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Selected Verse: 2 Corinthians 12:9 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Co 12:9 Strong Concordance And [2532] he said [2046] unto me [3427], My [3450] grace [5485] is sufficient [714] for thee [4671]: for [1063] my [3450] strength [1411] is made perfect [5048] in [1722] weakness [769]. Most gladly [2236] therefore [3767] will I [2744] rather [3123] glory [2744] in [1722] my [3450] infirmities [769], that [2443] the power [1411] of Christ [5547] may rest [1981] upon [1909] me [1691].
  King James And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
said--literally, "He hath said," implying that His answer is enough [ALFORD].

is sufficient--The trial must endure, but the grace shall also endure and never fail thee [ALFORD], (Deu 33:25). The Lord puts the words into Paul's mouth, that following them up he might say, "O Lord, Thy grace is sufficient for me" [BENGEL].

my strength--Greek, "power."

is made perfect--has its most perfect manifestation.

in weakness--Do not ask for sensible strength, FOR My power is perfected in man's "strengthlessness" (so the Greek). The "for" implies, thy "strengthlessness" (the same Greek as is translated "weakness"; and in Co2 12:10, "infirmities") is the very element in which My "power" (which moves coincident with "My grace") exhibits itself more perfectly. So that Paul instead of desiring the infirmity to "depart," "rather" henceforth "glories in infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest (Greek, 'tabernacle upon,' cover my infirmity all over as with a tabernacle; compare Greek, Joh 1:12) upon" him. This effect of Christ's assurance on him appears, Co2 4:7; Co1 2:3-4; compare Pe1 4:14. The "My" is omitted in some of the oldest manuscripts; the sense is the same, "power" (referring to God's power) standing absolutely, in contrast to "weakness" (put absolutely, for man's weakness). Paul often repeats the word "weakness" or "infirmity" (the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth chapters) as being Christ's own word. The Lord has more need of our weakness than of our strength: our strength is often His rival; our weakness, His servant, drawing on His resources, and showing forth His glory. Man's extremity is God's opportunity; man's security is Satan's opportunity. God's way is not to take His children out of trial, but to give them strength to bear up against it (Psa 88:7; Joh 17:15).
15 I pray [2065] not [3756] that [2443] thou shouldest take [142] them [846] out of [1537] the world [2889], but [235] that [2443] thou shouldest keep [5083] them [846] from [1537] the evil [4190].
7 Thy wrath [02534] lieth hard [05564] upon me, and thou hast afflicted [06031] me with all thy waves [04867]. Selah [05542].
14 If [1487] ye be reproached [3679] for [1722] the name [3686] of Christ [5547], happy [3107] are ye; for [3754] the spirit [4151] of glory [1391] and [2532] of God [2316] resteth [373] upon [1909] you [5209]: on [2596] [3303] their part [846] he is evil spoken of [987], but [1161] on [2596] your part [5209] he is glorified [1392].
3 And [2532] I [1473] was [1096] with [4314] you [5209] in [1722] weakness [769], and [2532] in [1722] fear [5401], and [2532] in [1722] much [4183] trembling [5156].
4 And [2532] my [3450] speech [3056] and [2532] my [3450] preaching [2782] was not [3756] with [1722] enticing [3981] words [3056] of man's [442] wisdom [4678], but [235] in [1722] demonstration [585] of the Spirit [4151] and [2532] of power [1411]:
7 But [1161] we have [2192] this [5126] treasure [2344] in [1722] earthen [3749] vessels [4632], that [2443] the excellency [5236] of the power [1411] may be [5600] of God [2316], and [2532] not [3361] of [1537] us [2257].
12 But [1161] as many as [3745] received [2983] him [846], to them [846] gave he [1325] power [1849] to become [1096] the sons [5043] of God [2316], even to them that believe [4100] on [1519] his [846] name [3686]:
10 Therefore [1352] I take pleasure [2106] in [1722] infirmities [769], in [1722] reproaches [5196], in [1722] necessities [318], in [1722] persecutions [1375], in [1722] distresses [4730] for [5228] Christ's [5547] sake [5228]: for [1063] when [3752] I am weak [770], then [5119] am [1510] I strong [1415].
25 Thy shoes [04515] shall be iron [01270] and brass [05178]; and as thy days [03117], so shall thy strength [01679] be.
8 Also when I cry [02199] and shout [07768], he shutteth out [05640] my prayer [08605].
20 I cry [07768] unto thee, and thou dost not hear [06030] me: I stand up [05975], and thou regardest [0995] me not.
23 And I besought [02603] the LORD [03068] at that time [06256], saying [0559],
24 O Lord [0136] GOD [03069], thou hast begun [02490] to shew [07200] thy servant [05650] thy greatness [01433], and thy mighty [02389] hand [03027]: for what God [0410] is there in heaven [08064] or in earth [0776], that can do [06213] according to thy works [04639], and according to thy might [01369]?
25 I pray thee, let me go over [05674], and see [07200] the good [02896] land [0776] that is beyond [05676] Jordan [03383], that goodly [02896] mountain [02022], and Lebanon [03844].
26 But the LORD [03068] was wroth [05674] with me for your sakes, and would not hear [08085] me: and the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Let it suffice [07227] thee; speak [01696] no more [03254] unto me of this matter [01697].
27 Get thee up [05927] into the top [07218] of Pisgah [06449], and lift up [05375] thine eyes [05869] westward [03220], and northward [06828], and southward [08486], and eastward [04217], and behold [07200] it with thine eyes [05869]: for thou shalt not go over [05674] this Jordan [03383].
36 And [2532] he said [3004], Abba [5], Father [3962], all things [3956] are possible [1415] unto thee [4671]; take away [3911] this [5124] cup [4221] from [575] me [1700]: nevertheless [235] not [3756] what [5101] I [1473] will [2309], but [235] what [5101] thou [4771] wilt.
16 David [01732] therefore besought [01245] God [0430] for the child [05288]; and David [01732] fasted [06684] [06685], and went in [0935], and lay [07901] all night [03885] upon the earth [0776].
17 And the elders [02205] of his house [01004] arose [06965], and went to him, to raise him up [06965] from the earth [0776]: but he would [014] not, neither did he eat [01262] bread [03899] with them.
18 And it came to pass on the seventh [07637] day [03117], that the child [03206] died [04191]. And the servants [05650] of David [01732] feared [03372] to tell [05046] him that the child [03206] was dead [04191]: for they said [0559], Behold, while the child [03206] was yet alive [02416], we spake [01696] unto him, and he would not hearken [08085] unto our voice [06963]: how will he then [06213] vex [07451] himself [06213], if we tell [0559] him that the child [03206] is dead [04191]?
19 But when David [01732] saw [07200] that his servants [05650] whispered [03907], David [01732] perceived [0995] that the child [03206] was dead [04191]: therefore David [01732] said [0559] unto his servants [05650], Is the child [03206] dead [04191]? And they said [0559], He is dead [04191].
20 Then David [01732] arose [06965] from the earth [0776], and washed [07364], and anointed [05480] himself, and changed [02498] his apparel [08071], and came [0935] into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and worshipped [07812]: then he came [0935] to his own house [01004]; and when he required [07592], they set [07760] bread [03899] before him, and he did eat [0398].
12 And after [0310] the earthquake [07494] a fire [0784]; but the LORD [03068] was not in the fire [0784]: and after [0310] the fire [0784] a still [01827] small [01851] voice [06963].
48 Be [2071] ye [5210] therefore [3767] perfect [5046], even [5618] as your [5216] Father [3962] which [3588] is in [1722] heaven [3772] is [2076] perfect [5046].
14 And [2532] the Word [3056] was made [1096] flesh [4561], and [2532] dwelt [4637] among [1722] us [2254], (and [2532] we beheld [2300] his [846] glory [1391], the glory [1391] as [5613] of the only begotten [3439] of [3844] the Father [3962],) full [4134] of grace [5485] and [2532] truth [225].
34 Quenched [4570] the violence [1411] of fire [4442], escaped [5343] the edge [4750] of the sword [3162], out of [575] weakness [769] were made strong [1743], waxed [1096] valiant [2478] in [1722] fight [4171], turned to flight [2827] the armies [3925] of the aliens [245].
7 But [1161] we have [2192] this [5126] treasure [2344] in [1722] earthen [3749] vessels [4632], that [2443] the excellency [5236] of the power [1411] may be [5600] of God [2316], and [2532] not [3361] of [1537] us [2257].
4 And [2532] my [3450] speech [3056] and [2532] my [3450] preaching [2782] was not [3756] with [1722] enticing [3981] words [3056] of man's [442] wisdom [4678], but [235] in [1722] demonstration [585] of the Spirit [4151] and [2532] of power [1411]:
3 And [2532] I [1473] was [1096] with [4314] you [5209] in [1722] weakness [769], and [2532] in [1722] fear [5401], and [2532] in [1722] much [4183] trembling [5156].
30 If [1487] I must needs [1163] glory [2744], I will glory [2744] of the things which concern [3588] mine [3450] infirmities [769].
5 And the LORD [03068] will create [01254] upon every dwelling place [04349] of mount [02022] Zion [06726], and upon her assemblies [04744], a cloud [06051] and smoke [06227] by day [03119], and the shining [05051] of a flaming [03852] fire [0784] by night [03915]: for upon all the glory [03519] shall be a defence [02646].
14 And [2532] the Word [3056] was made [1096] flesh [4561], and [2532] dwelt [4637] among [1722] us [2254], (and [2532] we beheld [2300] his [846] glory [1391], the glory [1391] as [5613] of the only begotten [3439] of [3844] the Father [3962],) full [4134] of grace [5485] and [2532] truth [225].
21 And lest [3361], when I come [2064] again [3825], my [3450] God [2316] will humble [5013] me [3165] among [4314] you [5209], and [2532] that I shall bewail [3996] many [4183] which [3588] have sinned already [4258], and [2532] have [3340] not [3361] repented [3340] of [1909] the uncleanness [167] and [2532] fornication [4202] and [2532] lasciviousness [766] which [3739] they have committed [4238].