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Selected Verse: Luke 14:25 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Lu 14:25 Strong Concordance And [1161] there went [4848] great [4183] multitudes [3793] with him [846]: and [2532] he turned [4762], and said [2036] unto [4314] them [846],
  King James And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

great multitudes with him--on His final journey to Jerusalem. The "great multitudes" were doubtless people going to the passover, who moved along in clusters (Luk 2:44), and who on this occasion falling in with our Lord had formed themselves into one mass about Him.
44 But [1161] they, supposing [3543] him [846] to have been [1511] in [1722] the company [4923], went [2064] a day's [2250] journey [3598]; and [2532] they sought [327] him [846] among [1722] their kinsfolk [4773] and [2532] [1722] acquaintance [1110].
25 And [1161] there went [4848] great [4183] multitudes [3793] with him [846]: and [2532] he turned [4762], and said [2036] unto [4314] them [846],
26 If any [1536] man come [2064] to [4314] me [3165], and [2532] hate [3404] not [3756] his [1438] father [3962], and [2532] mother [3384], and [2532] wife [1135], and [2532] children [5043], and [2532] brethren [80], and [2532] sisters [79], yea [2089], and [1161] his own [1438] life [5590] also [2532], he cannot [3756] [1410] be [1511] my [3450] disciple [3101].
27 And [2532] whosoever [3748] doth [941] not [3756] bear [941] his [846] cross [4716], and [2532] come [2064] after [3694] me [3450], cannot [3756] [1410] be [1511] my [3450] disciple [3101].
28 For [1063] which [5101] of [1537] you [5216], intending [2309] to build [3618] a tower [4444], sitteth [2523] not [3780] down [2523] first [4412], and counteth [5585] the cost [1160], whether [1487] he have [2192] sufficient to [4314] finish [535] it?
29 Lest [3363] haply [3379], after he [846] hath laid [5087] the foundation [2310], and [2532] is [2480] not [3361] able [2480] to finish [1615] it, all [3956] that behold [2334] it begin [756] to mock [1702] him [846],
30 Saying [3004], This [3754] [3778] man [444] began [756] to build [3618], and [2532] was [2480] not [3756] able [2480] to finish [1615].
31 Or [2228] what [5101] king [935], going [4198] to make [4820] war [4171] against [1519] another [2087] king [935], sitteth [2523] not [3780] down [2523] first [4412], and consulteth [1011] whether [1487] he be [2076] able [1415] with [1722] ten [1176] thousand [5505] to meet [528] him that cometh [2064] against [1909] him [846] with [3326] twenty [1501] thousand [5505]?
32 Or else [1490], while the other [846] is [5607] yet [2089] a great way off [4206], he sendeth [649] an ambassage [4242], and desireth [2065] conditions [4314] of peace [1515].
33 So [3779] likewise [3767], whosoever [3956] he be of [1537] you [5216] that [3739] forsaketh [657] not [3756] all [3956] that he hath [5224] [1438], he cannot [3756] [1410] be [1511] my [3450] disciple [3101].
34 Salt [217] is good [2570]: but [1161] if [1437] the salt [217] have lost his savour [3471], wherewith [1722] [5101] shall it be seasoned [741]?
35 It is [2076] neither [3777] fit [2111] for [1519] the land [1093], nor yet [3777] for [1519] the dunghill [2874]; but men cast [906] it [846] out [1854]. He that hath [2192] ears [3775] to hear [191], let him hear [191].
37 He that loveth [5368] father [3962] or [2228] mother [3384] more than [5228] me [1691] is [2076] not [3756] worthy [514] of me [3450]: and [2532] he that loveth [5368] son [5207] or [2228] daughter [2364] more than [5228] me [1691] is [2076] not [3756] worthy [514] of me [3450].
38 And [2532] he [3739] that taketh [2983] not [3756] his [846] cross [4716], and [2532] followeth [190] after [3694] me [3450], is [2076] not [3756] worthy [514] of me [3450].