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Selected Verse: Acts 22:23 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ac 22:23 Strong Concordance And [1161] as they [846] cried out [2905], and [2532] cast off [4495] their clothes [2440], and [2532] threw [906] dust [2868] into [1519] the air [109],
  King James And as they cried out, and cast off their clothes, and threw dust into the air,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Cast off their clothes - Their outer garments. Probably they did it now intending to stone him, Act 7:58.

And threw dust into the air - As expressive of them abhorrence and indignation. This was a striking exhibition of rage and malice. Paul was guarded by Roman soldiers so that they could not injure him; and their only way of expressing their wrath was by menaces and threats, and by these tokens of furious indignation. Thus, Shimei expressed his indignation against David by cursing him, throwing stones at him, and casting dust, Sa2 16:13.
13 And as David [01732] and his men [0582] went [03212] by the way [01870], Shimei [08096] went along [01980] on the hill's [02022] side [06763] over against [05980] him, and cursed [07043] as he went [01980], and threw [05619] stones [068] at [05980] him, and cast [06080] dust [06083].
58 And [2532] cast [1544] him out of [1854] the city [4172], and stoned [3036] him: and [2532] the witnesses [3144] laid down [659] their [846] clothes [2440] at [3844] a young man's [3494] feet [4228], whose name was [2564] Saul [4569].
13 And as David [01732] and his men [0582] went [03212] by the way [01870], Shimei [08096] went along [01980] on the hill's [02022] side [06763] over against [05980] him, and cursed [07043] as he went [01980], and threw [05619] stones [068] at [05980] him, and cast [06080] dust [06083].