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Selected Verse: 2 Timothy 2:13 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Ti 2:13 Strong Concordance If [1487] we believe not [569], yet he [1565] abideth [3306] faithful [4103]: he cannot [3756] [1410] deny [720] himself [1438].
  King James If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
believe not--"If we are unbelievers (literally, 'unfaithful'), He remains faithful" (Deu 7:9-10). The oldest manuscripts read, "For He cannot (it is an impossibility that He should) deny Himself." He cannot be unfaithful to His word that He will deny those who deny Him, though we be not faithful to our profession of faith in Him (Rom 3:3). Three things are impossible to God, to die, to lie, and to be deceived [AUGUSTINE, The Creed, 1.1], (Heb 6:18). This impossibility is not one of infirmity, but of infinite power and majesty. Also, indirectly, comfort is suggested to believers, that He is faithful to His promises to them; at the same time that apostates are shaken out of their self-deceiving fancy, that because they change, Christ similarly may change. A warning to Timothy to be steadfast in the faith.
18 That [2443] by [1223] two [1417] immutable [276] things [4229], in [1722] which [3739] it was impossible [102] for God [2316] to lie [5574], we might have [2192] a strong [2478] consolation [3874], who [3588] have fled for refuge [2703] to lay hold [2902] upon the hope [1680] set before us [4295]:
3 For [1063] what [5101] if [1487] some [5100] did not believe [569]? [3361] shall [2673] their [846] unbelief [570] make [2673] the faith [4102] of God [2316] without effect [2673]?
9 Know [03045] therefore that the LORD [03068] thy God [0430], he is God [0430], the faithful [0539] God [0410], which keepeth [08104] covenant [01285] and mercy [02617] with them that love [0157] him and keep [08104] his commandments [04687] to a thousand [0505] generations [01755];
10 And repayeth [07999] them that hate [08130] him to their face [06440], to destroy [06] them: he will not be slack [0309] to him that hateth [08130] him, he will repay [07999] him to his face [06440].
3 For [1063] what [5101] if [1487] some [5100] did not believe [569]? [3361] shall [2673] their [846] unbelief [570] make [2673] the faith [4102] of God [2316] without effect [2673]?