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Selected Verse: Acts 20:30 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ac 20:30 Strong Concordance Also [2532] of [1537] your [5216] own selves [846] shall [450] men [435] arise [450], speaking [2980] perverse things [1294], to draw away [645] disciples [3101] after [3694] them [846].
  King James Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Also of your own selves - From your own church; from those who profess to. be Christians.

Speaking perverse things - Crooked, perverted, distracting doctrines διεστραμμένα diestrammena. Compare the notes on Act 13:10. They would proclaim doctrines tending to distract and divide the church. The most dangerous enemies which the church has had have been nurtured in its own bosom, and have consisted of those who have perverted the true doctrines of the gospel. Among the Ephesians, as among the Corinthians Co1 1:11-13, there might be parties formed; there might be people influenced by ambition, like Diotrephes Jo3 1:9, or like Phygellus or Hermogenes Ti2 1:15, or like Hymeneus and Alexander, Ti1 1:20. Men under the influence of ambition, or from the love of power or popularity, form parties in the church, produce divisions and distractions, and greatly retard its internal prosperity, and mar its peace. The church of Christ would have little to fear from external enemies if it nurtured no foes in its own bosom; and all the power of persecutors is not so much to be dreaded as the plans, the parties, the strifes, the heart burnings, and the contentions which are produced by those who love and seek power, among the professed friends of Christ.
20 Of whom [3739] is [2076] Hymenaeus [5211] and [2532] Alexander [223]; whom [3739] I have delivered [3860] unto Satan [4567], that [2443] they may learn [3811] not [3361] to blaspheme [987].
15 This [5124] thou knowest [1492], that [3754] all [3956] they which are in [1722] Asia [773] be turned away from [654] me [3165]; of whom [3739] are [2076] Phygellus [5436] and [2532] Hermogenes [2061].
9 I wrote [1125] unto the church [1577]: but [235] Diotrephes [1361], who [3588] loveth to have the preeminence [5383] among them [846], receiveth [1926] us [2248] not [3756].
11 For [1063] it hath been declared [1213] unto me [3427] of [4012] you [5216], my [3450] brethren [80], by [5259] them which are of the house [3588] of Chloe [5514], that [3754] there are [1526] contentions [2054] among [1722] you [5213].
12 Now [1161] this [5124] I say [3004], that [3754] every one [1538] of you [5216] saith [3004], I [1473] [3303] am [1510] of Paul [3972]; and [1161] I [1473] of Apollos [625]; and [1161] I [1473] of Cephas [2786]; and [1161] I [1473] of Christ [5547].
13 Is [3307] Christ [5547] divided [3307]? [3361] was [4717] Paul [3972] crucified [4717] for [5228] you [5216]? or [2228] were ye baptized [907] in [1519] the name [3686] of Paul [3972]?
10 And said [2036], O [5599] full [4134] of all [3956] subtilty [1388] and [2532] all [3956] mischief [4468], thou child [5207] of the devil [1228], thou enemy [2190] of all [3956] righteousness [1343], wilt thou [3973] not [3756] cease [3973] to pervert [1294] the right [2117] ways [3598] of the Lord [2962]?
6 But [235] this [5124] thou hast [2192], that [3754] thou hatest [3404] the deeds [2041] of the Nicolaitans [3531], which [3739] I also [2504] hate [3404].
20 Notwithstanding [235] I have [2192] a few things [3641] against [2596] thee [4675], because [3754] thou sufferest [1439] that woman [1135] Jezebel [2403], which [3588] calleth [3004] herself [1438] a prophetess [4398], to teach [1321] and [2532] to seduce [4105] my [1699] servants [1401] to commit fornication [4203], and [2532] to eat [5315] things sacrificed unto idols [1494].
15 So [3779] hast [2192] thou [4771] also [2532] them that hold [2902] the doctrine [1322] of the Nicolaitans [3531], which thing [3739] I hate [3404].
14 But [235] I have [2192] a few things [3641] against [2596] thee [4675], because [3754] thou hast [2192] there [1563] them that hold [2902] the doctrine [1322] of Balaam [903], who [3739] taught [1722] [1321] Balac [904] to cast [906] a stumblingblock [4625] before [1799] the children [5207] of Israel [2474], to eat [5315] things sacrificed unto idols [1494], and [2532] to commit fornication [4203].
6 And [2532] hath made [4160] us [2248] kings [935] and [2532] priests [2409] unto God [2316] and [2532] his [846] Father [3962]; to him [846] be glory [1391] and [2532] dominion [2904] for [1519] ever [165] and ever [165]. Amen [281].
2 Who [3739] bare record [3140] of the word [3056] of God [2316], and [2532] of the testimony [3141] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], and [5037] of all things [3745] that he saw [1492].