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Selected Verse: Titus 1:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Tit 1:8 Strong Concordance But [235] a lover of hospitality [5382], a lover of good men [5358], sober [4998], just [1342], holy [3741], temperate [1468];
  King James But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
lover of hospitality--needed especially in those days (Rom 12:13; Ti1 3:2; Heb 13:2; Pe1 4:9; Jo3 1:5). Christians travelling from one place to another were received and forwarded on their journey by their brethren.

lover of good men--Greek, "a lover of (all that is) good," men or things (Phi 4:8-9).

sober--towards one's self; "discreet"; "self-restrained" [ALFORD], (see on Ti1 2:9).

just--towards "men."

holy--towards God (see on Th1 2:10).

temperate--"One having his passions, tongue, hand and eyes, at command" [CHRYSOSTOM]; "continent."
10 Ye [5210] are witnesses [3144], and [2532] God [2316] also, how [5613] holily [3743] and [2532] justly [1346] and [2532] unblameably [274] we behaved ourselves [1096] among you [5213] that believe [4100]:
9 In like manner [5615] also [2532], that women [1135] adorn [2885] themselves [1438] in [1722] modest [2887] apparel [2689], with [3326] shamefacedness [127] and [2532] sobriety [4997]; not [3361] with [1722] broided hair [4117], or [2228] gold [5557], or [2228] pearls [3135], or [2228] costly [4185] array [2441];
8 Finally [3063], brethren [80], whatsoever things [3745] are [2076] true [227], whatsoever things [3745] are honest [4586], whatsoever things [3745] are just [1342], whatsoever things [3745] are pure [53], whatsoever things [3745] are lovely [4375], whatsoever things [3745] are of good report [2163]; if there be any [1536] virtue [703], and [2532] if there be any [1536] praise [1868], think [3049] on these things [5023].
9 Those things [5023], which [3739] ye have [3129] both [2532] learned [3129], and [2532] received [3880], and [2532] heard [191], and [2532] seen [1492] in [1722] me [1698], do [4238]: and [2532] the God [2316] of peace [1515] shall be [2071] with [3326] you [5216].
5 Beloved [27], thou doest [4160] faithfully [4103] whatsoever [3739] [1437] thou doest [2038] to [1519] the brethren [80], and [2532] to [1519] strangers [3581];
9 Use hospitality [5382] one to another [1519] [240] without [427] grudging [1112].
2 Be [1950] not [3361] forgetful [1950] to entertain strangers [5381]: for [1063] thereby [1223] [5026] some [5100] have entertained [3579] angels [32] unawares [2990].
2 A bishop [1985] then [3767] must [1163] be [1511] blameless [423], the husband [435] of one [3391] wife [1135], vigilant [3524], sober [4998], of good behaviour [2887], given to hospitality [5382], apt to teach [1317];
13 Distributing [2841] to the necessity [5532] of saints [40]; given [1377] to hospitality [5381].
23 Meekness [4236], temperance [1466]: against [2596] such [5108] there is [2076] no [3756] law [3551].
25 And [1161] every man [3956] that striveth for the mastery [75] is temperate [1467] in all things [3956]. [3303] Now [3767] they [1565] do it to [2443] obtain [2983] a corruptible [5349] crown [4735]; but [1161] we [2249] an incorruptible [862].
9 But [1161] if [1487] they [1467] cannot [3756] contain [1467], let them marry [1060]: for [1063] it is [2076] better [2909] to marry [1060] than [2228] to burn [4448].
25 And [1161] as he [846] reasoned [1256] of [4012] righteousness [1343], temperance [2532] [1466], and [2532] judgment [2917] to come [3195] [1510], Felix [5344] trembled [1096] [1719], and answered [611], Go thy way [4198] for this time [3568]; when [1161] I have [2192] [3335] a convenient season [2540], I will call for [3333] thee [4571].
8 I will [1014] therefore [3767] that men [435] pray [4336] every [1722] [3956] where [5117], lifting up [1869] holy [3741] hands [5495], without [5565] wrath [3709] and [2532] doubting [1261].
8 Finally [3063], brethren [80], whatsoever things [3745] are [2076] true [227], whatsoever things [3745] are honest [4586], whatsoever things [3745] are just [1342], whatsoever things [3745] are pure [53], whatsoever things [3745] are lovely [4375], whatsoever things [3745] are of good report [2163]; if there be any [1536] virtue [703], and [2532] if there be any [1536] praise [1868], think [3049] on these things [5023].
2 Unto Timothy [5095], my own [1103] son [5043] in [1722] the faith [4102]: Grace [5485], mercy [1656], and peace [1515], from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962] and [2532] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] our [2257] Lord [2962].
8 Finally [3063], brethren [80], whatsoever things [3745] are [2076] true [227], whatsoever things [3745] are honest [4586], whatsoever things [3745] are just [1342], whatsoever things [3745] are pure [53], whatsoever things [3745] are lovely [4375], whatsoever things [3745] are of good report [2163]; if there be any [1536] virtue [703], and [2532] if there be any [1536] praise [1868], think [3049] on these things [5023].
2 A bishop [1985] then [3767] must [1163] be [1511] blameless [423], the husband [435] of one [3391] wife [1135], vigilant [3524], sober [4998], of good behaviour [2887], given to hospitality [5382], apt to teach [1317];
25 And [1161] every man [3956] that striveth for the mastery [75] is temperate [1467] in all things [3956]. [3303] Now [3767] they [1565] do it to [2443] obtain [2983] a corruptible [5349] crown [4735]; but [1161] we [2249] an incorruptible [862].
9 But [1161] if [1487] they [1467] cannot [3756] contain [1467], let them marry [1060]: for [1063] it is [2076] better [2909] to marry [1060] than [2228] to burn [4448].
6 And [1161] to [1722] knowledge [1108] temperance [1466]; and [1161] to [1722] temperance [1466] patience [5281]; and [1161] to [1722] patience [5281] godliness [2150];
23 Meekness [4236], temperance [1466]: against [2596] such [5108] there is [2076] no [3756] law [3551].
25 And [1161] as he [846] reasoned [1256] of [4012] righteousness [1343], temperance [2532] [1466], and [2532] judgment [2917] to come [3195] [1510], Felix [5344] trembled [1096] [1719], and answered [611], Go thy way [4198] for this time [3568]; when [1161] I have [2192] [3335] a convenient season [2540], I will call for [3333] thee [4571].
2 A bishop [1985] then [3767] must [1163] be [1511] blameless [423], the husband [435] of one [3391] wife [1135], vigilant [3524], sober [4998], of good behaviour [2887], given to hospitality [5382], apt to teach [1317];
2 A bishop [1985] then [3767] must [1163] be [1511] blameless [423], the husband [435] of one [3391] wife [1135], vigilant [3524], sober [4998], of good behaviour [2887], given to hospitality [5382], apt to teach [1317];