourished up [397] in [1722] his [846] father's [3962] house [3624] three [5140] months [3376]:
2 And the woman [0802] conceived [02029], and bare [03205] a son [01121]: and when she saw [07200] him that he was a goodly [02896] child, she hid [06845] him three [07969] months [03391].
59 And the name [08034] of Amram's [06019] wife [0802] was Jochebed [03115], the daughter [01323] of Levi [03878], whom her mother bare [03205] to Levi [03878] in Egypt [04714]: and she bare [03205] unto Amram [06019] Aaron [0175] and Moses [04872], and Miriam [04813] their sister [0269].
20 In [1722] which [3739] time [2540] Moses [3475] was born [1080], and [2532] was [2258] exceeding [2316] fair [791], and [3739] nourished up [397] in [1722] his [846] father's [3962] house [3624] three [5140] months [3376]:
22 And Pharaoh [06547] charged [06680] all his people [05971], saying [0559], Every son [01121] that is born [03209] ye shall cast [07993] into the river [02975], and every daughter [01323] ye shall save alive [02421].
2 And the woman [0802] conceived [02029], and bare [03205] a son [01121]: and when she saw [07200] him that he was a goodly [02896] child, she hid [06845] him three [07969] months [03391].
20 In [1722] which [3739] time [2540] Moses [3475] was born [1080], and [2532] was [2258] exceeding [2316] fair [791], and [3739] nourished up [397] in [1722] his [846] father's [3962] house [3624] three [5140] months [3376]:
2 And the woman [0802] conceived [02029], and bare [03205] a son [01121]: and when she saw [07200] him that he was a goodly [02896] child, she hid [06845] him three [07969] months [03391].
20 In [1722] which [3739] time [2540] Moses [3475] was born [1080], and [2532] was [2258] exceeding [2316] fair [791], and [3739] nourished up [397] in [1722] his [846] father's [3962] house [3624] three [5140] months [3376]:
2 And the woman [0802] conceived [02029], and bare [03205] a son [01121]: and when she saw [07200] him that he was a goodly [02896] child, she hid [06845] him three [07969] months [03391].