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Selected Verse: Luke 2:38 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Lu 2:38 Strong Concordance And [2532] she [3778] [846] coming in [2186] that [846] instant [5610] gave thanks likewise [437] unto the Lord [2962], and [2532] spake [2980] of [4012] him [846] to all [3956] them that looked [4327] for redemption [3085] in [1722] Jerusalem [2419].
  King James And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
coming in--"presenting herself." She had been there already but now is found "standing by," as Simeon's testimony to the blessed Babe died away, ready to take it up "in turn" (as the word rendered "likewise" here means).

to all them, &c.--the sense is, "to all them in Jerusalem that were looking for redemption"--saying in effect, In that Babe are wrapt up all your expectations. If this was at the hour of prayer, when numbers flocked to the temple, it would account for her having such an audience as the words imply [ALFORD].
24 Being justified [1344] freely [1432] by his [846] grace [5485] through [1223] the redemption [629] that is in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424]:
2 Speak [01696] ye comfortably [03820] to Jerusalem [03389], and cry [07121] unto her, that her warfare [06635] is accomplished [04390], that her iniquity [05771] is pardoned [07521]: for she hath received [03947] of the LORD'S [03068] hand [03027] double [03718] for all her sins [02403].
68 Blessed [2128] be the Lord [2962] God [2316] of Israel [2474]; for [3754] he hath visited [1980] and [2532] redeemed [3085] his [846] people [2992] [4160],
25 And [2532], behold [2400], there was [2258] a man [444] in [1722] Jerusalem [2419], whose [3739] name [3686] was Simeon [4826]; and [2532] the same [3778] man [444] was just [1342] and [2532] devout [2126], waiting [4327] for the consolation [3874] of Israel [2474]: and [2532] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151] was [2258] upon [1909] him [846].
9 And [2532], lo [2400], the angel [32] of the Lord [2962] came upon [2186] them [846], and [2532] the glory [1391] of the Lord [2962] shone round about [4034] them [846]: and [2532] they were sore [3173] afraid [5399] [5401].
68 Blessed [2128] be the Lord [2962] God [2316] of Israel [2474]; for [3754] he hath visited [1980] and [2532] redeemed [3085] his [846] people [2992] [4160],