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Selected Verse: 1 Corinthians 11:29 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
1Co 11:29 Strong Concordance For [1063] he that eateth [2068] and [2532] drinketh [4095] unworthily [371], eateth [2068] and [2532] drinketh [4095] damnation [2917] to himself [1438], not [3361] discerning [1252] the Lord's [2962] body [4983].
  King James For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
damnation--A mistranslation which has put a stumbling-block in the way of many in respect to communicating. The right translation is "judgment." The judgment is described (Co1 11:30-32) as temporal.

not discerning--not duty judging: not distinguishing in judgment (so the Greek: the sin and its punishment thus being marked as corresponding) from common food, the sacramental pledges of the Lord's body. Most of the oldest manuscripts omit "Lord's" (see Co1 11:27). Omitting also "unworthily," with most of the oldest manuscripts, we must translate, "He that eateth and drinketh, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, IF he discern not the body" (Heb 10:29). The Church is "the body of Christ" (Co1 12:27). The Lord's body is His literal body appreciated and discerned by the soul in the faithful receiving, and not present in the elements themselves.
27 Now [1161] ye [5210] are [2075] the body [4983] of Christ [5547], and [2532] members [3196] in [1537] particular [3313].
29 Of how much [4214] sorer [5501] punishment [5098], suppose ye [1380], shall he be thought worthy [515], who [3588] hath trodden under foot [2662] the Son [5207] of God [2316], and [2532] hath counted [2233] the blood [129] of the covenant [1242], wherewith [3739] [1722] he was sanctified [37], an unholy thing [2839], and [2532] hath done despite [1796] unto the Spirit [4151] of grace [5485]?
27 Wherefore [5620] whosoever [3739] [302] shall eat [2068] this [5126] bread [740], and [2228] drink [4095] this cup [4221] of the Lord [2962], unworthily [371], shall be [2071] guilty [1777] of the body [4983] and [2532] blood [129] of the Lord [2962].
30 For [1223] this [5124] cause [1223] many [4183] are weak [772] and [2532] sickly [732] among [1722] you [5213], and [2532] many [2425] sleep [2837].
31 For [1063] if [1487] we would judge [1252] ourselves [1438], we should [302] not [3756] be judged [2919].
32 But [1161] when we are judged [2919], we are chastened [3811] of [5259] the Lord [2962], that [3363] we should [2632] not [3363] be condemned [2632] with [4862] the world [2889].
20 When ye [5216] come together [4905] therefore [3767] into [1909] one place [846], this is [2076] not [3756] to eat [5315] the Lord's [2960] supper [1173].
21 For [1063] in [1722] eating [5315] every one [1538] taketh before [4301] other his own [2398] supper [1173]: and [2532] one [3739] [3303] is hungry [3983], and [1161] another [3739] is drunken [3184].
17 For [3754] the time [2540] is come that judgment [2917] must begin [756] at [575] the house [3624] of God [2316]: and [1161] if [1487] it first [4412] begin at [575] us [2257], what [5101] shall the end [5056] be of them that obey not [544] the gospel [2098] of God [2316]?
32 But [1161] when we are judged [2919], we are chastened [3811] of [5259] the Lord [2962], that [3363] we should [2632] not [3363] be condemned [2632] with [4862] the world [2889].
30 For [1223] this [5124] cause [1223] many [4183] are weak [772] and [2532] sickly [732] among [1722] you [5213], and [2532] many [2425] sleep [2837].
32 But [1161] when we are judged [2919], we are chastened [3811] of [5259] the Lord [2962], that [3363] we should [2632] not [3363] be condemned [2632] with [4862] the world [2889].
30 For [1223] this [5124] cause [1223] many [4183] are weak [772] and [2532] sickly [732] among [1722] you [5213], and [2532] many [2425] sleep [2837].
2 Whosoever therefore [5620] resisteth [498] the power [1849], resisteth [436] the ordinance [1296] of God [2316]: and [1161] they that resist [436] shall receive [2983] to themselves [1438] damnation [2917].
8 And [2532] not [3361] rather, (as [2531] we be slanderously reported [987], and [2532] as [2531] some [5100] affirm [5346] that we [2248] say [3004] [3754] Let us do [4160] evil [2556], that [2443] good [18] may come [2064]? whose [3739] damnation [2917] is [2076] just [1738].
27 Wherefore [5620] whosoever [3739] [302] shall eat [2068] this [5126] bread [740], and [2228] drink [4095] this cup [4221] of the Lord [2962], unworthily [371], shall be [2071] guilty [1777] of the body [4983] and [2532] blood [129] of the Lord [2962].
32 But [1161] when we are judged [2919], we are chastened [3811] of [5259] the Lord [2962], that [3363] we should [2632] not [3363] be condemned [2632] with [4862] the world [2889].
22 What [1063]? have ye [2192] not [3378] houses [3614] to eat [2068] and [2532] to drink [4095] in [1519]? or [2228] despise ye [2706] the church [1577] of God [2316], and [2532] shame [2617] them that have [2192] not [3361]? What [5101] shall I say [2036] to you [5213]? shall I praise [1867] you [5209] in [1722] this [5129]? I praise [1867] you not [3756].
20 When ye [5216] come together [4905] therefore [3767] into [1909] one place [846], this is [2076] not [3756] to eat [5315] the Lord's [2960] supper [1173].
28 But [1161] let [1381] a man [444] examine [1381] himself [1438], and [2532] so [3779] let him eat [2068] of [1537] that bread [740], and [2532] drink [4095] of [1537] that cup [4221].
29 For [1063] he that eateth [2068] and [2532] drinketh [4095] unworthily [371], eateth [2068] and [2532] drinketh [4095] damnation [2917] to himself [1438], not [3361] discerning [1252] the Lord's [2962] body [4983].
30 For [1223] this [5124] cause [1223] many [4183] are weak [772] and [2532] sickly [732] among [1722] you [5213], and [2532] many [2425] sleep [2837].
31 For [1063] if [1487] we would judge [1252] ourselves [1438], we should [302] not [3756] be judged [2919].
32 But [1161] when we are judged [2919], we are chastened [3811] of [5259] the Lord [2962], that [3363] we should [2632] not [3363] be condemned [2632] with [4862] the world [2889].
33 Wherefore [5620], my [3450] brethren [80], when ye come together [4905] to [1519] eat [5315], tarry [1551] one for another [240].
34 And [1161] if any man [1536] hunger [3983], let him eat [2068] at [1722] home [3624]; that [3363] ye come [4905] not [3363] together [4905] unto [1519] condemnation [2917]. And [1161] the rest [3062] will I set in order [1299] when [5613] [302] I come [2064].
32 But [1161] when we are judged [2919], we are chastened [3811] of [5259] the Lord [2962], that [3363] we should [2632] not [3363] be condemned [2632] with [4862] the world [2889].
39 And [2532] Jesus [2424] said [2036], For [1519] judgment [2917] I [1473] am come [2064] into [1519] this [5126] world [2889], that [2443] they which see [991] not [3361] might see [991]; and [2532] that they which see [991] might be made [1096] blind [5185].
16 He that believeth [4100] and [2532] is baptized [907] shall be saved [4982]; but [1161] he that believeth not [569] shall be damned [2632].
30 For [1223] this [5124] cause [1223] many [4183] are weak [772] and [2532] sickly [732] among [1722] you [5213], and [2532] many [2425] sleep [2837].
32 But [1161] when we are judged [2919], we are chastened [3811] of [5259] the Lord [2962], that [3363] we should [2632] not [3363] be condemned [2632] with [4862] the world [2889].