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Selected Verse: Acts 13:13 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ac 13:13 Strong Concordance Now [1161] when Paul [3972] and his company [4012] loosed [321] from [575] Paphos [3974], they came [2064] to [1519] Perga [4011] in Pamphylia [3828]: and [1161] John [2491] departing [672] from [575] them [846] returned [5290] to [1519] Jerusalem [2414].
  King James Now when Paul and his company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia: and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

they came to Perga in Pamphylia--The distance from Paphos to Attalia, on the Gulf of Pamphylia (see on Act 14:25), sailing in a northwest direction, is not much greater than from Seleucia to Salamis on the east. Perga was the metropolis of Pamphylia, on the river Cestrus, and about seven miles inland from Attalia.

and John departing from them returned to Jerusalem--As Paul afterwards peremptorily refused to take Mark with him on his second missionary journey, because he "had departed [or 'fallen off'] from them and had not gone with them to the work" (Act 15:38), there can be no doubt that he had either wearied of it or been deterred by the prospect of the dangers which lay before him. (But see on Act 15:37, &c.).
37 And [1161] Barnabas [921] determined [1011] to take with them [4838] John [2491], whose surname was [2564] Mark [3138].
38 But [1161] Paul [3972] thought [515] not [3361] good [515] to take [4838] him [5126] with them [4838], who [3588] departed [868] from [575] them [846] from [575] Pamphylia [3828], and [2532] went [4905] not [3361] with them [846] to [1519] the work [2041].
25 And [2532] when they had preached [2980] the word [3056] in [1722] Perga [4011], they went down [2597] into [1519] Attalia [825]:
38 But [1161] Paul [3972] thought [515] not [3361] good [515] to take [4838] him [5126] with them [4838], who [3588] departed [868] from [575] them [846] from [575] Pamphylia [3828], and [2532] went [4905] not [3361] with them [846] to [1519] the work [2041].
6 And [1161] when they had gone through [1330] the isle [3520] unto [891] Paphos [3974], they found [2147] a certain [5100] sorcerer [3097], a false prophet [5578], a Jew [2453], whose [3739] name [3686] was Barjesus [919]:
3 And [1161] as he [846] journeyed [4198] [1722], he came [1096] near [1448] Damascus [1154]: and [2532] suddenly [1810] there shined round about [4015] him [846] a light [5457] from [575] heaven [3772]:
19 And [2532] many [4183] of [1537] the Jews [2453] came [2064] to [4314] Martha [3136] and [2532] Mary [3137] [4012], to [2443] comfort [3888] them [846] concerning [4012] their [846] brother [80].
22 Now [2532] it came to pass [1096] on [1722] a certain [3391] day [2250], that [2532] he [846] went [1684] into [1519] a ship [4143] with [2532] his [846] disciples [3101]: and [2532] he said [2036] unto [4314] them [846], Let us go over [1330] unto [1519] the other side [4008] of the lake [3041]. And [2532] they launched forth [321].
35 Paul [3972] also [1161] and [2532] Barnabas [921] continued [1304] in [1722] Antioch [490], teaching [1321] and [2532] preaching [2097] the word [3056] of the Lord [2962], with [3326] many [4183] others [2087] also [2532].
36 And [1161] some [5100] days [2250] after [3326] Paul [3972] said [2036] unto [4314] Barnabas [921], [1211] Let us go again [1994] and visit [1980] our [2257] brethren [80] in [2596] every [3956] city [4172] where [1722] [3739] we have preached [2605] the word [3056] of the Lord [2962], and see how [4459] they do [2192].
37 And [1161] Barnabas [921] determined [1011] to take with them [4838] John [2491], whose surname was [2564] Mark [3138].
38 But [1161] Paul [3972] thought [515] not [3361] good [515] to take [4838] him [5126] with them [4838], who [3588] departed [868] from [575] them [846] from [575] Pamphylia [3828], and [2532] went [4905] not [3361] with them [846] to [1519] the work [2041].
39 And [3767] the contention [3948] was [1096] so sharp [3948] between them [846], that [5620] they departed asunder [673] one from the other [575] [240]: and so [5037] Barnabas [921] took [3880] Mark [3138], and sailed [1602] unto [1519] Cyprus [2954];
38 But [1161] Paul [3972] thought [515] not [3361] good [515] to take [4838] him [5126] with them [4838], who [3588] departed [868] from [575] them [846] from [575] Pamphylia [3828], and [2532] went [4905] not [3361] with them [846] to [1519] the work [2041].
10 [5037] Phrygia [5435], and [5037] [2532] Pamphylia [3828], in Egypt [125], and [2532] in the parts [3313] of Libya [3033] about [2596] Cyrene [2957], and [2532] strangers [1927] of Rome [4514], [5037] Jews [2453] and [5037] [2532] proselytes [4339],