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Selected Verse: 1 Thessalonians 1:1 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Th 1:1 Strong Concordance Paul [3972], and [2532] Silvanus [4610], and [2532] Timotheus [5095], unto the church [1577] of the Thessalonians [2331] which is in [1722] God [2316] the Father [3962] and [2532] in the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547]: Grace [5485] be unto you [5213], and [2532] peace [1515], from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962], and [2532] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
  King James Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

Paul--He does not add "an apostle," because in their case, as in that of the Philippians (see on Phi 1:1), his apostolic authority needs not any substantiation. He writes familiarly as to faithful friends, not but that his apostleship was recognized among them (Th1 2:6). On the other hand, in writing to the Galatians, among whom some had called in question his apostleship, he strongly asserts it in the superscription. An undesigned propriety in the Epistles, evincing genuineness.

Silvanus--a "chief man among the brethren" (Act 15:22), and a "prophet" (Act 15:32), and one of the deputies who carried the decree of the Jerusalem council to Antioch. His age and position cause him to be placed before "Timothy," then a youth (Act 16:1; Ti1 4:12). Silvanus (the Gentile expanded form of "Silas") is called in Pe1 5:12, "a faithful brother" (compare Co2 1:19). They both aided in planting the Thessalonian Church, and are therefore included in the address. This, the first of Paul's Epistles, as being written before various evils crept into the churches, is without the censures found in other Epistles. So realizing was their Christian faith, that they were able hourly to look for the Lord Jesus.

unto the church--not merely as in the Epistles to Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, "to the saints," or "the faithful at Thessalonica." Though as yet they do not seem to have had the final Church organization under permanent "bishops" and deacons, which appears in the later Epistles (See on Phi 1:1; 1 and 2 Timothy). Yet he designates them by the honorable term "Church," implying their status as not merely isolated believers, but a corporate body with spiritual rulers (Th1 5:12; Co2 1:1; Gal 1:2).

in--implying vital union.

God the Father--This marks that they were no longer heathen.

the Lord Jesus Christ--This marks that they were not Jews, but Christians.

Grace be unto you, and peace--that ye may have in God that favor and peace which men withhold [ANSELM]. This is the salutation in all the Epistles of Paul, except the three pastoral ones, which have "grace, mercy, and peace." Some of the oldest manuscripts support, others omit the clause following, "from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." It may have crept in from Co1 1:3; Co2 1:2.
2 Grace [5485] be to you [5213] and [2532] peace [1515] from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962], and [2532] from the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
3 Grace [5485] be unto you [5213], and [2532] peace [1515], from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962], and [2532] from the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
2 And [2532] all [3956] the brethren [80] which are with [4862] me [1698], unto the churches [1577] of Galatia [1053]:
1 Paul [3972], an apostle [652] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] by [1223] the will [2307] of God [2316], and [2532] Timothy [5095] our brother [80], unto the church [1577] of God [2316] which [3588] is [5607] at [1722] Corinth [2882], with [4862] all [3956] the saints [40] which [3588] are [5607] in [1722] all [3650] Achaia [882]:
12 And [1161] we beseech [2065] you [5209], brethren [80], to know [1492] them which [3588] labour [2872] among [1722] you [5213], and [2532] are over [4291] you [5216] in [1722] the Lord [2962], and [2532] admonish [3560] you [5209];
1 Paul [3972] and [2532] Timotheus [5095], the servants [1401] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], to all [3956] the saints [40] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] which are [5607] at [1722] Philippi [5375], with [4862] the bishops [1985] and [2532] deacons [1249]:
19 For [1063] the Son [5207] of God [2316], Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], who [3588] was preached [2784] among [1722] you [5213] by [1223] us [2257], even by [1223] me [1700] and [2532] Silvanus [4610] and [2532] Timotheus [5095], was [1096] not [3756] yea [3483] and [2532] nay [3756], but [235] in [1722] him [846] was [1096] yea [3483].
12 By [1223] Silvanus [4610], a faithful [4103] brother [80] unto you [5213], as [5613] I suppose [3049], I have written [1125] briefly [1223] [3641], exhorting [3870], and [2532] testifying [1957] that this [5026] is [1511] the true [227] grace [5485] of God [2316] wherein [1519] [3739] ye stand [2476].
12 Let [2706] no man [3367] despise [2706] thy [4675] youth [3503]; but [235] be thou [1096] an example [5179] of the believers [4103], in [1722] word [3056], in [1722] conversation [391], in [1722] charity [26], in [1722] spirit [4151], in [1722] faith [4102], in [1722] purity [47].
1 Then [1161] came he [2658] to [1519] Derbe [1191] and [2532] Lystra [3082]: and [2532], behold [2400], a certain [5100] disciple [3101] was [2258] there [1563], named [3686] Timotheus [5095], the son [5207] of a certain [5100] woman [1135], which was a Jewess [2453], and believed [4103]; but [1161] his father [3962] was a Greek [1672]:
32 And Judas [2455] and [2532] Silas [4609], being [5607] prophets [4396] also [2532] themselves [846], exhorted [3870] the brethren [80] with [1223] many [4183] words [3056], and [2532] confirmed [1991] them.
22 Then [5119] pleased it [1380] the apostles [652] and [2532] elders [4245], with [4862] the whole [3650] church [1577], to send [3992] chosen [1586] men [435] of [1537] their own company [846] to [1519] Antioch [490] with [4862] Paul [3972] and [2532] Barnabas [921]; namely, Judas [2455] surnamed [1941] Barsabas [923], and [2532] Silas [4609], chief [2233] men [435] among [1722] the brethren [80]:
6 Nor [3777] of [1537] men [444] sought [2212] we glory [1391], neither [3777] of [575] you [5216], nor [3777] yet of [575] others [243], when we might [1410] have been [1511] burdensome [1722] [922], as [5613] the apostles [652] of Christ [5547].
1 Paul [3972] and [2532] Timotheus [5095], the servants [1401] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], to all [3956] the saints [40] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] which are [5607] at [1722] Philippi [5375], with [4862] the bishops [1985] and [2532] deacons [1249]:
1 Paul [3972], and [2532] Silvanus [4610], and [2532] Timotheus [5095], unto the church [1577] of the Thessalonians [2331] which is in [1722] God [2316] the Father [3962] and [2532] in the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547]: Grace [5485] be unto you [5213], and [2532] peace [1515], from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962], and [2532] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
2 We give thanks [2168] to God [2316] always [3842] for [4012] you [5216] all [3956], making [4160] mention [3417] of you [5216] in [1909] our [2257] prayers [4335];
3 Remembering [3421] without ceasing [89] your [5216] work [2041] of faith [4102], and [2532] labour [2873] of love [26], and [2532] patience [5281] of hope [1680] in our [2257] Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], in the sight [1715] of God [2316] and [2532] our [2257] Father [3962];
4 Knowing [1492], brethren [80] beloved [25], your [5216] election [1589] of [5259] God [2316].
5 For [3754] our [2257] gospel [2098] came [1096] not [3756] unto [1519] you [5209] in [1722] word [3056] only [3440], but [235] also [2532] in [1722] power [1411], and [2532] in [1722] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], and [2532] in [1722] much [4183] assurance [4136]; as [2531] ye know [1492] what manner of men [3634] we were [1096] among [1722] you [5213] for [1223] your [5209] sake.
6 And [2532] ye [5210] became [1096] followers [3402] of us [2257], and [2532] of the Lord [2962], having received [1209] the word [3056] in [1722] much [4183] affliction [2347], with [3326] joy [5479] of the Holy [40] Ghost [4151]:
7 So [5620] that ye [5209] were [1096] ensamples [5179] to all [3956] that believe [4100] in [1722] Macedonia [3109] and [2532] Achaia [882].
8 For [1063] from [575] you [5216] sounded out [1837] the word [3056] of the Lord [2962] not [3756] only [3440] in [1722] Macedonia [3109] and [2532] Achaia [882], but [235] also [2532] in [1722] every [3956] place [5117] your [5216] faith [4102] to [4314] God-ward [2316] is spread abroad [1831]; so [5620] that we [2248] need [5532] not [3361] [2192] to speak [2980] any thing [5100].
9 For [1063] they [518] themselves [846] shew [518] of [4012] us [2257] what manner [3697] of entering in [1529] we had [2192] [2192] unto [4314] you [5209], and [2532] how [4459] ye turned [1994] to [4314] God [2316] from [575] idols [1497] to serve [1398] the living [2198] and [2532] true [228] God [2316];
10 And [2532] to wait for [362] his [846] Son [5207] from [1537] heaven [3772], whom [3739] he raised [1453] from [1537] the dead [3498], even Jesus [2424], which [3588] delivered [4506] us [2248] from [575] the wrath [3709] to come [2064].
7 To all [3956] that be [5607] in [1722] Rome [4516], beloved [27] of God [2316], called [2822] to be saints [40]: Grace [5485] to you [5213] and [2532] peace [1515] from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962], and [2532] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
20 And [1161] we know [1492] that [3754] the Son [5207] of God [2316] is come [2240], and [2532] hath given [1325] us [2254] an understanding [1271], that [2443] we may know [1097] him that is true [228], and [2532] we are [2070] in [1722] him that is true [228], even in [1722] his [846] Son [5207] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547]. This [3778] is [2076] the true [228] God [2316], and [2532] eternal [166] life [2222].
22 Then [5119] pleased it [1380] the apostles [652] and [2532] elders [4245], with [4862] the whole [3650] church [1577], to send [3992] chosen [1586] men [435] of [1537] their own company [846] to [1519] Antioch [490] with [4862] Paul [3972] and [2532] Barnabas [921]; namely, Judas [2455] surnamed [1941] Barsabas [923], and [2532] Silas [4609], chief [2233] men [435] among [1722] the brethren [80]:
1 For [1063] yourselves [846], brethren [80], know [1492] our [2257] entrance in [1529] unto [4314] you [5209], that [3754] it was [1096] not [3756] in vain [2756]:
2 But [235] even [2532] after that we had suffered before [4310], and [2532] were shamefully entreated [5195], as [2531] ye know [1492], at [1722] Philippi [5375], we were bold [3955] in [1722] our [2257] God [2316] to speak [2980] unto [4314] you [5209] the gospel [2098] of God [2316] with [1722] much [4183] contention [73].
1 But [1161] I determined [2919] this [5124] with myself [1683], that I would [2064] not [3361] come [2064] again [3825] to [4314] you [5209] in [1722] heaviness [3077].
1 Paul [3972], called [2822] to be an apostle [652] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] through [1223] the will [2307] of God [2316], and [2532] Sosthenes [4988] our brother [80],
3 Grace [5485] be unto you [5213], and [2532] peace [1515], from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962], and [2532] from the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
33 For [1063] God [2316] is [2076] not [3756] the author of confusion [181], but [235] of peace [1515], as [5613] in [1722] all [3956] churches [1577] of the saints [40].
9 For [1063] I [1473] am [1510] the least [1646] of the apostles [652], that [3739] am [1510] not [3756] meet [2425] to be called [2564] an apostle [652], because [1360] I persecuted [1377] the church [1577] of God [2316].
22 What [1063]? have ye [2192] not [3378] houses [3614] to eat [2068] and [2532] to drink [4095] in [1519]? or [2228] despise ye [2706] the church [1577] of God [2316], and [2532] shame [2617] them that have [2192] not [3361]? What [5101] shall I say [2036] to you [5213]? shall I praise [1867] you [5209] in [1722] this [5129]? I praise [1867] you not [3756].
16 But [1161] if any man [1536] seem [1380] to be [1511] contentious [5380], we [2249] have [2192] no [3756] such [5108] custom [4914], neither [3761] the churches [1577] of God [2316].
32 Give [1096] none offence [677], neither [2532] to the Jews [2453], nor [2532] to the Gentiles [1672], nor [2532] to the church [1577] of God [2316]:
1 Paul [3972], and [2532] Silvanus [4610], and [2532] Timotheus [5095], unto the church [1577] of the Thessalonians [2331] in [1722] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962] and [2532] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547]:
5 Likewise [2532] greet the church [1577] that is in [2596] their [846] house [3624]. Salute [782] my [3450] wellbeloved [27] Epaenetus [1866], who [3739] is [2076] the firstfruits [536] of Achaia [882] unto [1519] Christ [5547].
1 Paul [3972], and [2532] Silvanus [4610], and [2532] Timotheus [5095], unto the church [1577] of the Thessalonians [2331] in [1722] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962] and [2532] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547]:
1 Paul [3972], and [2532] Silvanus [4610], and [2532] Timotheus [5095], unto the church [1577] of the Thessalonians [2331] which is in [1722] God [2316] the Father [3962] and [2532] in the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547]: Grace [5485] be unto you [5213], and [2532] peace [1515], from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962], and [2532] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
22 And [1161] was [2252] unknown [50] by face [4383] unto the churches [1577] of Judaea [2449] which [3588] were in [1722] Christ [5547]:
38 This [3778] is he [2076], that was [1096] in [1722] the church [1577] in [1722] the wilderness [2048] with [3326] the angel [32] which [3588] spake [2980] to him [846] in [1722] the mount [3735] Sina [4614], and [2532] with our [2257] fathers [3962]: who [3739] received [1209] the lively [2198] oracles [3051] to give [1325] unto us [2254]:
22 These words [01697] the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto all your assembly [06951] in the mount [02022] out of the midst [08432] of the fire [0784], of the cloud [06051], and of the thick darkness [06205], with a great [01419] voice [06963]: and he added no more [03254]. And he wrote [03789] them in two [08147] tables [03871] of stone [068], and delivered [05414] them unto me.
13 And if the whole congregation [05712] of Israel [03478] sin through ignorance [07686], and the thing [01697] be hid [05956] from the eyes [05869] of the assembly [06951], and they have done [06213] somewhat against any [0259] of the commandments [04687] of the LORD [03068] concerning things which should not be done [06213], and are guilty [0816];
25 Not [3361] forsaking [1459] the assembling [1997] of ourselves [1438] together [1997], as [2531] the manner [1485] of some [5100] is; but [235] exhorting [3870] one another: and [2532] so much [5118] the more [3123], as [3745] ye see [991] the day [2250] approaching [1448].
1 Now [1161] we beseech [2065] you [5209], brethren [80], by [5228] the coming [3952] of our [2257] Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], and [2532] by our [2257] gathering together [1997] unto [1909] him [846],
2 For [1063] if [1437] there come [1525] unto [1519] your [5216] assembly [4864] a man [435] with a gold ring [5554], in [1722] goodly [2986] apparel [2066], and [1161] there come in [1525] also [2532] a poor man [4434] in [1722] vile [4508] raiment [2066];
1 Now [1161] when they had passed through [1353] Amphipolis [295] and [2532] Apollonia [624], they came [2064] to [1519] Thessalonica [2332], where [3699] was [2258] a synagogue [4864] of the Jews [2453]:
1 And [1161] it came to pass [1096] in [1722] Iconium [2430], that they [846] went [1525] both [2596] together [846] into [1519] the synagogue [4864] of the Jews [2453], and [2532] so [3779] spake [2980], that [5620] a great [4183] multitude [4128] both [5037] of the Jews [2453] and also [2532] of the Greeks [1672] believed [4100].
5 Then [1161] Philip [5376] went down [2718] to [1519] the city [4172] of Samaria [4540], and preached [2784] Christ [5547] unto them [846].
13 And if the whole congregation [05712] of Israel [03478] sin through ignorance [07686], and the thing [01697] be hid [05956] from the eyes [05869] of the assembly [06951], and they have done [06213] somewhat against any [0259] of the commandments [04687] of the LORD [03068] concerning things which should not be done [06213], and are guilty [0816];
47 All the congregation [05712] of Israel [03478] shall keep [06213] it.
19 Seven [07651] days [03117] shall there be no leaven [07603] found [04672] in your houses [01004]: for whosoever eateth [0398] that which is leavened [02556], even that soul [05315] shall be cut off [03772] from the congregation [05712] of Israel [03478], whether he be a stranger [01616], or born [0249] in the land [0776].
6 And ye shall keep [04931] it up until the fourteenth [0702] [06240] day [03117] of the same month [02320]: and the whole [03605] assembly [06951] of the congregation [05712] of Israel [03478] shall kill [07819] it in [0996] the evening [06153].
17 And all the congregation [06951] of them that were come again [07725] out of the captivity [07628] made [06213] booths [05521], and sat [03427] under the booths [05521]: for since the days [03117] of Jeshua [03442] the son [01121] of Nun [05126] unto that day [03117] had not the children [01121] of Israel [03478] done so [06213]. And there was very [03966] great [01419] gladness [08057].
3 And all the congregation [06951] made [03772] a covenant [01285] with the king [04428] in the house [01004] of God [0430]. And he said [0559] unto them, Behold, the king's [04428] son [01121] shall reign [04427], as the LORD [03068] hath said [01696] of the sons [01121] of David [01732].
5 Moreover the brasen [05178] altar [04196], that Bezaleel [01212] the son [01121] of Uri [0221], the son [01121] of Hur [02354], had made [06213], he put [07760] before [06440] the tabernacle [04908] of the LORD [03068]: and Solomon [08010] and the congregation [06951] sought [01875] unto it.
3 So Solomon [08010], and all the congregation [06951] with him, went [03212] to the high place [01116] that was at Gibeon [01391]; for there was the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150] of God [0430], which Moses [04872] the servant [05650] of the LORD [03068] had made [06213] in the wilderness [04057].
16 According to all that thou desiredst [07592] of the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] in Horeb [02722] in the day [03117] of the assembly [06951], saying [0559], Let me not hear [08085] again [03254] the voice [06963] of the LORD [03068] my God [0430], neither let me see [07200] this great [01419] fire [0784] any more, that I die [04191] not.
10 Specially the day [03117] that thou stoodest [05975] before [06440] the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] in Horeb [02722], when the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Gather [06950] me the people [05971] together [06950], and I will make them hear [08085] my words [01697], that they may learn [03925] to fear [03372] me all the days [03117] that they shall live [02416] upon the earth [0127], and that they may teach [03925] their children [01121].
65 And at that time [06256] Solomon [08010] held [06213] a feast [02282], and all Israel [03478] with him, a great [01419] congregation [06951], from the entering [0935] in of Hamath [02574] unto the river [05158] of Egypt [04714], before [06440] the LORD [03068] our God [0430], seven [07651] days [03117] and seven [07651] days [03117], even fourteen [0702] [06240] days [03117].
39 But [1161] if [1487] ye enquire [1934] any thing [5100] concerning [4012] other matters [2087], it shall be determined [1956] in [1722] a lawful [1772] assembly [1577].
2 To the saints [40] and [2532] faithful [4103] brethren [80] in [1722] Christ [5547] which are at [1722] Colosse [2857]: Grace [5485] be unto you [5213], and [2532] peace [1515], from [575] God [2316] our [2257] Father [3962] and [2532] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
1 Paul [3972] and [2532] Timotheus [5095], the servants [1401] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], to all [3956] the saints [40] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] which are [5607] at [1722] Philippi [5375], with [4862] the bishops [1985] and [2532] deacons [1249]:
2 And [2532] all [3956] the brethren [80] which are with [4862] me [1698], unto the churches [1577] of Galatia [1053]:
1 Paul [3972], an apostle [652] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] by [1223] the will [2307] of God [2316], and [2532] Timothy [5095] our brother [80], unto the church [1577] of God [2316] which [3588] is [5607] at [1722] Corinth [2882], with [4862] all [3956] the saints [40] which [3588] are [5607] in [1722] all [3650] Achaia [882]:
22 For [2532] [1894] the Jews [2453] require [154] a sign [4592], and [2532] the Greeks [1672] seek [2212] after wisdom [4678]:
10 Now [1161] if [1437] Timotheus [5095] come [2064], see [991] that [2443] he may be [1096] with [4314] you [5209] without fear [870]: for [1063] he worketh [2038] the work [2041] of the Lord [2962], as [5613] I [1473] also [2532] do.
17 For [1223] this [5124] cause [1223] have I sent [3992] unto you [5213] Timotheus [5095], who [3739] is [2076] my [3450] beloved [27] son [5043], and [2532] faithful [4103] in [1722] the Lord [2962], who [3739] shall bring [363] you [5209] into remembrance [363] of my [3450] ways [3598] which [3588] be in [1722] Christ [5547], as [2531] I teach [1321] every where [3837] in [1722] every [3956] church [1577].
17 For [1223] this [5124] cause [1223] have I sent [3992] unto you [5213] Timotheus [5095], who [3739] is [2076] my [3450] beloved [27] son [5043], and [2532] faithful [4103] in [1722] the Lord [2962], who [3739] shall bring [363] you [5209] into remembrance [363] of my [3450] ways [3598] which [3588] be in [1722] Christ [5547], as [2531] I teach [1321] every where [3837] in [1722] every [3956] church [1577].
22 So [1161] he sent [649] into [1519] Macedonia [3109] two [1417] of them that ministered [1247] unto him [846], Timotheus [5095] and [2532] Erastus [2037]; but he himself [846] stayed [1907] in [1519] Asia [773] for a season [5550].
2 And [2532] sent [3992] Timotheus [5095], our [2257] brother [80], and [2532] minister [1249] of God [2316], and [2532] our [2257] fellowlabourer [4904] in [1722] the gospel [2098] of Christ [5547], to [1519] establish [4741] you [5209], and [2532] to comfort [3870] you [5209] concerning [4012] your [5216] faith [4102]:
19 But [1161] I trust [1679] in [1722] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] to send [3992] Timotheus [5095] shortly [5030] unto you [5213], that [2443] I also [2504] may be of good comfort [2174], when I know [1097] your [5216] state [4012].
20 For [1063] I have [2192] no man [3762] likeminded [2473], who [3748] will naturally [1104] care [3309] for your [5216] state [4012].
21 For [1063] all [3956] seek [2212] their own [1438], not [3756] the things which are [3588] Jesus [2424] Christ's [5547].
22 But [1161] ye know [1097] the proof [1382] of him [846], that [3754], as [5613] a son [5043] with the father [3962], he hath served [1398] with [4862] me [1698] in [1519] the gospel [2098].
2 To Timothy [5095], my dearly beloved [27] son [5043]: Grace [5485], mercy [1656], and peace [1515], from [575] God [2316] the Father [3962] and [2532] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] our [2257] Lord [2962].
18 This [5026] charge [3852] I commit [3908] unto thee [4671], son [5043] Timothy [5095], according to [2596] the prophecies [4394] which went before [4254] on [1909] thee [4571], that [2443] thou [4754] by [1722] them [846] mightest war [4754] a good [2570] warfare [4752];
1 Paul [3972] and [2532] Timotheus [5095], the servants [1401] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], to all [3956] the saints [40] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424] which are [5607] at [1722] Philippi [5375], with [4862] the bishops [1985] and [2532] deacons [1249]:
1 Paul [3972], a prisoner [1198] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], and [2532] Timothy [5095] our brother [80], unto Philemon [5371] our [2257] dearly beloved [27], and [2532] fellowlabourer [4904],
2 And [2532] sent [3992] Timotheus [5095], our [2257] brother [80], and [2532] minister [1249] of God [2316], and [2532] our [2257] fellowlabourer [4904] in [1722] the gospel [2098] of Christ [5547], to [1519] establish [4741] you [5209], and [2532] to comfort [3870] you [5209] concerning [4012] your [5216] faith [4102]:
1 Paul [3972], an apostle [652] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] by [1223] the will [2307] of God [2316], and [2532] Timotheus [5095] our brother [80],
1 Paul [3972], an apostle [652] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] by [1223] the will [2307] of God [2316], and [2532] Timothy [5095] our brother [80], unto the church [1577] of God [2316] which [3588] is [5607] at [1722] Corinth [2882], with [4862] all [3956] the saints [40] which [3588] are [5607] in [1722] all [3650] Achaia [882]:
3 Him [5126] would [2309] Paul [3972] have to go forth [1831] with [4862] him [846]; and [2532] took [2983] and circumcised [4059] him [846] because [1223] of the Jews [2453] which [3588] were [5607] in [1722] those [1565] quarters [5117]: for [1063] they knew [1492] all [537] that [3754] his [846] father [3962] was [5225] a Greek [1672].
11 Persecutions [1375], afflictions [3804], which [3634] came [1096] unto me [3427] at [1722] Antioch [490], at [1722] Iconium [2430], at [1722] Lystra [3082]; what [3634] persecutions [1375] I endured [5297]: but [2532] out of [1537] them all [3956] the Lord [2962] delivered [4506] me [3165].
10 But [1161] thou [4771] hast fully known [3877] my [3450] doctrine [1319], manner of life [72], purpose [4286], faith [4102], longsuffering [3115], charity [26], patience [5281],
2 Which [3739] was well reported [3140] of by [5259] the brethren [80] that were at [1722] Lystra [3082] and [2532] Iconium [2430].
1 Then [1161] came he [2658] to [1519] Derbe [1191] and [2532] Lystra [3082]: and [2532], behold [2400], a certain [5100] disciple [3101] was [2258] there [1563], named [3686] Timotheus [5095], the son [5207] of a certain [5100] woman [1135], which was a Jewess [2453], and believed [4103]; but [1161] his father [3962] was a Greek [1672]:
12 By [1223] Silvanus [4610], a faithful [4103] brother [80] unto you [5213], as [5613] I suppose [3049], I have written [1125] briefly [1223] [3641], exhorting [3870], and [2532] testifying [1957] that this [5026] is [1511] the true [227] grace [5485] of God [2316] wherein [1519] [3739] ye stand [2476].
38 And [1161] the serjeants [4465] told [312] these [5023] words [4487] unto the magistrates [4755]: and [2532] they feared [5399], when they heard [191] that [3754] they were [1526] Romans [4514].
37 But [1161] Paul [3972] said [5346] unto [4314] them [846], They have beaten [1194] us [2248] openly [1219] uncondemned [178], being [5225] Romans [4514] [444], and have cast [906] us into [1519] prison [5438]; and [2532] now [3568] do they thrust [1544] us [2248] out [1544] privily [2977]? nay [3756] verily [1063]; but [235] let them come [2064] themselves [846] and fetch [1806] us [2248] out [1806].
20 And [2532] brought [4317] them [846] to the magistrates [4755], saying [2036], These [3778] men [444], being [5225] Jews [2453], do exceedingly trouble [1613] our [2257] city [4172],
22 Then [5119] pleased it [1380] the apostles [652] and [2532] elders [4245], with [4862] the whole [3650] church [1577], to send [3992] chosen [1586] men [435] of [1537] their own company [846] to [1519] Antioch [490] with [4862] Paul [3972] and [2532] Barnabas [921]; namely, Judas [2455] surnamed [1941] Barsabas [923], and [2532] Silas [4609], chief [2233] men [435] among [1722] the brethren [80]:
6 Nor [3777] of [1537] men [444] sought [2212] we glory [1391], neither [3777] of [575] you [5216], nor [3777] yet of [575] others [243], when we might [1410] have been [1511] burdensome [1722] [922], as [5613] the apostles [652] of Christ [5547].
14 And [1161] then [5119] immediately [2112] the brethren [80] sent away [1821] Paul [3972] to go [4198] as it were [5613] to [1909] the sea [2281]: but [1161] [5037] Silas [4609] and [2532] Timotheus [5095] abode [5278] there [1563] still [5278].
10 And [1161] the brethren [80] immediately [2112] sent away [1599] [5037] Paul [3972] and [2532] Silas [4609] by [1223] night [3571] unto [1519] Berea [960]: who [3748] coming [3854] thither went [549] into [1519] the synagogue [4864] of the Jews [2453].
4 And [2532] some [5100] of [1537] them [846] believed [3982], and [2532] consorted [4345] with Paul [3972] and [2532] Silas [4609]; and [5037] of the devout [4576] Greeks [1672] a great [4183] multitude [4128], and [5037] of the chief [4413] women [1135] not [3756] a few [3641].
1 Then [1161] came he [2658] to [1519] Derbe [1191] and [2532] Lystra [3082]: and [2532], behold [2400], a certain [5100] disciple [3101] was [2258] there [1563], named [3686] Timotheus [5095], the son [5207] of a certain [5100] woman [1135], which was a Jewess [2453], and believed [4103]; but [1161] his father [3962] was a Greek [1672]:
2 Which [3739] was well reported [3140] of by [5259] the brethren [80] that were at [1722] Lystra [3082] and [2532] Iconium [2430].
3 Him [5126] would [2309] Paul [3972] have to go forth [1831] with [4862] him [846]; and [2532] took [2983] and circumcised [4059] him [846] because [1223] of the Jews [2453] which [3588] were [5607] in [1722] those [1565] quarters [5117]: for [1063] they knew [1492] all [537] that [3754] his [846] father [3962] was [5225] a Greek [1672].
19 For [1063] the Son [5207] of God [2316], Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], who [3588] was preached [2784] among [1722] you [5213] by [1223] us [2257], even by [1223] me [1700] and [2532] Silvanus [4610] and [2532] Timotheus [5095], was [1096] not [3756] yea [3483] and [2532] nay [3756], but [235] in [1722] him [846] was [1096] yea [3483].
5 And [1161] when [5613] [5037] Silas [4609] and [2532] Timotheus [5095] were come [2718] from [575] Macedonia [3109], Paul [3972] was pressed [4912] in the spirit [4151], and testified [1263] to the Jews [2453] that Jesus [2424] was Christ [5547].
10 And [1161] the brethren [80] immediately [2112] sent away [1599] [5037] Paul [3972] and [2532] Silas [4609] by [1223] night [3571] unto [1519] Berea [960]: who [3748] coming [3854] thither went [549] into [1519] the synagogue [4864] of the Jews [2453].
4 And [2532] some [5100] of [1537] them [846] believed [3982], and [2532] consorted [4345] with Paul [3972] and [2532] Silas [4609]; and [5037] of the devout [4576] Greeks [1672] a great [4183] multitude [4128], and [5037] of the chief [4413] women [1135] not [3756] a few [3641].
19 And [1161] when her [846] masters [2962] saw [1492] that [3754] the hope [1680] of their [846] gains [2039] was gone [1831], they caught [1949] Paul [3972] and [2532] Silas [4609], and drew [1670] them into [1519] the marketplace [58] unto [1909] the rulers [758],
22 Then [5119] pleased it [1380] the apostles [652] and [2532] elders [4245], with [4862] the whole [3650] church [1577], to send [3992] chosen [1586] men [435] of [1537] their own company [846] to [1519] Antioch [490] with [4862] Paul [3972] and [2532] Barnabas [921]; namely, Judas [2455] surnamed [1941] Barsabas [923], and [2532] Silas [4609], chief [2233] men [435] among [1722] the brethren [80]:
14 And [1161] then [5119] immediately [2112] the brethren [80] sent away [1821] Paul [3972] to go [4198] as it were [5613] to [1909] the sea [2281]: but [1161] [5037] Silas [4609] and [2532] Timotheus [5095] abode [5278] there [1563] still [5278].
4 And [2532] some [5100] of [1537] them [846] believed [3982], and [2532] consorted [4345] with Paul [3972] and [2532] Silas [4609]; and [5037] of the devout [4576] Greeks [1672] a great [4183] multitude [4128], and [5037] of the chief [4413] women [1135] not [3756] a few [3641].