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Selected Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:23 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
2Co 1:23 Strong Concordance Moreover [1161] I [1473] call [1941] God [2316] for a record [3144] upon [1909] my [1699] soul [5590], that [3754] to spare [5339] you [5216] I came [2064] not as yet [3765] unto [1519] Corinth [2882].
  King James Moreover I call God for a record upon my soul, that to spare you I came not as yet unto Corinth.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Moreover I--Greek, "But I (for my part)," in contrast to GOD who hath assured us of His promises being hereafter fulfilled certainly (Co2 1:20-22).

call God--the all-knowing One, who avenges wilful unfaithfulness to promises.

for a record upon my soul--As a witness as to the secret purposes of my soul, and a witness against it, if I lie (Mal 3:5).

to spare you--in order not to come in a rebuking spirit, as I should have had to come to you, if I had come then.

I came not as yet--Greek, "no longer"; that is, I gave up my purpose of then visiting Corinth. He wished to give them time for repentance, that he might not have to use severity towards them. Hence he sent Titus before him. Compare Co2 10:10-11, which shows that his detractors represented him as threatening what he had not courage to perform (Co1 4:18-19).
18 Now [1161] some [5100] are puffed up [5448], as though [5613] I [3450] would [2064] not [3361] come [2064] to [4314] you [5209].
19 But [1161] I will come [2064] to [4314] you [5209] shortly [5030], if [1437] the Lord [2962] will [2309], and [2532] will know [1097], not [3756] the speech [3056] of them which are puffed up [5448], but [235] the power [1411].
10 For [3754] his letters [1992] [3303], say they [5346], are weighty [926] and [2532] powerful [2478]; but [1161] his bodily [4983] presence [3952] is weak [772], and [2532] his speech [3056] contemptible [1848].
11 Let [3049] such an one [5108] think [3049] this [5124], that [3754], such as [3634] we are [2070] in word [3056] by [1223] letters [1992] when we are absent [548], such [5108] will we be also [2532] in deed [2041] when we are present [3918].
5 And I will come near [07126] to you to judgment [04941]; and I will be a swift [04116] witness [05707] against the sorcerers [03784], and against the adulterers [05003], and against false [08267] swearers [07650], and against those that oppress [06231] the hireling [07916] in his wages [07939], the widow [0490], and the fatherless [03490], and that turn aside [05186] the stranger [01616] from his right, and fear [03372] not me, saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
20 For [1063] all [3745] the promises [1860] of God [2316] in [1722] him [846] are yea [3483], and [2532] in [1722] him [846] Amen [281], unto [4314] the glory [1391] of God [2316] by [1223] us [2257].
21 Now [1161] he which stablisheth [950] us [2248] with [4862] you [5213] in [1519] Christ [5547], and [2532] hath anointed [5548] us [2248], is God [2316];
22 Who [3588] hath [4972] also [2532] sealed [4972] us [2248], and [2532] given [1325] the earnest [728] of the Spirit [4151] in [1722] our [2257] hearts [2588].
2 Unto the church [1577] of God [2316] which [3588] is [5607] at [1722] Corinth [2882], to them that are sanctified [37] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424], called [2822] to be saints [40], with [4862] all [3956] that in [1722] every [3956] place [5117] call upon [1941] the name [3686] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] our [2257] Lord [2962], both [5037] theirs [846] and [2532] ours [2257]:
14 How [4459] then [3767] shall they call on [1941] him in [1519] whom [3739] they have [4100] not [3756] believed [4100]? and [1161] how [4459] shall they believe in [4100] him of whom [3739] they have [191] not [3756] heard [191]? and [1161] how [4459] shall they hear [191] without [5565] a preacher [2784]?
13 For [3956] [1063] whosoever [3739] [302] shall call upon [1941] the name [3686] of the Lord [2962] shall be saved [4982].
12 For [1063] there is [2076] no [3756] difference [1293] between [5037] the Jew [2453] and [2532] the Greek [1672]: for [1063] the same [846] Lord [2962] over all [3956] is rich [4147] unto [1519] all [3956] that call upon [1941] him [846].
12 Then [5119] Festus [5347], when he had conferred [4814] with [3326] the council [4824], answered [611], Hast thou appealed unto [1941] Caesar [2541]? unto [1909] Caesar [2541] shalt thou go [4198].
11 For [1063] if [1487] [3303] I be an offender [91], or [2532] have committed [4238] any thing [5100] worthy [514] of death [2288], I refuse [3868] not [3756] to die [599]: but [1161] if [1487] there be [2076] none [3762] of these things [3739] whereof these [3778] accuse [2723] me [3450], no man [3762] may [1410] deliver [5483] me [3165] unto them [846]. I appeal unto [1941] Caesar [2541].
50 If thou shalt afflict [06031] my daughters [01323], or if thou shalt take [03947] other wives [0802] beside [05921] my daughters [01323], no man [0376] is with us; see [07200], God [0430] is witness [05707] betwixt me and thee.
10 Ye [5210] are witnesses [3144], and [2532] God [2316] also, how [5613] holily [3743] and [2532] justly [1346] and [2532] unblameably [274] we behaved ourselves [1096] among you [5213] that believe [4100]:
5 For [1063] neither [3777] at any time [4218] used we [1096] flattering [2850] words [1722] [3056], as [2531] ye know [1492], nor [3777] a cloke [1722] [4392] of covetousness [4124]; God [2316] is witness [3144]:
8 For [1063] God [2316] is [2076] my [3450] record [3144], how [5613] greatly I long after [1971] you [5209] all [3956] in [1722] the bowels [4698] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
20 Now [1161] the things which [3739] I write [1125] unto you [5213], behold [2400], before [1799] God [2316], [3754] I lie [5574] not [3756].
9 For [1063] God [2316] is [2076] my [3450] witness [3144], whom [3739] I serve [3000] with [1722] my [3450] spirit [4151] in [1722] the gospel [2098] of his [846] Son [5207], that [5613] without ceasing [89] I make [4160] mention [3417] of you [5216] always [3842] in [1909] my [3450] prayers [4335];
5 Now [1161] I will come [2064] unto [4314] you [5209], when [3752] I shall pass through [1330] Macedonia [3109]: for [1063] I do pass through [1330] Macedonia [3109].
10 For [3754] his letters [1992] [3303], say they [5346], are weighty [926] and [2532] powerful [2478]; but [1161] his bodily [4983] presence [3952] is weak [772], and [2532] his speech [3056] contemptible [1848].
18 Now [1161] some [5100] are puffed up [5448], as though [5613] I [3450] would [2064] not [3361] come [2064] to [4314] you [5209].
13 For [1063] what [5101] is it [2076] wherein [3739] ye were inferior [2274] to [5228] other [3062] churches [1577], except [1508] it be that [3754] I [1473] myself [846] was [2655] not [3756] burdensome [2655] to you [5216]? forgive [5483] me [3427] this [5026] wrong [93].
2 If [1487] I be [1510] not [3756] an apostle [652] unto others [243], yet [235] doubtless [1065] I am [1510] to you [5213]: for [1063] the seal [4973] of mine [1699] apostleship [651] are [2075] ye [5210] in [1722] the Lord [2962].
1 Am [1510] I not [3756] an apostle [652]? am [1510] I not [3756] free [1658]? have I not [3780] seen [3708] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] our [2257] Lord [2962]? are [2075] not [3756] ye [5210] my [3450] work [2041] in [1722] the Lord [2962]?
12 Now [1161] if [1487] Christ [5547] be preached [2784] that [3754] he rose [1453] from [1537] the dead [3498], how [4459] say [3004] some [5100] among [1722] you [5213] that [3754] there is [2076] no [3756] resurrection [386] of the dead [3498]?
16 And [2532] to pass [1330] by [1223] you [5216] into [1519] Macedonia [3109], and [2532] to come [2064] again [3825] out of [575] Macedonia [3109] unto [4314] you [5209], and [2532] of [5259] you [5216] to be brought on my way [4311] toward [1519] Judaea [2449].