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Selected Verse: 1 Corinthians 7:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Co 7:6 Strong Concordance But [1161] I speak [3004] this [5124] by [2596] permission [4774], and not [3756] of [2596] commandment [2003].
  King James But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
by permission . . . not of commandment--not by God's permission to me to say it: but, "by way of permission to you, not as a commandment." "This" refers to the directions, Co1 7:2-5.
2 Nevertheless [1223] [1161], to avoid fornication [4202], let [2192] every man [1538] have [2192] his own [1438] wife [1135], and [2532] let [2192] every woman [1538] have [2192] her own [2398] husband [435].
3 Let [591] the husband [435] render [591] unto the wife [1135] due [3784] benevolence [2133]: and [1161] likewise [3668] also [2532] the wife [1135] unto the husband [435].
4 The wife [1135] hath [1850] not [3756] power [1850] of her own [2398] body [4983], but [235] the husband [435]: and [1161] likewise [3668] also [2532] the husband [435] hath [1850] not [3756] power [1850] of his own [2398] body [4983], but [235] the wife [1135].
5 Defraud ye [650] not [3361] one the other [240], except [1509] [302] it be [5100] with [1537] consent [4859] for [4314] a time [2540], that [2443] ye may give yourselves [4980] to fasting [3521] and [2532] prayer [4335]; and [2532] come [4905] together [1909] [846] again [3825], that [3363] Satan [4567] tempt [3985] you [5209] not [3363] for [1223] your [5216] incontinency [192].
25 Now [1161] concerning [4012] virgins [3933] I have [2192] no [3756] commandment [2003] of the Lord [2962]: yet [1161] I give [1325] my judgment [1106], as [5613] one that hath obtained mercy [1653] of [5259] the Lord [2962] to be [1511] faithful [4103].
40 But [1161] she is [2076] happier [3107] if [1437] she [3306] so [3779] abide [3306], after [2596] my [1699] judgment [1106]: and [1161] I think [1380] also [2504] that I have [2192] the Spirit [4151] of God [2316].
25 Now [1161] concerning [4012] virgins [3933] I have [2192] no [3756] commandment [2003] of the Lord [2962]: yet [1161] I give [1325] my judgment [1106], as [5613] one that hath obtained mercy [1653] of [5259] the Lord [2962] to be [1511] faithful [4103].
10 And [1161] unto the married [1060] I command [3853], yet not [3756] I [1473], but [235] the Lord [2962], Let [5563] not [3361] the wife [1135] depart [5563] from [575] her husband [435]:
25 Now [1161] concerning [4012] virgins [3933] I have [2192] no [3756] commandment [2003] of the Lord [2962]: yet [1161] I give [1325] my judgment [1106], as [5613] one that hath obtained mercy [1653] of [5259] the Lord [2962] to be [1511] faithful [4103].
1 Now [1161] concerning [4012] the things whereof [3739] ye wrote [1125] unto me [3427]: It is good [2570] for a man [444] not [3361] to touch [680] a woman [1135].
23 All things [3956] are lawful [1832] for me [3427], but [235] all things [3956] are [4851] not [3756] expedient [4851]: all things [3956] are lawful [1832] for me [3427], but [235] all things [3956] edify [3618] not [3756].
2 Both low [01121] [0120] and high [01121] [0376], rich [06223] and poor [034], together [03162].
2 Hear [08085] this, ye old men [02205], and give ear [0238], all ye inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776]. Hath this been in your days [03117], or even [0518] in the days [03117] of your fathers [01]?
5 Defraud ye [650] not [3361] one the other [240], except [1509] [302] it be [5100] with [1537] consent [4859] for [4314] a time [2540], that [2443] ye may give yourselves [4980] to fasting [3521] and [2532] prayer [4335]; and [2532] come [4905] together [1909] [846] again [3825], that [3363] Satan [4567] tempt [3985] you [5209] not [3363] for [1223] your [5216] incontinency [192].
2 Nevertheless [1223] [1161], to avoid fornication [4202], let [2192] every man [1538] have [2192] his own [1438] wife [1135], and [2532] let [2192] every woman [1538] have [2192] her own [2398] husband [435].