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Selected Verse: 2 Thessalonians 2:2 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Th 2:2 Strong Concordance That [1519] ye [5209] be [4531] not [3361] soon [5030] shaken [4531] in [575] mind [3563], or [3383] be troubled [2360], neither [3383] by [1223] spirit [4151], nor [3383] by [1223] word [3056], nor [3383] by [1223] letter [1992] as [5613] from [1223] us [2257], as [5613] that [3754] the day [2250] of Christ [5547] is at hand [1764].
  King James That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
soon--on trifling grounds, without due consideration.

shaken--literally, "tossed" as ships tossed by an agitated sea. Compare for the same image, Eph 4:14.

in mind--rather as the Greek, "from your mind," that is, from your mental steadfastness on the subject.

troubled--This verb applies to emotional agitation; as "shaken" to intellectual.

by spirit--by a person professing to have the spirit of prophecy (Co1 12:8-10; Jo1 4:1-3). The Thessalonians had been warned (Th1 5:20-21) to "prove" such professed prophesyings, and to "hold fast (only) that which is good."

by word--of mouth (compare Th2 2:5, Th2 2:15); some word or saying alleged to be that of Paul, orally communicated. If oral tradition was liable to such perversion in the apostolic age (compare a similar instance, Joh 21:23), how much more in our age!

by letter as from us--purporting to be from us, whereas it is a forgery. Hence he gives a test by which to know his genuine letters (Th2 3:17).

day of Christ--The oldest manuscripts read, "day of the Lord."

is at hand--rather, "is immediately imminent," literally, "is present"; "is instantly coming." Christ and His apostles always taught that the day of the Lord's coming is at hand; and it is not likely that Paul would imply anything contrary here; what he denies is, that it is so immediately imminent, instant, or present, as to justify the neglect of everyday worldly duties. CHRYSOSTOM, and after him ALFORD, translates, "is (already) present" (compare Ti2 2:18), a kindred error. But in Ti2 3:1, the same Greek verb is translated "come." WAHL supports this view. The Greek is usually used of actual presence; but is quite susceptible of the translation, "is all but present."
1 This [5124] know [1097] also [1161], that [3754] in [1722] the last [2078] days [2250] perilous [5467] times [2540] shall come [1764].
18 Who [3748] concerning [4012] the truth [225] have erred [795], saying [3004] that the resurrection [386] is past [1096] already [2235]; and [2532] overthrow [396] the faith [4102] of some [5100].
17 The salutation [783] of Paul [3972] with mine own [1699] hand [5495], which [3739] is [2076] the token [4592] in [1722] every [3956] epistle [1992]: so [3779] I write [1125].
23 Then [3767] went [1831] this [3778] saying [3056] abroad [1831] among [1519] the brethren [80], that [3754] that [1565] disciple [3101] should [599] not [3756] die [599]: yet [2532] Jesus [2424] said [2036] not [3756] unto him [846], [3754] He shall [599] not [3756] die [599]; but [235], If [1437] I will [2309] that he [846] tarry [3306] till [2193] I come [2064], what [5101] is that to [4314] thee [4571]?
15 Therefore [686] [3767], brethren [80], stand fast [4739], and [2532] hold [2902] the traditions [3862] which [3739] ye have been taught [1321], whether [1535] by [1223] word [3056], or [1535] [1223] our [2257] epistle [1992].
5 Remember ye [3421] not [3756], that [3754], when I was [5607] yet [2089] with [4314] you [5209], I told [3004] you [5213] these things [5023]?
20 Despise [1848] not [3361] prophesyings [4394].
21 Prove [1381] all things [3956]; hold fast [2722] that which [3588] is good [2570].
1 Beloved [27], believe [4100] not [3361] every [3956] spirit [4151], but [235] try [1381] the spirits [4151] whether [1487] they are [2076] of [1537] God [2316]: because [3754] many [4183] false prophets [5578] are gone out [1831] into [1519] the world [2889].
2 Hereby [1722] [3739] [5129] know ye [1097] the Spirit [4151] of God [2316]: Every [3956] spirit [4151] that confesseth [3670] that Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] is come [2064] in [1722] the flesh [4561] is [2076] of [1537] God [2316]:
3 And [2532] every [3956] spirit [4151] that [3739] confesseth [3670] not [3361] that Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] is come [2064] in [1722] the flesh [4561] is [2076] not [3756] of [1537] God [2316]: and [2532] this [5124] is [2076] that spirit of antichrist [500], whereof [3739] ye have heard [191] that [3754] it should come [2064]; and even [2532] now [3568] already [2235] is it [2076] in [1722] the world [2889].
8 For [1063] to one [3739] [3303] is given [1325] by [1223] the Spirit [4151] the word [3056] of wisdom [4678]; [1161] to another [243] the word [3056] of knowledge [1108] by [2596] the same [846] Spirit [4151];
9 [1161] To another [2087] faith [4102] by [1722] the same [846] Spirit [4151]; [1161] to another [243] the gifts [5486] of healing [2386] by [1722] the same [846] Spirit [4151];
10 [1161] To another [243] the working [1755] of miracles [1411]; [1161] to another [243] prophecy [4394]; [1161] to another [243] discerning [1253] of spirits [4151]; [1161] to another [2087] divers kinds [1085] of tongues [1100]; [1161] to another [243] the interpretation [2058] of tongues [1100]:
14 That [2443] we henceforth be [5600] no more [3371] children [3516], tossed to and fro [2831], and [2532] carried about with [4064] every [3956] wind [417] of doctrine [1319], by [1722] the sleight [2940] of men [444], and cunning craftiness [1722] [3834], whereby [4314] they lie in wait [3180] to deceive [4106];
9 Which [3748] was a figure [3850] for [1519] the time [2540] then present [1764], in [2596] which [3739] were offered [4374] both [5037] gifts [1435] and [2532] sacrifices [2378], that could [1410] not [3361] make [5048] him that did the service [3000] perfect [5048], as pertaining to [2596] the conscience [4893];
4 Who [3588] gave [1325] himself [1438] for [5228] our [2257] sins [266], that [3704] he might deliver [1807] us [2248] from [1537] this present [1764] evil [4190] world [165], according [2596] to the will [2307] of God [2316] and [2532] our [2257] Father [3962]:
22 Whether [1535] Paul [3972], or [1535] Apollos [625], or [1535] Cephas [2786], or [1535] the world [2889], or [1535] life [2222], or [1535] death [2288], or [1535] things present [1764], or [1535] things to come [3195]; all [3956] are [2076] yours [5216];
38 For [1063] I am persuaded [3982], that [3754] neither [3777] death [2288], nor [3777] life [2222], nor [3777] angels [32], nor [3777] principalities [746], nor [3777] powers [1411], nor [3777] things present [1764], nor [3777] things to come [3195],
2 For [1063] yourselves [846] know [1492] perfectly [199] that [3754] the day [2250] of the Lord [2962] so [3779] cometh [2064] as [5613] a thief [2812] in [1722] the night [3571].
3 For [1063] when [3752] they shall say [3004], Peace [1515] and [2532] safety [803]; then [5119] sudden [160] destruction [3639] cometh upon [2186] them [846], as [5618] travail [5604] upon [1722] a woman with child [1064] [2192]; and [2532] they shall [1628] not [3364] escape [1628].
4 But [1161] ye [5210], brethren [80], are [2075] not [3756] in [1722] darkness [4655], that [2443] that day [2250] should overtake [2638] you [5209] as [5613] a thief [2812].
15 For [1063] this [5124] we say [3004] unto you [5213] by [1722] the word [3056] of the Lord [2962], that [3754] we [2249] which [3588] are alive [2198] and remain [4035] unto [1519] the coming [3952] of the Lord [2962] shall [5348] not [3364] prevent [5348] them which [3588] are asleep [2837].
19 I [1473] Paul [3972] have written [1125] it with mine own [1699] hand [5495], I [1473] will repay [661] it: albeit [3363] I do [3004] not [3363] say [3004] to thee [4671] how [3754] thou owest [4359] unto me [3427] even [2532] thine own self [4572] besides [4359].
11 Ye see [1492] how large [4080] a letter [1121] I have written [1125] unto you [5213] with mine own [1699] hand [5495].
17 The salutation [783] of Paul [3972] with mine own [1699] hand [5495], which [3739] is [2076] the token [4592] in [1722] every [3956] epistle [1992]: so [3779] I write [1125].
1 Paul [3972], and [2532] Silvanus [4610], and [2532] Timotheus [5095], unto the church [1577] of the Thessalonians [2331] in [1722] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962] and [2532] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547]:
1 Paul [3972], and [2532] Silvanus [4610], and [2532] Timotheus [5095], unto the church [1577] of the Thessalonians [2331] which is in [1722] God [2316] the Father [3962] and [2532] in the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547]: Grace [5485] be unto you [5213], and [2532] peace [1515], from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962], and [2532] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
5 Remember ye [3421] not [3756], that [3754], when I was [5607] yet [2089] with [4314] you [5209], I told [3004] you [5213] these things [5023]?
1 In those days [03117] was Hezekiah [02396] sick [02470] unto death [04191]. And Isaiah [03470] the prophet [05030] the son [01121] of Amoz [0531] came [0935] unto him, and said [0559] unto him, Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], Set thine house [01004] in order [06680]: for thou shalt die [04191], and not live [02421].
2 Then Hezekiah [02396] turned [05437] his face [06440] toward the wall [07023], and prayed [06419] unto the LORD [03068],
21 To go [0935] into the clefts [05366] of the rocks [06697], and into the tops [05585] of the ragged rocks [05553], for [06440] fear [06343] of the LORD [03068], and for the glory [01926] of his majesty [01347], when he ariseth [06965] to shake terribly [06206] the earth [0776].
22 Cease [02308] ye from man [0120], whose breath [05397] is in his nostrils [0639]: for wherein is he to be accounted of [02803]?
30 Then [5119] shall they begin [756] to say [3004] to the mountains [3735], Fall [4098] on [1909] us [2248]; and [2532] to the hills [1015], Cover [2572] us [2248].
7 Behold [2400], he cometh [2064] with [3326] clouds [3507]; and [2532] every [3956] eye [3788] shall see [3700] him [846], and [2532] they also which [3748] pierced [1574] him [846]: and [2532] all [3956] kindreds [5443] of the earth [1093] shall wail [2875] because [1909] of him [846]. Even so [3483], Amen [281].
30 And [2532] then [5119] shall appear [5316] the sign [4592] of the Son [5207] of man [444] in [1722] heaven [3772]: and [2532] then [5119] shall [2875] all [3956] the tribes [5443] of the earth [1093] mourn [2875], and [2532] they shall see [3700] the Son [5207] of man [444] coming [2064] in [1909] the clouds [3507] of heaven [3772] with [3326] power [1411] and [2532] great [4183] glory [1391].
26 Whose [3739] voice [5456] then [5119] shook [4531] the earth [1093]: but [1161] now [3568] he hath promised [1861], saying [3004], Yet [2089] once more [530] I [1473] shake [4579] not [3756] the earth [1093] only [3440], but [235] also [2532] heaven [3772].
31 And [2532] when they [846] had prayed [1189], the place [5117] was shaken [4531] where [1722] [3739] they were [2258] assembled together [4863]; and [2532] they were [4130] all [537] filled [4130] with the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], and [2532] they spake [2980] the word [3056] of God [2316] with [3326] boldness [3954].
38 Give [1325], and [2532] it shall be given [1325] unto you [5213]; good [2570] measure [3358], pressed down [4085], and [2532] shaken together [4531], and [2532] running over [5240], shall men give [1325] into [1519] your [5216] bosom [2859]. For [1063] with the same [846] measure [3358] that [3739] ye mete withal [3354] it shall be measured [488] to you [5213] again [488].
29 Immediately [1161] [2112] after [3326] the tribulation [2347] of those [1565] days [2250] shall the sun [2246] be darkened [4654], and [2532] the moon [4582] shall [1325] not [3756] give [1325] her [846] light [5338], and [2532] the stars [792] shall fall [4098] from [575] heaven [3772], and [2532] the powers [1411] of the heavens [3772] shall be shaken [4531]:
7 And [1161] as [5130] they departed [4198], Jesus [2424] began [756] to say [3004] unto the multitudes [3793] concerning [4012] John [2491], What [5101] went ye [1831] out into [1519] the wilderness [2048] to see [2300]? A reed [2563] shaken [4531] with [5259] the wind [417]?
12 For the day [03117] of the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] shall be upon every one that is proud [01343] and lofty [07311], and upon every one that is lifted up [05375]; and he shall be brought low [08213]:
23 But [1161] I see [991] another [2087] law [3551] in [1722] my [3450] members [3196], warring against [497] the law [3551] of my [3450] mind [3563], and [2532] bringing [163] me [3165] into captivity [163] to the law [3551] of sin [266] which [3588] is [5607] in [1722] my [3450] members [3196].
15 What [5101] is it [2076] then [3767]? I will pray [4336] with the spirit [4151], and [1161] I will pray [4336] with the understanding [3563] also [2532]: I will sing [5567] with the spirit [4151], and [1161] I will sing [5567] with the understanding [3563] also [2532].
26 Whose [3739] voice [5456] then [5119] shook [4531] the earth [1093]: but [1161] now [3568] he hath promised [1861], saying [3004], Yet [2089] once more [530] I [1473] shake [4579] not [3756] the earth [1093] only [3440], but [235] also [2532] heaven [3772].
31 And [2532] when they [846] had prayed [1189], the place [5117] was shaken [4531] where [1722] [3739] they were [2258] assembled together [4863]; and [2532] they were [4130] all [537] filled [4130] with the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], and [2532] they spake [2980] the word [3056] of God [2316] with [3326] boldness [3954].
29 Immediately [1161] [2112] after [3326] the tribulation [2347] of those [1565] days [2250] shall the sun [2246] be darkened [4654], and [2532] the moon [4582] shall [1325] not [3756] give [1325] her [846] light [5338], and [2532] the stars [792] shall fall [4098] from [575] heaven [3772], and [2532] the powers [1411] of the heavens [3772] shall be shaken [4531]:
7 And [1161] as [5130] they departed [4198], Jesus [2424] began [756] to say [3004] unto the multitudes [3793] concerning [4012] John [2491], What [5101] went ye [1831] out into [1519] the wilderness [2048] to see [2300]? A reed [2563] shaken [4531] with [5259] the wind [417]?
25 And [2532] there shall be [2071] signs [4592] in [1722] the sun [2246], and [2532] in the moon [4582], and [2532] in the stars [798]; and [2532] upon [1909] the earth [1093] distress [4928] of nations [1484], with [1722] perplexity [640]; the sea [2281] and [2532] the waves [4535] roaring [2278];