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Selected Verse: John 2:21 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Joh 2:21 Strong Concordance But [1161] he [1565] spake [3004] of [4012] the temple [3485] of his [846] body [4983].
  King James But he spake of the temple of his body.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
temple of his body--in which was enshrined the glory of the eternal Word. (See on Joh 1:14). By its resurrection the true Temple of God upon earth was reared up, of which the stone one was but a shadow; so that the allusion is not quite exclusively to Himself, but takes in that Temple of which He is the foundation, and all believers are the "lively stones." (Pe1 2:4-5).
4 To [4314] whom [3739] coming [4334], as unto a living [2198] stone [3037], disallowed [593] indeed [3303] of [5259] men [444], but [1161] chosen [1588] of [3844] God [2316], and precious [1784],
5 Ye [846] also [2532], as [5613] lively [2198] stones [3037], are built up [3618] a spiritual [4152] house [3624], an holy [40] priesthood [2406], to offer up [399] spiritual [4152] sacrifices [2378], acceptable [2144] to God [2316] by [1223] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
14 And [2532] the Word [3056] was made [1096] flesh [4561], and [2532] dwelt [4637] among [1722] us [2254], (and [2532] we beheld [2300] his [846] glory [1391], the glory [1391] as [5613] of the only begotten [3439] of [3844] the Father [3962],) full [4134] of grace [5485] and [2532] truth [225].
19 [1161] This [5124] spake he [2036], signifying [4591] by what [4169] death [2288] he should glorify [1392] God [2316]. And [2532] when he had spoken [2036] this [5124], he saith [3004] unto him [846], Follow [190] me [3427].
33 [1161] This [5124] he said [3004], signifying [4591] what [4169] death [2288] he should [3195] die [599].
39 (But [1161] this [5124] spake he [2036] of [4012] the Spirit [4151], which [3739] they that believe [4100] on [1519] him [846] should [3195] receive [2983]: for [1063] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151] was [2258] not yet [3768] given; because [3754] that Jesus [2424] was [1392] not yet [3764] glorified [1392]
18 No man [3762] hath seen [3708] God [2316] at any time [4455]; the only begotten [3439] Son [5207], which [3588] is [5607] in [1519] the bosom [2859] of the Father [3962], he [1565] hath declared [1834] him.
60 But [2532] found [2147] none [3756]: yea [2532], though many [4183] false witnesses [5575] came [4334], yet found they [2147] none [3756]. [1161] At the last [5305] came [4334] two [1417] false witnesses [5575],