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Selected Verse: Deuteronomy 25:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
De 25:4 Strong Concordance Thou shalt not muzzle [02629] the ox [07794] when he treadeth out [01778] the corn.
  King James Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn--In Judea, as in modern Syria and Egypt, the larger grains were beaten out by the feet of oxen, which, yoked together, day after day trod round the wide open spaces which form the threshing-floors. The animals were allowed freely to pick up a mouthful, when they chose to do so: a wise as well as humane regulation, introduced by the law of Moses (compare Co1 9:9; Ti1 5:17-18).
17 Let [515] the elders [4245] that rule [4291] well [2573] be counted worthy [515] of double [1362] honour [5092], especially [3122] they who labour [2872] in [1722] the word [3056] and [2532] doctrine [1319].
18 For [1063] the scripture [1124] saith [3004], Thou shalt [5392] not [3756] muzzle [5392] the ox [1016] that treadeth out the corn [248]. And [2532], The labourer [2040] is worthy [514] of his [846] reward [3408].
9 For [1063] it is written [1125] in [1722] the law [3551] of Moses [3475], Thou shalt [5392] not [3756] muzzle [5392] the mouth of the ox [1016] that treadeth out the corn [248]. [3361] Doth [3199] God [2316] take care [3199] for oxen [1016]?
9 For [1063] it is written [1125] in [1722] the law [3551] of Moses [3475], Thou shalt [5392] not [3756] muzzle [5392] the mouth of the ox [1016] that treadeth out the corn [248]. [3361] Doth [3199] God [2316] take care [3199] for oxen [1016]?
18 For [1063] the scripture [1124] saith [3004], Thou shalt [5392] not [3756] muzzle [5392] the ox [1016] that treadeth out the corn [248]. And [2532], The labourer [2040] is worthy [514] of his [846] reward [3408].
9 For [1063] it is written [1125] in [1722] the law [3551] of Moses [3475], Thou shalt [5392] not [3756] muzzle [5392] the mouth of the ox [1016] that treadeth out the corn [248]. [3361] Doth [3199] God [2316] take care [3199] for oxen [1016]?
7 Neither did he leave [07604] of the people [05971] to Jehoahaz [03059] but fifty [02572] horsemen [06571], and ten [06235] chariots [07393], and ten [06235] thousand [0505] footmen [07273]; for the king [04428] of Syria [0758] had destroyed [06] them, and had made [07760] them like the dust [06083] by threshing [01758].
3 Therefore they shall be as the morning [01242] cloud [06051], and as the early [07925] dew [02919] that passeth away [01980], as the chaff [04671] that is driven with the whirlwind [05590] out of the floor [01637], and as the smoke [06227] out of the chimney [0699].