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Selected Verse: Titus 1:2 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Tit 1:2 Strong Concordance In [1909] hope [1680] of eternal [166] life [2222], which [3739] God [2316], that cannot lie [893], promised [1861] before [4253] the world [166] began [5550];
  King James In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
In hope of eternal life--connected with the whole preceding sentence. That whereon rests my aim as an apostle to promote the elect's faith and full knowledge of the truth, is, "the hope of eternal life" (Tit 2:13; Tit 3:7; Act 23:6; Act 24:15; Act 28:20).

that cannot lie-- (Rom 3:4; Rom 11:29; Heb 6:18).

promised before the world began--a contracted expression for "purposed before the world began (literally, 'before the ages of time'), and promised actually in time," the promise springing from the eternal purpose; as in Ti2 1:9, the gift of grace was the result of the eternal purpose "before the world began."
9 Who [3588] hath saved [4982] us [2248], and [2532] called [2564] us with an holy [40] calling [2821], not [3756] according to [2596] our [2257] works [2041], but [235] according to [2596] his own [2398] purpose [4286] and [2532] grace [5485], which [3588] was given [1325] us [2254] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] before [4253] the world began [5550] [166],
18 That [2443] by [1223] two [1417] immutable [276] things [4229], in [1722] which [3739] it was impossible [102] for God [2316] to lie [5574], we might have [2192] a strong [2478] consolation [3874], who [3588] have fled for refuge [2703] to lay hold [2902] upon the hope [1680] set before us [4295]:
29 For [1063] the gifts [5486] and [2532] calling [2821] of God [2316] are without repentance [278].
4 God forbid [3361] [1096]: yea [1161], let [1096] God [2316] be [1096] true [227], but [1161] every [3956] man [444] a liar [5583]; as [2531] it is written [1125], That [3704] thou mightest [302] be justified [1344] in [1722] thy [4675] sayings [3056], and [2532] mightest overcome [3528] when [1722] thou [4571] art judged [2919].
20 For [1223] this [5026] cause [156] therefore [3767] have I called [3870] for you [5209], to see [1492] you, and [2532] to speak with [4354] you: because that [1752] for [1063] the hope [1680] of Israel [2474] I am bound with [4029] this [5026] chain [254].
15 And have [2192] hope [1680] toward [1519] God [2316], which [3739] they [3778] themselves [846] also [2532] allow [4327], that there shall be [3195] [1510] a resurrection [386] of the dead [3498], both [5037] of the just [1342] and [2532] unjust [94].
6 But [1161] when Paul [3972] perceived [1097] that [3754] the one [1520] part [3313] were [2076] Sadducees [4523], and [1161] the other [2087] Pharisees [5330], he cried out [2896] in [1722] the council [4892], Men [435] and brethren [80], I [1473] am [1510] a Pharisee [5330], the son [5207] of a Pharisee [5330]: of [4012] the hope [1680] and [2532] resurrection [386] of the dead [3498] I [1473] am called in question [2919].
7 That [2443] being justified by [1344] his [1565] grace [5485], we should be made [1096] heirs [2818] according to [2596] the hope [1680] of eternal [166] life [2222].
13 Looking for [4327] that blessed [3107] hope [1680], and [2532] the glorious [1391] appearing [2015] of the great [3173] God [2316] and [2532] our [2257] Saviour [4990] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547];
9 Who [3588] hath saved [4982] us [2248], and [2532] called [2564] us with an holy [40] calling [2821], not [3756] according to [2596] our [2257] works [2041], but [235] according to [2596] his own [2398] purpose [4286] and [2532] grace [5485], which [3588] was given [1325] us [2254] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] before [4253] the world began [5550] [166],
34 Then [5119] shall the King [935] say [2046] unto them on [1537] his [846] right hand [1188], Come [1205], ye blessed [2127] of my [3450] Father [3962], inherit [2816] the kingdom [932] prepared [2090] for you [5213] from [575] the foundation [2602] of the world [2889]:
13 For [1063] when God [2316] made promise [1861] to Abraham [11], because [1893] he could [2192] swear [3660] by [2596] no [3762] greater [3187], he sware [3660] by [2596] himself [1438],
10 But [1161] is [5319] now [3568] made manifest [5319] by [1223] the appearing [2015] of our [2257] Saviour [4990] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], who [3303] hath abolished [2673] death [2288], and [1161] hath brought [5461] life [2222] and [2532] immortality [861] to light [5461] through [1223] the gospel [2098]:
9 Who [3748] shall be punished [1349] [5099] with everlasting [166] destruction [3639] from [575] the presence [4383] of the Lord [2962], and [2532] from [575] the glory [1391] of his [846] power [2479];
9 Who [3588] hath saved [4982] us [2248], and [2532] called [2564] us with an holy [40] calling [2821], not [3756] according to [2596] our [2257] works [2041], but [235] according to [2596] his own [2398] purpose [4286] and [2532] grace [5485], which [3588] was given [1325] us [2254] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] before [4253] the world began [5550] [166],
4 God forbid [3361] [1096]: yea [1161], let [1096] God [2316] be [1096] true [227], but [1161] every [3956] man [444] a liar [5583]; as [2531] it is written [1125], That [3704] thou mightest [302] be justified [1344] in [1722] thy [4675] sayings [3056], and [2532] mightest overcome [3528] when [1722] thou [4571] art judged [2919].
18 That [2443] by [1223] two [1417] immutable [276] things [4229], in [1722] which [3739] it was impossible [102] for God [2316] to lie [5574], we might have [2192] a strong [2478] consolation [3874], who [3588] have fled for refuge [2703] to lay hold [2902] upon the hope [1680] set before us [4295]:
4 God forbid [3361] [1096]: yea [1161], let [1096] God [2316] be [1096] true [227], but [1161] every [3956] man [444] a liar [5583]; as [2531] it is written [1125], That [3704] thou mightest [302] be justified [1344] in [1722] thy [4675] sayings [3056], and [2532] mightest overcome [3528] when [1722] thou [4571] art judged [2919].
1 Paul [3972], a servant [1401] of God [2316], and [1161] an apostle [652] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], according to [2596] the faith [4102] of God's [2316] elect [1588], and [2532] the acknowledging [1922] of the truth [225] which [3588] is after [2596] godliness [2150];
26 Even the mystery [3466] which [3588] hath been hid [613] from [575] ages [165] and [2532] from [575] generations [1074], but [1161] now [3570] is made manifest [5319] to his [846] saints [40]:
25 Now [1161] to him that is of power [1410] to stablish [4741] you [5209] according [2596] to my [3450] gospel [2098], and [2532] the preaching [2782] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], according [2596] to the revelation [602] of the mystery [3466], which was kept secret [4601] since the world began [5550] [166],
9 Who [3588] hath saved [4982] us [2248], and [2532] called [2564] us with an holy [40] calling [2821], not [3756] according to [2596] our [2257] works [2041], but [235] according to [2596] his own [2398] purpose [4286] and [2532] grace [5485], which [3588] was given [1325] us [2254] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] before [4253] the world began [5550] [166],
10 But [1161] is [5319] now [3568] made manifest [5319] by [1223] the appearing [2015] of our [2257] Saviour [4990] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], who [3303] hath abolished [2673] death [2288], and [1161] hath brought [5461] life [2222] and [2532] immortality [861] to light [5461] through [1223] the gospel [2098]:
11 Whereunto [1519] [3739] I [1473] am appointed [5087] a preacher [2783], and [2532] an apostle [652], and [2532] a teacher [1320] of the Gentiles [1484].