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Selected Verse: Romans 9:14 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ro 9:14 Strong Concordance What [5101] shall we say [2046] then [3767]? [3361] Is there unrighteousness [93] with [3844] God [2316]? God forbid [3361] [1096].
  King James What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid--This is the first of two objections to the foregoing doctrine, that God chooses one and rejects another, not on account of their works, but purely in the exercise of His own good pleasure: "This doctrine is inconsistent with the justice of God." The answer to this objection extends to Rom 9:19, where we have the second objection.
19 Thou wilt say [2046] then [3767] unto me [3427], Why [5101] doth he yet [2089] find fault [3201]? For [1063] who [5101] hath resisted [436] his [846] will [1013]?
4 God forbid [3361] [1096]: yea [1161], let [1096] God [2316] be [1096] true [227], but [1161] every [3956] man [444] a liar [5583]; as [2531] it is written [1125], That [3704] thou mightest [302] be justified [1344] in [1722] thy [4675] sayings [3056], and [2532] mightest overcome [3528] when [1722] thou [4571] art judged [2919].
19 Thou wilt say [2046] then [3767] unto me [3427], Why [5101] doth he yet [2089] find fault [3201]? For [1063] who [5101] hath resisted [436] his [846] will [1013]?
20 Nay but [3304], O [5599] man [444], who [5101] art [1488] thou [4771] that repliest against [470] God [2316]? [3361] Shall [2046] the thing formed [4110] say [2046] to him that formed [4111] it, Why [5101] hast thou made [4160] me [3165] thus [3779]?
21 [2228] Hath [2192] not [3756] the potter [2763] power [1849] over the clay [4081], of [1537] the same [846] lump [5445] to [3739] [3303] make [4160] one vessel [4632] unto [1519] honour [5092], and [1161] another [3739] unto [1519] dishonour [819]?
22 What if [1487] [1161] God [2316], willing [2309] to shew [1731] his wrath [3709], and [2532] to make [1107] his [846] power [1415] known [1107], endured [5342] with [1722] much [4183] longsuffering [3115] the vessels [4632] of wrath [3709] fitted [2675] to [1519] destruction [684]:
23 And [2532] that [2443] he might make known [1107] the riches [4149] of his [846] glory [1391] on [1909] the vessels [4632] of mercy [1656], which [3739] he had afore prepared [4282] unto [1519] glory [1391],
17 For [1063] the scripture [1124] saith [3004] unto Pharaoh [5328], Even for [3754] [1519] this [5124] same purpose [846] have I raised [1825] thee [4571] up [1825], that [3704] I might shew [1731] my [3450] power [1411] in [1722] thee [4671], and [2532] that [3704] my [3450] name [3686] might be declared [1229] throughout [1722] all [3956] the earth [1093].
15 For [1063] he saith [3004] to Moses [3475], I will have mercy on [1653] whom [3739] [302] I will have mercy [1653], and [2532] I will have compassion [3627] on whom [3739] [302] I will have compassion [3627].