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Selected Verse: Luke 9:54 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Lu 9:54 Strong Concordance And [1161] when his [846] disciples [3101] James [2385] and [2532] John [2491] saw [1492] this, they said [2036], Lord [2962], wilt thou [2309] that we command [2036] fire [4442] to come down [2597] from [575] heaven [3772], and [2532] consume [355] them [846], even [2532] as [5613] Elias [2243] did [4160]?
  King James And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
James and John--not Peter, as we should have expected, but those "sons of thunder" (Mar 3:17), who afterwards wanted to have all the highest honors of the Kingdom to themselves, and the younger of whom had been rebuked already for his exclusiveness (Luk 9:49-50). Yet this was "the disciple whom Jesus loved," while the other willingly drank of His Lord's bitter cup. (See on Mar 10:38-40; and Act 12:2). That same fiery zeal, in a mellowed and hallowed form, in the beloved disciple, we find in Jo1 5:10; Jo3 1:10.

fire . . . as Elias--a plausible case, occurring also in Samaria (Kg2 1:10-12).
10 And Elijah [0452] answered [06030] and said [01696] to the captain [08269] of fifty [02572], If I be a man [0376] of God [0430], then let fire [0784] come down [03381] from heaven [08064], and consume [0398] thee and thy fifty [02572]. And there came down [03381] fire [0784] from heaven [08064], and consumed [0398] him and his fifty [02572].
11 Again [07725] also he sent [07971] unto him another [0312] captain [08269] of fifty [02572] with his fifty [02572]. And he answered [06030] and said [01696] unto him, O man [0376] of God [0430], thus hath the king [04428] said [0559], Come down [03381] quickly [04120].
12 And Elijah [0452] answered [06030] and said [01696] unto them, If I be a man [0376] of God [0430], let fire [0784] come down [03381] from heaven [08064], and consume [0398] thee and thy fifty [02572]. And the fire [0784] of God [0430] came down [03381] from heaven [08064], and consumed [0398] him and his fifty [02572].
10 Wherefore [1223] [5124], if [1437] I come [2064], I will remember [5279] his [846] deeds [2041] which [3739] he doeth [4160], prating against [5396] us [2248] with malicious [4190] words [3056]: and [2532] not [3361] content [714] therewith [1909] [5125], neither [3777] doth [1926] he himself [846] receive [1926] the brethren [80], and [2532] forbiddeth [2967] them that would [1014], and [2532] casteth [1544] them out of [1537] the church [1577].
10 He that believeth [4100] on [1519] the Son [5207] of God [2316] hath [2192] the witness [3141] in [1722] himself [1438]: he that believeth [4100] not [3361] God [2316] hath made [4160] him [846] a liar [5583]; because [3754] he believeth [4100] not [3756] [1519] the record [3141] that [3739] God [2316] gave [3140] of [4012] his [846] Son [5207].
2 And [1161] he killed [337] James [2385] the brother [80] of John [2491] with the sword [3162].
38 But [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto them [846], Ye know [1492] not [3756] what [5101] ye ask [154]: can ye [1410] drink [4095] of the cup [4221] that [3739] I [1473] drink of [4095]? and [2532] be baptized [907] with the baptism [908] that [3739] I [1473] am baptized with [907]?
39 And [1161] they said [2036] unto him [846], We can [1410]. And [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto them [846], Ye shall [4095] indeed [3303] drink [4095] of the cup [4221] that [3739] I [1473] drink of [4095]; and [2532] with the baptism [908] that [3739] I [1473] am baptized withal [907] shall ye be baptized [907]:
40 But [1161] to sit [2523] on [1537] my [3450] right hand [1188] and [2532] on [1537] my [3450] left hand [2176] is [2076] not [3756] mine [1699] to give [1325]; but [235] it shall be given to them for whom [3739] it is prepared [2090].
49 And [1161] John [2491] answered [611] and said [2036], Master [1988], we saw [1492] one [5100] casting out [1544] devils [1140] in [1909] thy [4675] name [3686]; and [2532] we forbad [2967] him [846], because [3754] he followeth [190] not [3756] with [3326] us [2257].
50 And [2532] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto [4314] him [846], Forbid [2967] him not [3361]: for [1063] he [3739] that is [2076] not [3756] against [2596] us [2257] is [2076] for [5228] us [2257].
17 And [2532] James [2385] the son [3588] of Zebedee [2199], and [2532] John [2491] the brother [80] of James [2385]; and [2532] he surnamed [2007] [3686] them [846] Boanerges [993], which is [3603], The sons [5207] of thunder [1027]:
10 And Elijah [0452] answered [06030] and said [01696] to the captain [08269] of fifty [02572], If I be a man [0376] of God [0430], then let fire [0784] come down [03381] from heaven [08064], and consume [0398] thee and thy fifty [02572]. And there came down [03381] fire [0784] from heaven [08064], and consumed [0398] him and his fifty [02572].
11 Again [07725] also he sent [07971] unto him another [0312] captain [08269] of fifty [02572] with his fifty [02572]. And he answered [06030] and said [01696] unto him, O man [0376] of God [0430], thus hath the king [04428] said [0559], Come down [03381] quickly [04120].
12 And Elijah [0452] answered [06030] and said [01696] unto them, If I be a man [0376] of God [0430], let fire [0784] come down [03381] from heaven [08064], and consume [0398] thee and thy fifty [02572]. And the fire [0784] of God [0430] came down [03381] from heaven [08064], and consumed [0398] him and his fifty [02572].
17 And [2532] James [2385] the son [3588] of Zebedee [2199], and [2532] John [2491] the brother [80] of James [2385]; and [2532] he surnamed [2007] [3686] them [846] Boanerges [993], which is [3603], The sons [5207] of thunder [1027]:
17 And [2532] James [2385] the son [3588] of Zebedee [2199], and [2532] John [2491] the brother [80] of James [2385]; and [2532] he surnamed [2007] [3686] them [846] Boanerges [993], which is [3603], The sons [5207] of thunder [1027]: