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Selected Verse: Deuteronomy 14:5 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
De 14:5 Strong Concordance The hart [0354], and the roebuck [06643], and the fallow deer [03180], and the wild goat [0689], and the pygarg [01788], and the wild ox [08377], and the chamois [02169].
  King James The hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer, and the wild goat, and the pygarg, and the wild ox, and the chamois.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
OF BEASTS. (Deu 14:4-8)

The hart--(see on Deu 12:15).

fallow deer--The Hebrew word (Jachmur) so rendered, does not represent the fallow deer, which is unknown in Western Asia, but an antelope (Oryx leucoryx), called by the Arabs, jazmar. It is of a white color, black at the extremities, and a bright red on the thighs. It was used at Solomon's table.

wild goat--The word akko is different from that commonly used for a wild goat (Sa1 24:2; Psa 104:18; Pro 5:19), and it is supposed to be a goat-deer, having the body of a stag, but the head, horns, and beard of a goat. An animal of this sort is found in the East, and called Lerwee [SHAW, Travels].

pygarg--a species of antelope (Oryx addax) with white buttocks, wreathed horns two feet in length, and standing about three feet seven inches high at the shoulders. It is common in the tracks which the Israelites had frequented [SHAW].

wild ox--supposed to be the Nubian Oryx, which differs from the Oryx leucoryx (formerly mentioned) by its black color; and it is, moreover, of larger stature and more slender frame, with longer and more curved horns. It is called Bekkar-El-Wash by the Arabs.

chamois--rendered by the Septuagint Cameleopard; but, by others who rightly judge it must have been an animal more familiar to the Hebrews, it is thought to be the Kebsch (Ovis tragelaphus), rather larger than a common sheep, covered not with wool, but with reddish hair--a Syrian sheep-goat.
19 Let her be as the loving [0158] hind [0365] and pleasant [02580] roe [03280]; let her breasts [01717] satisfy [07301] thee at all times [06256]; and be thou ravished [07686] always [08548] with her love [0160].
18 The high [01364] hills [02022] are a refuge [04268] for the wild goats [03277]; and the rocks [05553] for the conies [08227].
2 Then Saul [07586] took [03947] three [07969] thousand [0505] chosen [0977] men [0376] out of all Israel [03478], and went [03212] to seek [01245] David [01732] and his men [0582] upon [06440] the rocks [06697] of the wild goats [03277].
15 Notwithstanding thou mayest kill [02076] and eat [0398] flesh [01320] in all thy gates [08179], whatsoever thy soul [05315] lusteth after [0185], according to the blessing [01293] of the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] which he hath given [05414] thee: the unclean [02931] and the clean [02889] may eat [0398] thereof, as of the roebuck [06643], and as of the hart [0354].
4 These are the beasts [0929] which ye shall eat [0398]: the ox [07794], the sheep [07716] [03775], and the goat [05795],
5 The hart [0354], and the roebuck [06643], and the fallow deer [03180], and the wild goat [0689], and the pygarg [01788], and the wild ox [08377], and the chamois [02169].
6 And every beast [0929] that parteth [06536] the hoof [06541], and cleaveth [08157] the cleft [08156] into two [08147] claws [06541], and cheweth [05927] the cud [01625] among the beasts [0929], that ye shall eat [0398].
7 Nevertheless these ye shall not eat [0398] of them that chew [05927] the cud [01625], or of them that divide [06536] the cloven [08156] hoof [06541]; as the camel [01581], and the hare [0768], and the coney [08227]: for they chew [05927] the cud [01625], but divide [06536] not the hoof [06541]; therefore they are unclean [02931] unto you.
8 And the swine [02386], because it divideth [06536] the hoof [06541], yet cheweth not the cud [01625], it is unclean [02931] unto you: ye shall not eat [0398] of their flesh [01320], nor touch [05060] their dead carcase [05038].
20 Thy sons [01121] have fainted [05968], they lie [07901] at the head [07218] of all the streets [02351], as a wild bull [08377] in a net [04364]: they are full [04392] of the fury [02534] of the LORD [03068], the rebuke [01606] of thy God [0430].
23 Ten [06235] fat [01277] oxen [01241], and twenty [06242] oxen [01241] out of the pastures [07471], and an hundred [03967] sheep [06629], beside harts [0354], and roebucks [06643], and fallowdeer [03180], and fatted [075] fowl [01257].
15 Notwithstanding thou mayest kill [02076] and eat [0398] flesh [01320] in all thy gates [08179], whatsoever thy soul [05315] lusteth after [0185], according to the blessing [01293] of the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] which he hath given [05414] thee: the unclean [02931] and the clean [02889] may eat [0398] thereof, as of the roebuck [06643], and as of the hart [0354].