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Selected Verse: Luke 19:9 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Lu 19:9 Strong Concordance And [1161] Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto [4314] him [846], [3754] This day [4594] is [1096] salvation [4991] come [1096] to this [5129] house [3624], forsomuch as [2530] he [846] also [2532] is [2076] a son [5207] of Abraham [11].
  King James And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Jesus said unto him--but also before all.

This day, &c.--memorable saying! Salvation already come, but not a day old.

to this house--so expressed probably to meet the taunt, "He is gone to be guest," &c. The house is no longer polluted; it is now fit to receive Me. But salvation to a house is an exceedingly precious idea, expressing the new air that would henceforth breathe in it, and the new impulses from its head which would reach its members (Psa 118:15; Act 16:15-16, Act 16:31).

son of Abraham--He was that by birth, but here it means a partaker of his faith, being mentioned as the sufficient explanation of salvation having come to him.
31 And [1161] they said [2036], Believe [4100] on [1909] the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], and [2532] thou [4771] shalt be saved [4982], and [2532] thy [4675] house [3624].
15 And [1161] when [5613] she was baptized [907], and [2532] her [846] household [3624], she besought [3870] us, saying [3004], If [1487] ye have judged [2919] me [3165] to be [1511] faithful [4103] to the Lord [2962], come [1525] into [1519] my [3450] house [3624], and abide [3306] there. And [2532] she constrained [3849] us [2248].
16 And [1161] it came to pass [1096], as we [2257] went [4198] to [1519] prayer [4335], a certain [5100] damsel [3814] possessed [2192] with a spirit [4151] of divination [4436] met [528] us [2254], which [3748] brought [3930] her [846] masters [2962] much [4183] gain [2039] by soothsaying [3132]:
15 The voice [06963] of rejoicing [07440] and salvation [03444] is in the tabernacles [0168] of the righteous [06662]: the right hand [03225] of the LORD [03068] doeth [06213] valiantly [02428].
11 And [2532] he received [2983] the sign [4592] of circumcision [4061], a seal [4973] of the righteousness [1343] of the faith [4102] which [3588] he had yet being [1722] uncircumcised [203]: that [1519] he [846] might be [1511] the father [3962] of all [3956] them that believe [4100], though [1223] they be not circumcised [203]; that [1519] righteousness [1343] might be imputed [3049] unto them [846] also [2532]:
56 Your [5216] father [3962] Abraham [11] rejoiced [21] to [2443] see [1492] my [1699] day [2250]: and [2532] he saw [1492] it, and [2532] was glad [5463].
16 For [1063] I am [1870] not [3756] ashamed [1870] of the gospel [2098] of Christ [5547]: for [1063] it is [2076] the power [1411] of God [2316] unto [1519] salvation [4991] to every one [3956] that believeth [4100]; to the Jew [2453] first [4412], and [5037] also [2532] to the Greek [1672].
11 For [1063] the Son [5207] of man [444] is come [2064] to save [4982] that which [3588] was lost [622].
10 For [1063] the Son [5207] of man [444] is come [2064] to seek [2212] and [2532] to save [4982] that which was lost [622].
7 And [2532] when they saw [1492] it, they [1234] all [537] murmured [1234], saying [3004], That [3754] he was gone [1525] to be guest [2647] with [3844] a man [435] that is a sinner [268].