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Selected Verse: Acts 28:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ac 28:6 Strong Concordance Howbeit [1161] they looked [4328] when he [846] should [3195] have swollen [4092], or [2228] fallen down [2667] dead [3498] suddenly [869]: but [1161] after they [846] had looked [4328] a great while [1909] [4183], and [2532] saw [2334] no [3367] harm [824] come [1096] to [1519] him [846], they changed their minds [3328], and said [3004] that he [846] was [1511] a god [2316].
  King James Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
they looked--"continued looking."

when he should have swollen or fallen down dead--familiar with the effects of such bites.

and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said . . . he was a god--from "a murderer" to "a god," as the Lycaonian greeting of Paul and Silas from "sacrificing to them" to "stoning them" (Act 14:13, Act 14:19). What has not the Gospel done for the uncultivated portion of the human family, while its effects on the educated and refined, though very different, are not less marvellous! Verily it is God's chosen restorative for the human spirit, in all the multitudinous forms and gradations of its lapsed state.
19 And [1161] there came thither [1904] certain Jews [2453] from [575] Antioch [490] and [2532] Iconium [2430], who [2532] persuaded [3982] the people [3793], and [2532], having stoned [3034] Paul [3972], drew [4951] him out of [1854] the city [4172], supposing [3543] he [846] had been dead [2348].
13 Then [1161] the priest [2409] of Jupiter [2203], which [3588] was [5607] before [4253] their [846] city [4172], brought [5342] oxen [5022] and [2532] garlands [4725] unto [1909] the gates [4440], and would [2309] have done sacrifice [2380] with [4862] the people [3793].
11 And [1161] when the people [3793] saw [1492] what [3739] Paul [3972] had done [4160], they lifted up [1869] their [846] voices [5456], saying [3004] in the speech of Lycaonia [3072], The gods [2316] are come down [2597] to [4314] us [2248] in the likeness [3666] of men [444].
19 And [1161] there came thither [1904] certain Jews [2453] from [575] Antioch [490] and [2532] Iconium [2430], who [2532] persuaded [3982] the people [3793], and [2532], having stoned [3034] Paul [3972], drew [4951] him out of [1854] the city [4172], supposing [3543] he [846] had been dead [2348].
13 Then [1161] the priest [2409] of Jupiter [2203], which [3588] was [5607] before [4253] their [846] city [4172], brought [5342] oxen [5022] and [2532] garlands [4725] unto [1909] the gates [4440], and would [2309] have done sacrifice [2380] with [4862] the people [3793].
5 Let them therefore [3767], said [5346] he, which among [1722] you [5213] are able [1415], go down with [4782] me, and accuse [2723] this [846] man [435], if [1536] there be [2076] any wickedness [1536] in [1722] him [5129].
41 And [2532] we [2249] indeed [3303] justly [1346]; for [1063] we receive [618] the due reward [514] of our [3739] deeds [4238]: but [1161] this man [3778] hath done [4238] nothing [3762] amiss [824].
2 And [2532] that [2443] we may be delivered [4506] from [575] unreasonable [824] and [2532] wicked [4190] men [444]: for [1063] all [3956] men have not [3756] faith [4102].
6 And the LORD [03068] sent [07971] fiery [08314] serpents [05175] among the people [05971], and they bit [05391] the people [05971]; and much [07227] people [05971] of Israel [03478] died [04191].