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Selected Verse: Colossians 3:15 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Col 3:15 Strong Concordance And [2532] let [1018] the peace [1515] of God [2316] rule [1018] in [1722] your [5216] hearts [2588], to [1519] the which [3739] also [2532] ye are called [2564] in [1722] one [1520] body [4983]; and [2532] be ye [1096] thankful [2170].
  King James And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
peace of God--The oldest manuscripts and versions read, "The peace of CHRIST" (compare Phi 4:7). "The peace of GOD." Therefore Christ is God. Peace was His legacy to His disciples before He left them (Joh 14:27), "MY peace I give unto you." Peace is peculiarly His to give. Peace follows love (Col 3:14; Eph 4:2-3).

rule--literally, "sit as umpire"; the same Greek verb simple, as appears compounded (Col 2:18). The false teacher, as a self-constituted umpire, defrauds you of your prize; but if the peace of Christ be your umpire ruling in your hearts, your reward is sure. "Let the peace of Christ act as umpire when anger, envy, and such passions arise; and restrain them." Let not those passions give the award, so that you should be swayed by them, but let Christ's peace be the decider of everything.

in your hearts--Many wear a peaceful countenance and speak peace with the mouth, while war is in their hearts (Psa 28:3; Psa 55:21).

to the which--that is, with a view to which state of Christian peace (Isa 26:3); Co1 7:15, "God hath called us to peace."

ye are called--Greek, "ye were also called." The "also" implies that besides Paul's exhortation, they have also as a motive to "peace," their having been once for all called.

in one body-- (Eph 4:4). The unity of the body is a strong argument for "peace" among the members.

be ye thankful--for your "calling." Not to have "peace ruling in your hearts" would be inconsistent with the "calling in one body," and would be practical unthankfulness to God who called us (Eph 5:4, Eph 5:19-20).
19 Speaking [2980] to yourselves [1438] in psalms [5568] and [2532] hymns [5215] and [2532] spiritual [4152] songs [5603], singing [103] and [2532] making melody [5567] in [1722] your [5216] heart [2588] to the Lord [2962];
20 Giving thanks [2168] always [3842] for [5228] all things [3956] unto God [2316] and [2532] the Father [3962] in [1722] the name [3686] of our [2257] Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547];
4 Neither [2532] filthiness [151], nor [2532] foolish talking [3473], nor [2228] jesting [2160], which [3588] are [433] not [3756] convenient [433]: but [235] rather [3123] giving of thanks [2169].
4 There is one [1520] body [4983], and [2532] one [1520] Spirit [4151], even as [2531] [2532] ye are called [2564] in [1722] one [3391] hope [1680] of your [5216] calling [2821];
15 But [1161] if [1487] the unbelieving [571] depart [5563], let him depart [5563]. A brother [80] or [2228] a sister [79] is [1402] not [3756] under bondage [1402] in [1722] such [5108] cases: but [1161] God [2316] hath called [2564] us [2248] to [1722] peace [1515].
3 Thou wilt keep [05341] him in perfect [07965] peace [07965], whose mind [03336] is stayed [05564] on thee: because he trusteth [0982] in thee.
21 The words of his mouth [06310] were smoother [02505] than butter [04260], but war [07128] was in his heart [03820]: his words [01697] were softer [07401] than oil [08081], yet were they drawn swords [06609].
3 Draw me not away [04900] with the wicked [07563], and with the workers [06466] of iniquity [0205], which speak [01696] peace [07965] to their neighbours [07453], but mischief [07451] is in their hearts [03824].
18 Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563],
2 With [3326] all [3956] lowliness [5012] and [2532] meekness [4236], with [3326] longsuffering [3115], forbearing [430] one another [240] in [1722] love [26];
3 Endeavouring [4704] to keep [5083] the unity [1775] of the Spirit [4151] in [1722] the bond [4886] of peace [1515].
14 And [1161] above [1909] all [3956] these things [5125] put on charity [26], which [3748] is [2076] the bond [4886] of perfectness [5047].
27 Peace [1515] I leave [863] with you [5213], my [1699] peace [1515] I give [1325] unto you [5213]: not [3756] as [2531] the world [2889] giveth [1325], give [1325] I [1473] unto you [5213]. Let [5015] not [3361] your [5216] heart [2588] be troubled [5015], neither [3366] let it be afraid [1168].
7 And [2532] the peace [1515] of God [2316], which [3588] passeth [5242] all [3956] understanding [3563], shall keep [5432] your [5216] hearts [2588] and [2532] minds [5216] [3540] through [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424].
4 There is one [1520] body [4983], and [2532] one [1520] Spirit [4151], even as [2531] [2532] ye are called [2564] in [1722] one [3391] hope [1680] of your [5216] calling [2821];
5 One [1520] Lord [2962], one [1520] faith [4102], one [3391] baptism [908],
6 One [1520] God [2316] and [2532] Father [3962] of all [3956], who [3588] is above [1909] all [3956], and [2532] through [1223] all [3956], and [2532] in [1722] you [5213] all [3956].
7 And [2532] the peace [1515] of God [2316], which [3588] passeth [5242] all [3956] understanding [3563], shall keep [5432] your [5216] hearts [2588] and [2532] minds [5216] [3540] through [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424].
7 And [2532] the peace [1515] of God [2316], which [3588] passeth [5242] all [3956] understanding [3563], shall keep [5432] your [5216] hearts [2588] and [2532] minds [5216] [3540] through [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424].
17 For [1063] the kingdom [932] of God [2316] is [2076] not [3756] meat [1035] and [2532] drink [4213]; but [235] righteousness [1343], and [2532] peace [1515], and [2532] joy [5479] in [1722] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151].
27 Peace [1515] I leave [863] with you [5213], my [1699] peace [1515] I give [1325] unto you [5213]: not [3756] as [2531] the world [2889] giveth [1325], give [1325] I [1473] unto you [5213]. Let [5015] not [3361] your [5216] heart [2588] be troubled [5015], neither [3366] let it be afraid [1168].
4 There is one [1520] body [4983], and [2532] one [1520] Spirit [4151], even as [2531] [2532] ye are called [2564] in [1722] one [3391] hope [1680] of your [5216] calling [2821];
18 Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563],
18 Let [2603] no man [3367] beguile [2603] you [5209] of your reward [2603] in [1722] a voluntary [2309] humility [5012] and [2532] worshipping [2356] of angels [32], intruding into [1687] those things which [3739] he hath [3708] not [3361] seen [3708], vainly [1500] puffed up [5448] by [5259] his [846] fleshly [4561] mind [3563],
14 For [1063] he [846] is [2076] our [2257] peace [1515], who [3588] hath made [4160] both [297] one [1520], and [2532] hath broken down [3089] the middle wall [3320] of partition [5418] between us;
27 Peace [1515] I leave [863] with you [5213], my [1699] peace [1515] I give [1325] unto you [5213]: not [3756] as [2531] the world [2889] giveth [1325], give [1325] I [1473] unto you [5213]. Let [5015] not [3361] your [5216] heart [2588] be troubled [5015], neither [3366] let it be afraid [1168].