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Selected Verse: Colossians 3:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Col 3:4 Strong Concordance When [3752] Christ [5547], who is our [2257] life [2222], shall appear [5319], then [5119] shall [5319] ye [5210] also [2532] appear [5319] with [4862] him [846] in [1722] glory [1391].
  King James When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Translate, "When Christ shall be manifested who is our life (Joh 11:25; Joh 14:6, Joh 14:19), then shall ye also with Him be manifested in glory" (Pe1 4:13). The spiritual life our souls have now in Him shall be extended to our bodies (Rom 8:11).

then--and not till then. Those err who think to find a perfect Church before then. The true Church is now militant. Rome errs in trying to set up a Church now regnant and triumphant. The true Church shall be visible as a perfect and reigning Church, when Christ shall be visibly manifested as her reigning Head. Rome having ceased to look for Him in patient faith, has set up a visible mockhead, a false anticipation of the millennial kingdom. The Papacy took to itself by robbery that glory which is an object of hope, and can only be reached by bearing the cross now. When the Church became a harlot, she ceased to be a bride who goes to meet her Bridegroom. Hence the millennial kingdom ceased to be looked for [AUBERLEN].
11 But [1161] if [1487] the Spirit [4151] of him that raised up [1453] Jesus [2424] from [1537] the dead [3498] dwell [3611] in [1722] you [5213], he that raised up [1453] Christ [5547] from [1537] the dead [3498] shall [2227] also [2532] quicken [2227] your [5216] mortal [2349] bodies [4983] by [1223] his [846] Spirit [4151] that dwelleth [1774] [1774] in [1722] you [5213].
13 But [235] rejoice [5463], inasmuch as [2526] ye are partakers [2841] of Christ's [5547] sufferings [3804]; that [2443], when [1722] his [846] glory [1391] shall be revealed [602], ye may be glad [5463] also [2532] with exceeding joy [21].
19 Yet [2089] a little while [3397], and [2532] the world [2889] seeth [2334] me [3165] no more [3765]; but [1161] ye [5210] see [2334] me [3165]: because [3754] I [1473] live [2198], ye [5210] shall live [2198] also [2532].
6 Jesus [2424] saith [3004] unto him [846], I [1473] am [1510] the way [3598], [2532] the truth [225], and [2532] the life [2222]: no man [3762] cometh [2064] unto [4314] the Father [3962], but [1508] by [1223] me [1700].
25 Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto her [846], I [1473] am [1510] the resurrection [386], and [2532] the life [2222]: he that believeth [4100] in [1519] me [1691], though [2579] he were dead [599], yet shall he live [2198]:
16 For [3754] the Lord [2962] himself [846] shall descend [2597] from [575] heaven [3772] with [1722] a shout [2752], with [1722] the voice [5456] of the archangel [743], and [2532] with [1722] the trump [4536] of God [2316]: and [2532] the dead [3498] in [1722] Christ [5547] shall rise [450] first [4412]:
17 Then [1899] we [2249] which [3588] are alive [2198] and remain [4035] shall be caught up [726] together [260] with [4862] them [846] in [1722] the clouds [3507], to [1519] meet [529] the Lord [2962] in [1519] the air [109]: and [2532] so [3779] shall we [2071] ever [3842] be [2071] with [4862] the Lord [2962].
25 Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto her [846], I [1473] am [1510] the resurrection [386], and [2532] the life [2222]: he that believeth [4100] in [1519] me [1691], though [2579] he were dead [599], yet shall he live [2198]:
4 In [1722] him [846] was [2258] life [2222]; and [2532] the life [2222] was [2258] the light [5457] of men [444].
17 And [1161] if [1487] children [5043], then [2532] heirs [2818]; heirs [2818] of God [3303] [2316], and [1161] joint-heirs [4789] with Christ [5547]; if so be [1512] that we suffer with [4841] him, that [2443] we may be [4888] also [2532] glorified together [4888].
21 But [1161] now [3570] the righteousness [1343] of God [2316] without [5565] the law [3551] is manifested [5319], being witnessed [3140] by [5259] the law [3551] and [2532] the prophets [4396];
2 Beloved [27], now [3568] are we [2070] the sons [5043] of God [2316], and [2532] it doth [5319] not yet [3768] appear [5319] what [5101] we shall be [2071]: but [1161] we know [1492] that [3754], when [1437] he shall appear [5319], we shall be [2071] like [3664] him [846]; for [3754] we shall see [3700] him [846] as [2531] he is [2076].
13 And [2532] you [5209], being [5607] dead [3498] in [1722] your sins [3900] and [2532] the uncircumcision [203] of your [5216] flesh [4561], hath he quickened together [4806] with [4862] him [846], having forgiven [5483] you [5213] all [3956] trespasses [3900];
12 He that hath [2192] the Son [5207] hath [2192] life [2222]; and he that hath [2192] not [3361] the Son [5207] of God [2316] hath [2192] not [3756] life [2222].
11 And [2532] this [3778] is [2076] the record [3141], that [3754] God [2316] hath given [1325] to us [2254] eternal [166] life [2222], and [2532] this [3778] life [2222] is [2076] in [1722] his [846] Son [5207].
11 For we [2249] which [3588] live [2198] are [3860] alway [104] [1063] delivered [3860] unto [1519] death [2288] for [1223] Jesus [2424]' sake [1223], that [2443] the life [2222] also [2532] of Jesus [2424] might be made manifest [5319] in [1722] our [2257] mortal [2349] flesh [4561].
10 Always [3842] bearing about [4064] in [1722] the body [4983] the dying [3500] of the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424], that [2443] the life [2222] also [2532] of Jesus [2424] might be made manifest [5319] in [1722] our [2257] body [4983].
6 Jesus [2424] saith [3004] unto him [846], I [1473] am [1510] the way [3598], [2532] the truth [225], and [2532] the life [2222]: no man [3762] cometh [2064] unto [4314] the Father [3962], but [1508] by [1223] me [1700].
4 In [1722] him [846] was [2258] life [2222]; and [2532] the life [2222] was [2258] the light [5457] of men [444].