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Selected Verse: Ephesians 3:17 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Eph 3:17 Strong Concordance That Christ [5547] may dwell [2730] in [1722] your [5216] hearts [2588] by [1223] faith [4102]; that [2443] ye, being rooted [4492] and [2532] grounded [2311] in [1722] love [26],
  King James That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
That--So that.

dwell--abidingly make His abode (Joh 14:23). Where the Spirit is there Christ is (Joh 14:16, Joh 14:18).

by faith--Greek, "through faith," which opens the door of the heart to Jesus (Joh 3:20). It is not enough that He be on the tongue, or flit through the brain: the heart is His proper seat [CALVIN]. "You being rooted and grounded in love" (compare Eph 3:19), is in the Greek connected with this clause, not with the clause, "that ye may be able to comprehend." "Rooted" is an image from a tree; "grounded" (Greek, "founder," "having your foundations resting on"), from a building (compare Notes,, see on Eph 2:20-21; Col 1:23; Col 2:7). Contrast Mat 13:6, Mat 13:21. "Love," the first-fruit of the Spirit, flowing from Christ's love realized in the soul, was to be the basis on which should rest their further comprehension of all the vastness of Christ's love.
21 Yet [1161] hath he [2192] not [3756] root [4491] in [1722] himself [1438], but [235] dureth [2076] for a while [4340]: for [1161] when tribulation [2347] or [2228] persecution [1375] ariseth [1096] because [1223] of the word [3056], by and by [2117] he is offended [4624].
6 And [1161] when the sun [2246] was up [393], they were scorched [2739]; and [2532] because [1223] they had [2192] no [3361] root [4491], they withered away [3583].
7 Rooted [4492] and [2532] built up [2026] in [1722] him [846], and [2532] stablished [950] in [1722] the faith [4102], as [2531] ye have been taught [1321], abounding [4052] therein [1722] [846] with [1722] thanksgiving [2169].
23 If [1489] ye continue [1961] in the faith [4102] grounded [2311] and [2532] settled [1476], and [2532] be not [3361] moved away [3334] from [575] the hope [1680] of the gospel [2098], which [3739] ye have heard [191], and which [3588] was preached [2784] to [1722] every [3956] creature [2937] which is under [5259] heaven [3772]; whereof [3739] I [1473] Paul [3972] am made [1096] a minister [1249];
20 And are built [2026] upon [1909] the foundation [2310] of the apostles [652] and [2532] prophets [4396], Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] himself [846] being [5607] the chief corner [204] stone;
21 In [1722] whom [3739] all [3956] the building [3619] fitly framed together [4883] groweth [837] unto [1519] an holy [40] temple [3485] in [1722] the Lord [2962]:
19 And [5037] to know [1097] the love [26] of Christ [5547], which passeth [5235] knowledge [1108], that [2443] ye might be filled [4137] with [1519] all [3956] the fulness [4138] of God [2316].
20 For [1063] every one [3956] that doeth [4238] evil [5337] hateth [3404] the light [5457], neither [2532] [3756] cometh [2064] to [4314] the light [5457], lest [3363] his [846] deeds [2041] should be reproved [1651].
18 I will [863] not [3756] leave [863] you [5209] comfortless [3737]: I will come [2064] to [4314] you [5209].
16 And [2532] I [1473] will pray [2065] the Father [3962], and [2532] he shall give [1325] you [5213] another [243] Comforter [3875], that [2443] he may abide [3306] with [3326] you [5216] for [1519] ever [165];
23 Jesus [2424] answered [611] and [2532] said [2036] unto him [846], If [1437] a man [5100] love [25] me [3165], he will keep [5083] my [3450] words [3056]: and [2532] my [3450] Father [3962] will love [25] him [846], and [2532] we will come [2064] unto [4314] him [846], and [2532] make [4160] our abode [3438] with [3844] him [846].
19 What [2228]? know ye [1492] not [3756] that [3754] your [5216] body [4983] is [2076] the temple [3485] of the Holy [40] Ghost [4151] which is in [1722] you [5213], which [3739] ye have [2192] of [575] God [2316], and [2532] ye are [2075] not [3756] your own [1438]?
23 Jesus [2424] answered [611] and [2532] said [2036] unto him [846], If [1437] a man [5100] love [25] me [3165], he will keep [5083] my [3450] words [3056]: and [2532] my [3450] Father [3962] will love [25] him [846], and [2532] we will come [2064] unto [4314] him [846], and [2532] make [4160] our abode [3438] with [3844] him [846].
22 In [1722] whom [3739] ye [5210] also [2532] are builded together [4925] for [1519] an habitation [2732] of God [2316] through [1722] the Spirit [4151].
20 Behold [2400], I stand [2476] at [1909] the door [2374], and [2532] knock [2925]: if [1437] any man [5100] hear [191] my [3450] voice [5456], and [2532] open [455] the door [2374], I will come in [1525] to [4314] him [846], and [2532] will sup [1172] with [3326] him [846], and [2532] he [846] with [3326] me [1700].
22 In [1722] whom [3739] ye [5210] also [2532] are builded together [4925] for [1519] an habitation [2732] of God [2316] through [1722] the Spirit [4151].
1 Then said [0559] Solomon [08010], The LORD [03068] hath said [0559] that he would dwell [07931] in the thick darkness [06205].
21 In [1722] whom [3739] all [3956] the building [3619] fitly framed together [4883] groweth [837] unto [1519] an holy [40] temple [3485] in [1722] the Lord [2962]: