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Selected Verse: Acts 20:33 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ac 20:33 Strong Concordance I have coveted [1937] no man's [3762] silver [694], or [2228] gold [5553], or [2228] apparel [2441].
  King James I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
I have coveted - I have not desired. I have not made it an object of my living among you to obtain your property. Thus, Co2 12:14 he says, "I seek not yours, but you." Paul had power to demand support in the, ministry as the reward of his labor, Co1 9:13-14. Yet he did not choose to exercise it, lest it should bring the charge of avarice against the ministry, Co1 9:12, Co1 9:15. He also had power in another respect. He had a vast influence over the people. The early Christians were disposed to commit their property to the disposal of the apostles. See Act 4:34-35, Act 4:37. The pagan had been accustomed to devote their property to the support of religion. Of this propensity, if the object of Paul had been to make money, he might have availed himself, and have become enriched. Deceivers often thus impose upon people for the purpose of amassing wealth; and one of the incidental but striking proofs of the truth of the Christian religion is here furnished in the appeal which the apostle Paul made to his hearers, that this had not been his motive. If it had been, how easy would it have been for them to have contradicted him! And who, in such circumstances, would have dared to make such an appeal? The circumstances of the case, therefore, prove that the object of the apostle was not to amass wealth. And this fact is an important proof of the truth of the religion which he defended. What should have induced him to labor and toil in this manner but a conviction of the truth of Christianity? And if he really believed it was true, it is, in his circumstances, a strong proof that this religion is from heaven. See this proof stated in Faber's "Difficulties of Infidelity," and in Lord Lyttleton's "Letter on the Conversion of Paul."

Or apparel - Raiment. Changes of raiment among the ancients, as at present among the Orientals, constituted an important part of their property. See the notes on Mat 6:19.
19 Lay [2343] not [3361] up [2343] for yourselves [5213] treasures [2344] upon [1909] earth [1093], where [3699] moth [4597] and [2532] rust [1035] doth corrupt [853], and [2532] where [3699] thieves [2812] break through [1358] and [2532] steal [2813]:
37 Having [5225] [846] land [68], sold [4453] it, and brought [5342] the money [5536], and [2532] laid [5087] it at [3844] the apostles [652]' feet [4228].
34 Neither [3761] [1063] was [5225] there any [5100] among [1722] them [846] that lacked [1729]: for [1063] as many as [3745] were [5225] possessors [2935] of lands [5564] or [2228] houses [3614] sold them [4453], and brought [5342] the prices [5092] of the things that were sold [4097],
35 And [2532] laid them down [5087] at [3844] the apostles [652]' feet [4228]: and [1161] distribution was made [1239] unto every man [1538] according [2530] as [302] he had [2192] need [5100] [5532].
15 But [1161] I [1473] have used [5530] none [3762] of these things [5130]: [1161] neither [3756] have I written [1125] these things [5023], that [2443] it should be [1096] so [3779] done [1096] unto [1722] me [1698]: for [1063] it were better [3123] for me [3427] to die [599] [2570], than [2228] that [2443] any man [5100] should make [2758] my [3450] glorying [2745] void [2758].
12 If [1487] others [243] be partakers [3348] of this power [1849] over you [5216], are not [3756] we [2249] rather [3123]? Nevertheless [235] we have [5530] not [3756] used [5530] this [5026] power [1849]; but [235] suffer [4722] all things [3956], lest [3363] we should [1325] [5100] hinder [1464] the gospel [2098] of Christ [5547].
13 Do ye [1492] not [3756] know [1492] that [3754] they which minister [2038] about holy things [2413] live [2068] of the things of [1537] the temple [2411]? and they which wait [4332] at the altar [2379] are partakers [4829] with the altar [2379]?
14 Even [2532] so [3779] hath [1299] the Lord [2962] ordained [1299] that they which preach [2605] the gospel [2098] should live [2198] of [1537] the gospel [2098].
14 Behold [2400], the third time [5154] I am [2192] ready [2093] to come [2064] to [4314] you [5209]; and [2532] I will [2655] not [3756] be burdensome [2655] to you [5216]: for [1063] I seek [2212] not [3756] yours [5216], but [235] you [5209]: for [1063] the children [5043] ought [3784] not [3756] to lay up [2343] for the parents [1118], but [235] the parents [1118] for the children [5043].
2 Your [5216] riches [4149] are corrupted [4595], and [2532] your [5216] garments [2440] are [1096] motheaten [4598].
19 Lay [2343] not [3361] up [2343] for yourselves [5213] treasures [2344] upon [1909] earth [1093], where [3699] moth [4597] and [2532] rust [1035] doth corrupt [853], and [2532] where [3699] thieves [2812] break through [1358] and [2532] steal [2813]:
16 Though he heap up [06651] silver [03701] as the dust [06083], and prepare [03559] raiment [04403] as the clay [02563];
70 And some of [07117] the chief [07218] of the fathers [01] gave [05414] unto the work [04399]. The Tirshatha [08660] gave [05414] to the treasure [0214] a thousand [0505] drams [01871] of gold [02091], fifty [02572] basons [04219], five [02568] hundred [03967] and thirty [07970] priests [03548]' garments [03801].
69 They gave [05414] after their ability [03581] unto the treasure [0214] of the work [04399] threescore [08337] [07239] and one thousand [0505] drams [01871] of gold [02091], and five [02568] thousand [0505] pound [04488] of silver [03701], and one hundred [03967] priests [03548]' garments [03801].
19 [1161] There was [2258] a certain [5100] rich [4145] man [444], which [2532] was clothed [1737] in purple [4209] and [2532] fine linen [1040], and fared [2165] sumptuously [2988] every [2596] day [2250]:
3 Behold, here I am: witness [06030] against me before the LORD [03068], and before his anointed [04899]: whose ox [07794] have I taken [03947]? or whose ass [02543] have I taken [03947]? or whom have I defrauded [06231]? whom have I oppressed [07533]? or of whose hand [03027] have I received any bribe [03724] to blind [05956] mine eyes [05869] therewith? and I will restore [07725] it you.
3 Behold, here I am: witness [06030] against me before the LORD [03068], and before his anointed [04899]: whose ox [07794] have I taken [03947]? or whose ass [02543] have I taken [03947]? or whom have I defrauded [06231]? whom have I oppressed [07533]? or of whose hand [03027] have I received any bribe [03724] to blind [05956] mine eyes [05869] therewith? and I will restore [07725] it you.
4 And they said [0559], Thou hast not defrauded [06231] us, nor oppressed [07533] us, neither hast thou taken [03947] ought [03972] of any man's [0376] hand [03027].
5 And he said [0559] unto them, The LORD [03068] is witness [05707] against you, and his anointed [04899] is witness [05707] this day [03117], that ye have not found [04672] ought [03972] in my hand [03027]. And they answered [0559], He is witness [05707].