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Selected Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Co 5:7 Strong Concordance (For [1063] we walk [4043] by [1223] faith [4102], not [3756] by [1223] sight [1491]:)
  King James (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
we walk--in our Christian course here on earth.

not by sight--Greek, "not by appearance." Our life is governed by faith in our immortal hope; not by the outward specious appearance of present things [TITTMANN, Greek Synonyms of the New Testament]. Compare "apparently," the Septuagint, "by appearance," Num 12:8. WAHL supports English Version. Co2 4:18 also confirms it (compare Rom 8:24; Co1 13:12-13). God has appointed in this life faith for our great duty, and in the next, vision for our reward [SOUTH] (Pe1 1:8).
8 Whom [3739] having [1492] not [3756] seen [1492] [1492], ye love [25]; in [1519] whom [3739], though now [737] ye see [3708] him not [3361], yet [1161] believing [4100], ye rejoice [21] with joy [5479] unspeakable [412] and [2532] full of glory [1392]:
12 For [1063] now [737] we see [991] through [1223] a glass [2072], darkly [1722] [135]; but [1161] then [5119] face [4383] to [4314] face [4383]: now [737] I know [1097] in [1537] part [3313]; but [1161] then [5119] shall I know [1921] even as [2531] also [2532] I am known [1921].
13 And [1161] now [3570] abideth [3306] faith [4102], hope [1680], charity [26], these [5023] three [5140]; but [1161] the greatest [3187] of these [5130] is charity [26].
24 For [1063] we are saved [4982] by hope [1680]: but [1161] hope [1680] that is seen [991] is [2076] not [3756] hope [1680]: for [1063] what [3739] a man [5100] seeth [991], why [5101] doth he [1679] yet [2532] hope for [1679]?
18 While [4648] we [2257] look [4648] not [3361] at [4648] the things which are seen [991], but [235] at the things which are [991] not [3361] seen [991]: for [1063] the things which are seen [991] are temporal [4340]; but [1161] the things which are [991] not [3361] seen [991] are eternal [166].
8 With him will I speak [01696] mouth [06310] to mouth [06310], even apparently [04758], and not in dark speeches [02420]; and the similitude [08544] of the LORD [03068] shall he behold [05027]: wherefore then were ye not afraid [03372] to speak [01696] against my servant [05650] Moses [04872]?
16 He that believeth [4100] and [2532] is baptized [907] shall be saved [4982]; but [1161] he that believeth not [569] shall be damned [2632].
4 Therefore [3767] we are buried with [4916] him [846] by [1223] baptism [908] into [1519] death [2288]: that [2443] like as [5618] Christ [5547] was raised up [1453] from [1537] the dead [3498] by [1223] the glory [1391] of the Father [3962], even so [3779] we [2249] also [2532] should walk [4043] in [1722] newness [2538] of life [2222].
12 And [2532] the father [3962] of circumcision [4061] to them who are not [3756] of [1537] the circumcision [4061] only [3440], but [235] who also [2532] walk [4748] in the steps [2487] of that faith [4102] of our [2257] father [3962] Abraham [11], which he had being [1722] yet uncircumcised [203].