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Selected Verse: Galatians 5:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ga 5:8 Strong Concordance This persuasion [3988] cometh not [3756] of [1537] him that calleth [2564] you [5209].
  King James This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
This persuasion--Greek, "The persuasion," namely, to which you are yielding. There is a play on words in the original, the Greek for persuasion being akin to "obey" (Gal 5:7). This persuasion which ye have obeyed.

cometh not of--that is "from." Does not emanate from Him, but from an enemy.

that calleth you-- (Gal 5:13; Gal 1:6; Phi 3:14; Th1 5:24). The calling is the rule of the whole race [BENGEL].
24 Faithful [4103] is he that calleth [2564] you [5209], who [3739] also [2532] will do [4160] it.
14 I press [1377] toward [2596] the mark [4649] for [1909] the prize [1017] of the high [507] calling [2821] of God [2316] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424].
6 I marvel [2296] that [3754] ye are [3346] so [3779] soon [5030] removed [3346] from [575] him that called [2564] you [5209] into [1722] the grace [5485] of Christ [5547] unto [1519] another [2087] gospel [2098]:
13 For [1063], brethren [80], ye [5210] have been called [2564] unto [1909] liberty [1657]; only [3440] use not [3361] liberty [1657] for [1519] an occasion [874] to the flesh [4561], but [235] by [1223] love [26] serve [1398] one another [240].
7 Ye did run [5143] well [2573]; who [5101] did hinder [348] [1465] you [5209] that ye should [3982] not [3361] obey [3982] the truth [225]?
14 Whereunto [1519] [3739] he called [2564] you [5209] by [1223] our [2257] gospel [2098], to [1519] the obtaining [4047] of the glory [1391] of our [2257] Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
24 Faithful [4103] is he that calleth [2564] you [5209], who [3739] also [2532] will do [4160] it.
7 For [1063] God [2316] hath [2564] not [3756] called [2564] us [2248] unto [1909] uncleanness [167], but [235] unto [1722] holiness [38].
12 [2532] That [1519] ye [5209] would walk [4043] worthy [516] of God [2316], who hath called [2564] you [5209] unto [1519] his [1438] kingdom [932] and [2532] glory [1391].
15 But [1161] when [3753] it pleased [2106] God [2316], who [3588] separated [873] me [3165] from [1537] my [3450] mother's [3384] womb [2836], and [2532] called [2564] me by [1223] his [846] grace [5485],
15 But [1161] if [1487] the unbelieving [571] depart [5563], let him depart [5563]. A brother [80] or [2228] a sister [79] is [1402] not [3756] under bondage [1402] in [1722] such [5108] cases: but [1161] God [2316] hath called [2564] us [2248] to [1722] peace [1515].
9 God [2316] is faithful [4103], by [1223] whom [3739] ye were called [2564] unto [1519] the fellowship [2842] of his [846] Son [5207] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] our [2257] Lord [2962].
11 (For [1063] the children being [1080] not yet [3380] born [1080], neither [3366] having done [4238] any [5100] good [18] or [2228] evil [2556], that [2443] the purpose [4286] of God [2316] according [2596] to election [1589] might stand [3306], not [3756] of [1537] works [2041], but [235] of [1537] him that calleth [2564]
30 Moreover [1161] whom [3739] he did predestinate [4309], them [5128] he [2564] also [2532] called [2564]: and [2532] whom [3739] he called [2564], them [5128] he [1344] also [2532] justified [1344]: and [1161] whom [3739] he justified [1344], them [5128] he [1392] also [2532] glorified [1392].
4 I thank [2168] my [3450] God [2316] always [3842] on [4012] your [5216] behalf [4012], for [1909] the grace [5485] of God [2316] which [3588] is given [1325] you [5213] by [1722] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547];