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Selected Verse: 2 Timothy 2:26 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Ti 2:26 Strong Concordance And [2532] that they may recover themselves [366] out of [1537] the snare [3803] of the devil [1228], who are taken captive [2221] by [5259] him [846] at [1519] his [1565] will [2307].
  King James And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
recover themselves--Greek, "awake to soberness," namely from the spiritual intoxication whereby they have fallen into the snare of the devil.

the snare-- (Eph 6:11, "the wiles of the devil": Ti1 3:7; Ti1 6:9).

taken captive by him at his will--so as to follow the will of "THAT" (the Greek emphatically marks Satan thus) foe. However, different Greek pronouns stand for "him" and "his"; and the Greek for "taken captive" means not "captured for destruction," but "for being saved alive," as in Luk 5:10, "Thou shalt catch men to save them unto life"; also there is no article before the Greek participle, which the English Version "who are taken captive," would require. Therefore, translate, "That they may awake . . . taken as saved (and willing) captives by him (the servant of the Lord, Ti2 2:24), so as to follow the will of HIM (the Lord, Ti2 2:24, or "God," Ti2 2:25)." There are here two evils, the "snare" and sleep, from which they are delivered: and two goods to which they are translated, awaking and deliverance. Instead of Satan's thrall comes the free and willing captivity of obedience to Christ (Co2 10:5). It is God who goes before, giving repentance (Ti2 2:25); then the work of His servant following is sure to be crowned with success, leading the convert henceforth to "live to the will of God" (Act 22:14; Pe1 4:2).
2 That [1519] he [980] no longer [3371] should live [980] the rest [1954] of his time [5550] in [1722] the flesh [4561] to the lusts [1939] of men [444], but [235] to the will [2307] of God [2316].
14 And [1161] he said [2036], The God [2316] of our [2257] fathers [3962] hath chosen [4400] thee [4571], that thou shouldest know [1097] his [846] will [2307], and [2532] see [1492] that Just One [1342], and [2532] shouldest hear [191] the voice [5456] of [1537] his [846] mouth [4750].
25 In [1722] meekness [4236] instructing [3811] those that oppose themselves [475]; if [3379] God [2316] peradventure [3379] will give [1325] them [846] repentance [3341] to [1519] the acknowledging [1922] of the truth [225];
5 Casting down [2507] imaginations [3053], and [2532] every [3956] high thing [5313] that exalteth itself [1869] against [2596] the knowledge [1108] of God [2316], and [2532] bringing into captivity [163] every [3956] thought [3540] to [1519] the obedience [5218] of Christ [5547];
25 In [1722] meekness [4236] instructing [3811] those that oppose themselves [475]; if [3379] God [2316] peradventure [3379] will give [1325] them [846] repentance [3341] to [1519] the acknowledging [1922] of the truth [225];
24 And [1161] the servant [1401] of the Lord [2962] must [1163] not [3756] strive [3164]; but [235] be [1511] gentle [2261] unto [4314] all [3956] men, apt to teach [1317], patient [420],
24 And [1161] the servant [1401] of the Lord [2962] must [1163] not [3756] strive [3164]; but [235] be [1511] gentle [2261] unto [4314] all [3956] men, apt to teach [1317], patient [420],
10 And [1161] so [3668] was also [2532] James [2385], and [2532] John [2491], the sons [5207] of Zebedee [2199], which [3739] were [2258] partners [2844] with Simon [4613]. And [2532] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto [4314] Simon [4613], Fear [5399] not [3361]; from [575] henceforth [3568] thou shalt [2071] catch [2221] men [444].
9 But [1161] they that will [1014] be rich [4147] fall [1706] into [1519] temptation [3986] and [2532] a snare [3803], and [2532] into many [4183] foolish [453] and [2532] hurtful [983] lusts [1939], which [3748] drown [1036] men [444] in [1519] destruction [3639] and [2532] perdition [684].
7 Moreover [1161] [2532] he [846] must [1163] have [2192] a good [2570] report [3141] of [575] them which are without [1855]; lest [3363] he fall [1706] into [1519] reproach [3680] and [2532] the snare [3803] of the devil [1228].
11 Put on [1746] the whole armour [3833] of God [2316], that [4314] ye [5209] may be able [1410] to stand [2476] against [4314] the wiles [3180] of the devil [1228].
10 And [1161] so [3668] was also [2532] James [2385], and [2532] John [2491], the sons [5207] of Zebedee [2199], which [3739] were [2258] partners [2844] with Simon [4613]. And [2532] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto [4314] Simon [4613], Fear [5399] not [3361]; from [575] henceforth [3568] thou shalt [2071] catch [2221] men [444].
10 And [1161] so [3668] was also [2532] James [2385], and [2532] John [2491], the sons [5207] of Zebedee [2199], which [3739] were [2258] partners [2844] with Simon [4613]. And [2532] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto [4314] Simon [4613], Fear [5399] not [3361]; from [575] henceforth [3568] thou shalt [2071] catch [2221] men [444].
7 Moreover [1161] [2532] he [846] must [1163] have [2192] a good [2570] report [3141] of [575] them which are without [1855]; lest [3363] he fall [1706] into [1519] reproach [3680] and [2532] the snare [3803] of the devil [1228].
7 Our soul [05315] is escaped [04422] as a bird [06833] out of the snare [06341] of the fowlers [03369]: the snare [06341] is broken [07665], and we are escaped [04422].
34 Awake [1594] to righteousness [1346], and [2532] sin [264] not [3361]; for [1063] some [5100] have [2192] not the knowledge [56] of God [2316]: I speak [3004] this to [4314] your [5213] shame [1791].
6 Therefore [686] [3767] let us [2518] not [3361] sleep [2518], as [5613] [2532] do others [3062]; but [235] let us watch [1127] and [2532] be sober [3525].
26 And he spake [01696] unto the congregation [05712], saying [0559], Depart [05493], I pray you, from the tents [0168] of these wicked [07563] men [0582], and touch [05060] nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed [05595] in all their sins [02403].
5 And he spake [01696] unto Korah [07141] and unto all his company [05712], saying [0559], Even to morrow [01242] the LORD [03068] will shew [03045] who are his, and who is holy [06918]; and will cause him to come near [07126] unto him: even him whom he hath chosen [0977] will he cause to come near [07126] unto him.
15 Study [4704] to shew [3936] thyself [4572] approved [1384] unto God [2316], a workman [2040] that needeth not to be ashamed [422], rightly dividing [3718] the word [3056] of truth [225].
24 And [1161] the servant [1401] of the Lord [2962] must [1163] not [3756] strive [3164]; but [235] be [1511] gentle [2261] unto [4314] all [3956] men, apt to teach [1317], patient [420],