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Selected Verse: Hebrews 10:38 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Heb 10:38 Strong Concordance Now [1161] the just [1342] shall live [2198] by [1537] faith [4102]: but [2532] if [1437] any man draw back [5288], my [3450] soul [5590] shall have [2106] no [3756] pleasure [2106] in [1722] him [846].
  King James Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
just--The oldest manuscripts and Vulgate read, "my just man." God is the speaker: "He who is just in My sight." BENGEL translates, "The just shall live by my faith": answering to the Hebrew, Hab 2:4; literally, "the just shall live by the faith of Him," namely, Christ, the final subject of "the vision," who "will not lie," that is, disappoint. Here not merely the first beginning, as in Gal 3:11, but the continuance, of the spiritual life of the justified man is referred to, as opposed to declension and apostasy. As the justified man receives his first spiritual life by faith, so it is by faith that he shall continue to live (Luk 4:4). The faith meant here is that fully developed living trust in the unseen (Heb 11:1) Saviour, which can keep men steadfast amidst persecutions and temptations (Heb 10:34-36).

but--Greek, "and."

if any man draw back--So the Greek admits: though it might also be translated, as ALFORD approves, "if he (the just man) draw back." Even so, it would not disprove the final perseverance of saints. For "the just man" in this latter clause would mean one seemingly, and in part really, though not savingly, "just" or justified: as in Eze 18:24, Eze 18:26. In the Hebrew, this latter half of the verse stands first, and is, "Behold, his soul which is lifted up, is not upright in him." Habakkuk states the cause of drawing back: a soul lifted up, and in self-inflated unbelief setting itself up against God. Paul, by the Spirit, states the effect, it draws back. Also, what in Habakkuk is, "His soul is not upright in him," is in Paul, "My soul shall have no pleasure in him." Habakkuk states the cause, Paul the effect: He who is not right in his own soul, does not stand right with God; God has no pleasure in him. BENGEL translates Habakkuk, "His soul is not upright in respect to him," namely, Christ, the subject of "the vision," that is, Christ has no pleasure in him (compare Heb 12:25). Every flower in spring is not a fruit in autumn.
25 See [991] that ye refuse [3868] not [3361] him that speaketh [2980]. For [1063] if [1487] they [1565] escaped [5343] not [3756] who refused him [3868] that spake [5537] on [1909] earth [1093], much [4183] more [3123] shall not we [2249] escape, if we turn away from him [654] that speaketh from [575] heaven [3772]:
26 When a righteous [06662] man turneth away [07725] from his righteousness [06666], and committeth [06213] iniquity [05766], and dieth [04191] in them; for his iniquity [05766] that he hath done [06213] shall he die [04191].
24 But when the righteous [06662] turneth away [07725] from his righteousness [06666], and committeth [06213] iniquity [05766], and doeth [06213] according to all the abominations [08441] that the wicked [07563] man doeth [06213], shall he live [02425]? All his righteousness [06666] that he hath done [06213] shall not be mentioned [02142]: in his trespass [04603] that he hath trespassed [04604], and in his sin [02403] that he hath sinned [02398], in them shall he die [04191].
34 For [2532] [1063] ye had compassion [4834] of me in my [3450] bonds [1199], and [2532] took [4327] joyfully [3326] [5479] the spoiling [724] of your [5216] goods [5224], knowing [1097] in [1722] yourselves [1438] that ye have [2192] in [1722] heaven [3772] a better [2909] and [2532] an enduring [3306] substance [5223].
35 Cast [577] not [3361] away [577] therefore [3767] your [5216] confidence [3954], which [3748] hath [2192] great [3173] recompence of reward [3405].
36 For [1063] ye have [2192] need [5532] of patience [5281], that [2443], after ye have done [4160] the will [2307] of God [2316], ye might receive [2865] the promise [1860].
1 Now [1161] faith [4102] is [2076] the substance [5287] of things hoped for [1679], the evidence [1650] of things [4229] not [3756] seen [991].
4 And [2532] Jesus [2424] answered [611] him [4314] [846], saying [3004], It is written [1125], That [3754] man [444] shall [2198] not [3756] live [2198] by [1909] bread [740] alone [3441], but [235] by [1909] every [3956] word [4487] of God [2316].
11 But [1161] that [3754] no man [3762] is justified [1344] by [1722] the law [3551] in the sight [3844] of God [2316], it is evident [1212]: for [3754], The just [1342] shall live [2198] by [1537] faith [4102].
4 Behold, his soul [05315] which is lifted up [06075] is not upright [03474] in him: but the just [06662] shall live [02421] by his faith [0530].
4 Behold, his soul [05315] which is lifted up [06075] is not upright [03474] in him: but the just [06662] shall live [02421] by his faith [0530].
17 For [1063] therein [1722] [846] is [601] the righteousness [1343] of God [2316] revealed [601] from [1537] faith [4102] to [1519] faith [4102]: as [2531] it is written [1125], [1161] The just [1342] shall live [2198] by [1537] faith [4102].
3 For the vision [02377] is yet for an appointed time [04150], but at the end [07093] it shall speak [06315], and not lie [03576]: though it tarry [04102], wait [02442] for it; because it will surely [0935] come [0935], it will not tarry [0309].
4 Behold, his soul [05315] which is lifted up [06075] is not upright [03474] in him: but the just [06662] shall live [02421] by his faith [0530].
20 And how [5613] I kept back [5288] nothing [3762] that was profitable [4851] unto you, but [3361] have shewed [312] you [5213], and [2532] have taught [1321] you [5209] publickly [1219], and [2532] from [2596] house to house [3624],
12 For [1063] before [4253] that certain [5100] came [2064] from [575] James [2385], he did eat [4906] with [3326] the Gentiles [1484]: but [1161] when [3753] they were come [2064], he withdrew [5288] and [2532] separated [873] himself [1438], fearing [5399] them which were of [1537] the circumcision [4061].
27 For [1063] I have [5288] not [3756] [3361] shunned [5288] to declare [312] unto you [5213] all [3956] the counsel [1012] of God [2316].
20 And how [5613] I kept back [5288] nothing [3762] that was profitable [4851] unto you, but [3361] have shewed [312] you [5213], and [2532] have taught [1321] you [5209] publickly [1219], and [2532] from [2596] house to house [3624],
4 For [1063] it is impossible [102] for those who were once [530] enlightened [5461], and [5037] have tasted [1089] of the heavenly [2032] gift [1431], and [2532] were made [1096] partakers [3353] of the Holy [40] Ghost [4151],
5 And [2532] have tasted [1089] the good [2570] word [4487] of God [2316], and [5037] the powers [1411] of the world [165] to come [3195],
6 If [2532] they shall fall away [3895], to renew them [340] again [3825] unto [1519] repentance [3341]; seeing they crucify [388] to themselves [1438] the Son [5207] of God [2316] afresh [388], and [2532] put him to an open shame [3856].
11 But [1161] that [3754] no man [3762] is justified [1344] by [1722] the law [3551] in the sight [3844] of God [2316], it is evident [1212]: for [3754], The just [1342] shall live [2198] by [1537] faith [4102].
17 For [1063] therein [1722] [846] is [601] the righteousness [1343] of God [2316] revealed [601] from [1537] faith [4102] to [1519] faith [4102]: as [2531] it is written [1125], [1161] The just [1342] shall live [2198] by [1537] faith [4102].
3 For the vision [02377] is yet for an appointed time [04150], but at the end [07093] it shall speak [06315], and not lie [03576]: though it tarry [04102], wait [02442] for it; because it will surely [0935] come [0935], it will not tarry [0309].
11 But [1161] that [3754] no man [3762] is justified [1344] by [1722] the law [3551] in the sight [3844] of God [2316], it is evident [1212]: for [3754], The just [1342] shall live [2198] by [1537] faith [4102].
17 For [1063] therein [1722] [846] is [601] the righteousness [1343] of God [2316] revealed [601] from [1537] faith [4102] to [1519] faith [4102]: as [2531] it is written [1125], [1161] The just [1342] shall live [2198] by [1537] faith [4102].