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Selected Verse: Romans 9:25 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ro 9:25 Strong Concordance As he saith [3004] also [2532] in [1722] Osee [5617], I will call [2564] them my [3450] people [2992], which were not [3756] my [3450] people [2992]; and [2532] her beloved [25], which was [25] not [3756] beloved [25].
  King James As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
As he saith also in Osee--"Hosea."

I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved--quoted, though not quite to the letter, from Hos 2:23, a passage relating immediately, not to the heathen, but to the kingdom of the ten tribes; but since they had sunk to the level of the heathen, who were "not God's people," and in that sense "not beloved," the apostle legitimately applies it to the heathen, as "aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise" (so Pe1 2:10).
10 Which [3588] in time past [4218] were not [3756] a people [2992], but [1161] are now [3568] the people [2992] of God [2316]: which [3588] had [1653] not [3756] obtained mercy [1653], but [1161] now [3568] have obtained mercy [1653].
23 And I will sow [02232] her unto me in the earth [0776]; and I will have mercy [07355] upon her that had not obtained mercy [07355] [03818]; and I will say [0559] to them which were not my people [05971], Thou art my people [05971]; and they shall say [0559], Thou art my God [0430].
23 And I will sow [02232] her unto me in the earth [0776]; and I will have mercy [07355] upon her that had not obtained mercy [07355] [03818]; and I will say [0559] to them which were not my people [05971], Thou art my people [05971]; and they shall say [0559], Thou art my God [0430].
7 Again [3825], he limiteth [3724] a certain [5100] day [2250], saying [3004] in [1722] David [1138], To day [4594], after [3326] so long [5118] a time [5550]; as [2531] it is said [2046], To day [4594] if [1437] ye will hear [191] his [846] voice [5456], harden [4645] not [3361] your [5216] hearts [2588].
22 Thus saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069], Behold, I will lift up [05375] mine hand [03027] to the Gentiles [01471], and set up [07311] my standard [05251] to the people [05971]: and they shall bring [0935] thy sons [01121] in their arms [02684], and thy daughters [01323] shall be carried [05375] upon their shoulders [03802].
6 And she conceived again [02029], and bare [03205] a daughter [01323]. And God said [0559] unto him, Call [07121] her name [08034] Loruhamah [03819]: for I will no more [03254] have mercy [07355] upon the house [01004] of Israel [03478]; but I will utterly [05375] take them away [05375].
7 But I will have mercy [07355] upon the house [01004] of Judah [03063], and will save [03467] them by the LORD [03068] their God [0430], and will not save [03467] them by bow [07198], nor by sword [02719], nor by battle [04421], by horses [05483], nor by horsemen [06571].
8 Now when she had weaned [01580] Loruhamah [03819], she conceived [02029], and bare [03205] a son [01121].
9 Then said [0559] God, Call [07121] his name [08034] Loammi [03818]: for ye are not my people [05971], and I will not be your God.
23 And I will sow [02232] her unto me in the earth [0776]; and I will have mercy [07355] upon her that had not obtained mercy [07355] [03818]; and I will say [0559] to them which were not my people [05971], Thou art my people [05971]; and they shall say [0559], Thou art my God [0430].
23 And I will sow [02232] her unto me in the earth [0776]; and I will have mercy [07355] upon her that had not obtained mercy [07355] [03818]; and I will say [0559] to them which were not my people [05971], Thou art my people [05971]; and they shall say [0559], Thou art my God [0430].