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Selected Verse: Acts 8:40 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ac 8:40 Strong Concordance But [1161] Philip [5376] was found [2147] at [1519] Azotus [108]: and [2532] passing [1330] through he preached [2097] in all [3956] the cities [4172], till [2193] he [846] came [2064] to [1519] Caesarea [2542].
  King James But Philip was found at Azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Philip was found--that is, "found himself," "made his appearance": an expression confirming the miraculous manner of his transportation.

at Azotus--the ancient Ashdod.

preached in all the cities--along the coast, proceeding northward.

till he came to CÃ&brvbr;sarea--fifty-five miles northwest of Jerusalem, on the Mediterranean, just south of Mount Carmel; and so named by Herod, who rebuilt it, in honor of CÃ&brvbr;sar Augustus. Henceforth we lose sight of zealous and honored Philip, as by and by we shall lose sight even of Peter. As the chariot of the Gospel rolls on, other agents are raised up, each suited to his work. But "he that soweth and he that reapeth shall rejoice together." (See on Joh 4:31-38).
31 [1161] In [1722] the mean [3342] while his disciples [3101] prayed [2065] him [846], saying [3004], Master [4461], eat [5315].
32 But [1161] he said [2036] unto them [846], I [1473] have [2192] meat [1035] to eat [5315] that [3739] ye [5210] know [1492] not [3756] of [1492].
33 Therefore [3767] said [3004] the disciples [3101] one to another [4314] [240], Hath [5342] any man [3387] brought [5342] him [846] ought to eat [5315]?
34 Jesus [2424] saith [3004] unto them [846], My [1699] meat [1033] is [2076] to [2443] do [4160] the will [2307] of him that sent [3992] me [3165], and [2532] to finish [5048] his [846] work [2041].
35 Say [3004] not [3756] ye [5210], There [3754] are [2076] yet [2089] four months [5072], and [2532] then cometh [2064] harvest [2326]? behold [2400], I say [3004] unto you [5213], Lift up [1869] your [5216] eyes [3788], and [2532] look on [2300] the fields [5561]; for [3754] they are [1526] white [3022] already [2235] to [4314] harvest [2326].
36 And [2532] he that reapeth [2325] receiveth [2983] wages [3408], and [2532] gathereth [4863] fruit [2590] unto [1519] life [2222] eternal [166]: that [2443] both [2532] he that soweth [4687] and [2532] he that reapeth [2325] may rejoice [5463] together [3674].
37 And [1063] herein [1722] [5129] is [2076] that saying [3056] true [228], [3754] One [243] soweth [2076] [4687], and [2532] another [243] reapeth [2325].
38 I [1473] sent [649] you [5209] to reap [2325] that whereon [3739] ye [5210] bestowed [2872] no [3756] labour [2872]: other men [243] laboured [2872], and [2532] ye [5210] are entered [1525] into [1519] their [846] labours [2873].
8 And [1161] the next [1887] day we that were of [4012] Paul's [3972] company [4012] departed [1831], and came [2064] [2064] unto [1519] Caesarea [2542]: and [2532] we entered [1525] into [1519] the house [3624] of Philip [5376] the evangelist [2099], which was [5607] one of [1537] the seven [2033]; and abode [3306] with [3844] him [846].
9 And [1161] the same man [5129] had [2258] four [5064] daughters [2364], virgins [3933], which did prophesy [4395].
13 And [1161] after [1230] certain [5100] days [2250] king [935] Agrippa [67] and [2532] Bernice [959] came [2658] unto [1519] Caesarea [2542] to salute [782] Festus [5347].
6 And [1161] when he had tarried [1304] among [1722] them [846] more [4119] than [2228] ten [1176] days [2250], he went down [2597] unto [1519] Caesarea [2542]; and the next day [1887] sitting [2523] on [1909] the judgment seat [968] commanded [2753] Paul [3972] to be brought [71].
33 Who [3748], when they came [1525] to [1519] Caesarea [2542], and [2532] delivered [325] the epistle [1992] to the governor [2232], presented [3936] Paul [3972] also [2532] before him [846].
1 And it came to pass, when Jabin [02985] king [04428] of Hazor [02674] had heard [08085] those things, that he sent [07971] to Jobab [03103] king [04428] of Madon [04068], and to the king [04428] of Shimron [08110], and to the king [04428] of Achshaph [0407],
8 And I will cut off [03772] the inhabitant [03427] from Ashdod [0795], and him that holdeth [08551] the sceptre [07626] from Ashkelon [0831], and I will turn [07725] mine hand [03027] against Ekron [06138]: and the remnant [07611] of the Philistines [06430] shall perish [06], saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069].
6 And he went forth [03318] and warred [03898] against the Philistines [06430], and brake down [06555] the wall [02346] of Gath [01661], and the wall [02346] of Jabneh [02996], and the wall [02346] of Ashdod [0795], and built [01129] cities [05892] about Ashdod [0795], and among the Philistines [06430].
2 When the Philistines [06430] took [03947] the ark [0727] of God [0430], they brought [0935] it into the house [01004] of Dagon [01712], and set [03322] it by [0681] Dagon [01712].
3 And when they of Ashdod [0796] arose early [07925] on the morrow [04283], behold, Dagon [01712] was fallen [05307] upon his face [06440] to the earth [0776] before [06440] the ark [0727] of the LORD [03068]. And they took [03947] Dagon [01712], and set [07725] him in his place [04725] again [07725].
10 And [2532] the commandment [1785], which [3588] was ordained to [1519] life [2222], I [3427] found [2147] [3778] to be unto [1519] death [2288].
18 There are [2147] not [3756] found [2147] that returned [5290] to give [1325] glory [1391] to God [2316], save [1508] this [3778] stranger [241].
20 And Adam [0120] gave [07121] names [08034] to all cattle [0929], and to the fowl [05775] of the air [08064], and to every beast [02416] of the field [07704]; but for Adam [0120] there was not found [04672] an help meet [05828] for him.
29 And when they had made an end [03615] of offering [05927], the king [04428] and all that were present [04672] with him bowed [03766] themselves, and worshipped [07812].
17 I know [03045] also, my God [0430], that thou triest [0974] the heart [03824], and hast pleasure [07521] in uprightness [03476]. As for me, in the uprightness [04339] of mine heart [03824] I have willingly offered [05068] all these things: and now have I seen [07200] with joy [08057] thy people [05971], which are present [04672] here, to offer willingly [05068] unto thee.
8 And [1161] the next [1887] day we that were of [4012] Paul's [3972] company [4012] departed [1831], and came [2064] [2064] unto [1519] Caesarea [2542]: and [2532] we entered [1525] into [1519] the house [3624] of Philip [5376] the evangelist [2099], which was [5607] one of [1537] the seven [2033]; and abode [3306] with [3844] him [846].
47 Ashdod [0795] with her towns [01323] and her villages [02691], Gaza [05804] with her towns [01323] and her villages [02691], unto the river [05158] of Egypt [04714], and the great [01419] [01366] sea [03220], and the border [01366] thereof: