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Selected Verse: Acts 26:16 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ac 26:16 Strong Concordance But [235] rise [450], and [2532] stand [2476] upon [1909] thy [4675] feet [4228]: for [1063] I have appeared [3700] unto thee [4671] for [1519] this purpose [5124], to make [4400] thee [4571] a minister [5257] and [2532] a witness [3144] both [5037] of these things which [3739] thou hast seen [1492], and [5037] of those things in the which [3739] I will appear [3700] unto thee [4671];
  King James But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee;

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
But rise, &c.--Here the apostle appears to condense into one statement various sayings of his Lord to him in visions at different times, in order to present at one view the grandeur of the commission with which his Master had clothed him [ALFORD].

a minister . . . both of these things which thou hast seen--putting him on a footing with those "eye-witnesses and ministers of the word" mentioned in Luk 1:2.

and of those in which I will appear to thee--referring to visions he was thereafter to be favored with; such as Act 18:9-10; Act 22:17-21; Act 23:11; Co2 12:1-10, &c. (Gal 1:12).
12 For [1063] I [1473] neither [3761] received [3880] it [846] of [3844] man [444], neither [3777] was I taught [1321] it, but [235] by [1223] the revelation [602] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
1 It is [4851] not [3756] expedient [4851] for me [3427] doubtless [1211] to glory [2744]. [1063] I will come [2064] to [1519] visions [3701] and [2532] revelations [602] of the Lord [2962].
2 I knew [1492] a man [444] in [1722] Christ [5547] above [4253] fourteen [1180] years [2094] ago [4253], (whether [1535] in [1722] the body [4983], I cannot [3756] tell [1492]; or whether [1535] out [1622] of the body [4983], I cannot [3756] tell [1492]: God [2316] knoweth [1492] such an one [5108] caught up [726] to [2193] the third [5154] heaven [3772].
3 And [2532] I knew [1492] such [5108] a man [444], (whether [1535] in [1722] the body [4983], or [1535] out [1622] of the body [4983], I cannot [3756] tell [1492]: God [2316] knoweth [1492]
4 How that [3754] he was caught up [726] into [1519] paradise [3857], and [2532] heard [191] unspeakable [731] words [4487], which [3739] it is [1832] not [3756] lawful [1832] for a man [444] to utter [2980].
5 Of [5228] such an one [5108] will I glory [2744]: yet [1161] of [5228] myself [1683] I will [2744] not [3756] glory [2744], but [1508] in [1722] mine [3450] infirmities [769].
6 For [1063] though [1437] I would desire [2309] to glory [2744], I shall [2071] not [3756] be [2071] a fool [878]; for [1063] I will say [2046] the truth [225]: but [1161] now I forbear [5339], lest [3361] any man [5100] should think [3049] of [1519] me [1691] above [5228] that which [3739] he seeth [991] me [3165] to be, or [2228] that he heareth [191] of [5100] [1537] me [1700].
7 And [2532] lest [3363] I should be exalted above measure [5229] through the abundance [5236] of the revelations [602], there was given [1325] to me [3427] a thorn [4647] in the flesh [4561], the messenger [32] of Satan [4566] to [2443] buffet [2852] me [3165], lest [3363] I should be exalted above measure [5229].
8 For [5228] this thing [5127] I besought [3870] the Lord [2962] thrice [5151], that [2443] it might depart [868] from [575] me [1700].
9 And [2532] he said [2046] unto me [3427], My [3450] grace [5485] is sufficient [714] for thee [4671]: for [1063] my [3450] strength [1411] is made perfect [5048] in [1722] weakness [769]. Most gladly [2236] therefore [3767] will I [2744] rather [3123] glory [2744] in [1722] my [3450] infirmities [769], that [2443] the power [1411] of Christ [5547] may rest [1981] upon [1909] me [1691].
10 Therefore [1352] I take pleasure [2106] in [1722] infirmities [769], in [1722] reproaches [5196], in [1722] necessities [318], in [1722] persecutions [1375], in [1722] distresses [4730] for [5228] Christ's [5547] sake [5228]: for [1063] when [3752] I am weak [770], then [5119] am [1510] I strong [1415].
11 And [1161] the night [3571] following [1966] the Lord [2962] stood by [2186] him [846], and said [2036], Be of good cheer [2293], Paul [3972]: for [1063] as [5613] thou hast testified [1263] of [4012] me [1700] in [1519] Jerusalem [2419], so [3779] must [1163] thou [4571] bear witness [3140] also [2532] at [1519] Rome [4516].
17 And [1161] it came to pass [1096], that, when I [3427] was come again [5290] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419], even [2532] while I [3450] prayed [4336] in [1722] the temple [2411], I [3165] was [1096] in [1722] a trance [1611];
18 And [2532] saw [1492] him [846] saying [3004] unto me [3427], Make haste [4692], and [2532] get thee [1831] quickly [5034] [1722] out of [1537] Jerusalem [2419]: for [1360] they will [3858] not [3756] receive [3858] thy [4675] testimony [3141] concerning [4012] me [1700].
19 And I [2504] said [2036], Lord [2962], they [846] know [1987] that [3754] I [1473] imprisoned [2252] [5439] and [2532] beat [1194] in every [2596] synagogue [4864] them that believed [4100] on [1909] thee [4571]:
20 And [2532] when [3753] the blood [129] of thy [4675] martyr [3144] Stephen [4736] was shed [1632], I [846] also [2532] was [2252] standing by [2186], and [2532] consenting [4909] unto his [846] death [336], and [2532] kept [5442] the raiment [2440] of them that slew [337] him [846].
21 And [2532] he said [2036] unto [4314] me [3165], Depart [4198]: for [3754] I [1473] will send [1821] thee [4571] far hence [3112] unto [1519] the Gentiles [1484].
9 Then [1161] spake [2036] the Lord [2962] to Paul [3972] in [1223] the night [3571] by [1722] a vision [3705], Be [5399] not [3361] afraid [5399], but [235] speak [2980], and [2532] hold [4623] not [3361] thy peace [4623]:
10 For [1360] I [1473] am [1510] with [3326] thee [4675], and [2532] no man [3762] shall set on [2007] thee [4671] to hurt [2559] thee [4571]: for [1360] I [3427] have [2076] much [4183] people [2992] in [1722] this [5026] city [4172].
2 Even [2531] as they delivered [3860] them unto us [2254], which [3588] from [575] the beginning [746] were [1096] eyewitnesses [845], and [2532] ministers [5257] of the word [3056];
17 And [1161] it came to pass [1096], that, when I [3427] was come again [5290] to [1519] Jerusalem [2419], even [2532] while I [3450] prayed [4336] in [1722] the temple [2411], I [3165] was [1096] in [1722] a trance [1611];
18 And [2532] saw [1492] him [846] saying [3004] unto me [3427], Make haste [4692], and [2532] get thee [1831] quickly [5034] [1722] out of [1537] Jerusalem [2419]: for [1360] they will [3858] not [3756] receive [3858] thy [4675] testimony [3141] concerning [4012] me [1700].
15 For [3754] thou shalt be [2071] his [846] witness [3144] unto [4314] all [3956] men [444] of what [3739] thou hast seen [3708] and [2532] heard [191].
22 Beginning [756] from [575] the baptism [908] of John [2491], unto [2193] that same day [2250] that [3739] he was taken up [353] from [575] us [2257], must [1163] one [1520] be ordained [1096] to be a witness [3144] with [4862] us [2254] of his [846] resurrection [386].
25 Agree [2468] [2132] with thine [4675] adversary [476] quickly [5035], whiles [2193] [3755] thou art [1488] in [1722] the way [3598] with [3326] him [846]; lest at any time [3379] the adversary [476] deliver [3860] thee [4571] to the judge [2923], and [2532] the judge [2923] deliver [3860] thee [4571] to the officer [5257], and [2532] thou be cast [906] into [1519] prison [5438].
20 And [2532] he shall send [649] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], which before was preached [4296] unto you [5213]:
43 And [1161] there appeared [3700] an angel [32] unto him [846] from [575] heaven [3772], strengthening [1765] him [846].
6 And [1161] it came to pass [1096], that, as I made [4198] my [3427] journey [4198], and [2532] was come nigh [1448] unto Damascus [1154] about [4012] noon [3314], suddenly [1810] there shone [4015] from [1537] heaven [3772] a great [2425] light [5457] round [4015] about [4012] me [1691].
7 And [5037] I fell [4098] unto [1519] the ground [1475], and [2532] heard [191] a voice [5456] saying [3004] unto me [3427], Saul [4549], Saul [4549], why [5101] persecutest thou [1377] me [3165]?
8 And [1161] I [1473] answered [611], Who [5101] art thou [1488], Lord [2962]? And [5037] he said [2036] unto [4314] me [3165], I [1473] am [1510] Jesus [2424] of Nazareth [3480], whom [3739] thou [4771] persecutest [1377].
9 And [1161] they that were [5607] with [4862] me [1698] saw [2300] indeed [3303] the light [5457], and [2532] were [1096] afraid [1719]; but [1161] they heard [191] not [3756] the voice [5456] of him that spake [2980] to me [3427].
10 And [1161] I said [2036], What [5101] shall I do [4160], Lord [2962]? And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036] unto [4314] me [3165], Arise [450], and go [4198] into [1519] Damascus [1154]; and there [2546] it shall be told [2980] thee [4671] of [4012] all things [3956] which [3739] are appointed [5021] for thee [4671] to do [4160].
11 And [1161] when [5613] I could [1689] not [3756] see [1689] for [575] the glory [1391] of that [1565] light [5457], being led by the hand [5496] of [5259] them that were [4895] with me [3427], I came [2064] into [1519] Damascus [1154].
1 And [1161] Saul [4569], yet [2089] breathing out [1709] threatenings [547] and [2532] slaughter [5408] against [1519] the disciples [3101] of the Lord [2962], went [4334] unto the high priest [749],
2 And desired [154] of [3844] him [846] letters [1992] to [1519] Damascus [1154] to [4314] the synagogues [4864], that [3704] if [1437] he found [2147] any [5100] of this way [3598], whether [5037] they were [5607] men [435] or [2532] women [1135], he might bring them [71] bound [1210] unto [1519] Jerusalem [2419].
3 And [1161] as he [846] journeyed [4198] [1722], he came [1096] near [1448] Damascus [1154]: and [2532] suddenly [1810] there shined round about [4015] him [846] a light [5457] from [575] heaven [3772]:
4 And [2532] he fell [4098] to [1909] the earth [1093], and heard [191] a voice [5456] saying [3004] unto him [846], Saul [4549], Saul [4549], why [5101] persecutest thou [1377] me [3165]?
5 And [1161] he said [2036], Who [5101] art thou [1488], Lord [2962]? And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036], I [1473] am [1510] Jesus [2424] whom [3739] thou [4771] persecutest [1377]: it is hard [4642] for thee [4671] to kick [2979] against [4314] the pricks [2759].
6 And [5037] he trembling [5141] and [2532] astonished [2284] said [2036], Lord [2962], what [5101] wilt thou have [2309] me [3165] to do [4160]? And [2532] the Lord [2962] said unto [4314] him [846], Arise [450], and [2532] go [1525] into [1519] the city [4172], and [2532] it shall be told [2980] thee [4671] what [5101] thou [4571] must [1163] do [4160].
7 And [1161] the men [435] which [3588] journeyed [4922] with him [846] stood [2476] speechless [1769], hearing [191] [3303] a voice [5456], but [1161] seeing [2334] no man [3367].
8 And [1161] Saul [4569] arose [1453] from [575] the earth [1093]; and [1161] when his [846] eyes [3788] were opened [455], he saw [991] no man [3762]: but [1161] they led [5496] him [846] by the hand [5496], and brought [1521] him into [1519] Damascus [1154].
9 And [2532] he was [2258] three [5140] days [2250] without [3361] sight [991], and [2532] neither [3756] did eat [5315] nor [3761] drink [4095].