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Selected Verse: Mark 4:22 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mr 4:22 Strong Concordance For [1063] there is [2076] nothing [3756] hid [2927] [5100], which [3739] shall [5319] not [3362] be manifested [5319]; neither [3761] was any thing kept [1096] secret [614], but [235] that [2443] it should come [2064] abroad [1519] [5318].
  King James For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
For there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested, &c.--See on Mat 10:26-27; but the connection there and here is slightly different. Here the idea seems to be this--"I have privately expounded to you these great truths, but only that ye may proclaim them publicly; and if ye will not, others will. For these are not designed for secrecy. They are imparted to be diffused abroad, and they shall be so; yea, a time is coming when the most hidden things shall be brought to light."
26 Fear [5399] them [846] not [3361] therefore [3767]: for [1063] there is [2076] nothing [3762] covered [2572], that [3739] shall [601] not [3756] be revealed [601]; and [2532] hid [2927], that [3739] shall [1097] not [3756] be known [1097].
27 What [3739] I tell [3004] you [5213] in [1722] darkness [4653], that speak ye [2036] in [1722] light [5457]: and [2532] what [3739] ye hear [191] in [1519] the ear [3775], that preach ye [2784] upon [1909] the housetops [1430].
26 Fear [5399] them [846] not [3361] therefore [3767]: for [1063] there is [2076] nothing [3762] covered [2572], that [3739] shall [601] not [3756] be revealed [601]; and [2532] hid [2927], that [3739] shall [1097] not [3756] be known [1097].
17 And [2532] their [846] sins [266] and [2532] iniquities [458] [846] will I remember [3415] no [3364] more [2089].
16 This [3778] is the covenant [1242] that [3739] I will make [1303] with [4314] them [846] after [3326] those [1565] days [2250], saith [3004] the Lord [2962], I will put [1325] my [3450] laws [3551] into [1909] their [846] hearts [2588], and [2532] in [1909] their [846] minds [1271] will I write [1924] them [846];
6 Even as [2509] David [1138] also [2532] describeth [3004] the blessedness [3108] of the man [444], unto whom [3739] God [2316] imputeth [3049] righteousness [1343] without [5565] works [2041],
12 And [2532] I saw [1492] the dead [3498], small [3398] and [2532] great [3173], stand [2476] before [1799] God [2316]; and [2532] the books [975] were opened [455]: and [2532] another [243] book [975] was opened [455], which [3739] is [2076] the book of life [2222]: and [2532] the dead [3498] were judged [2919] out of [1537] those things which were written [1125] in [1722] the books [975], according to [2596] their [846] works [2041].
17 For [1063] nothing [3756] is [2076] secret [2927], that [3739] shall [1096] not [3756] be made [1096] manifest [5318]; neither [3761] any thing hid [614], that [3739] shall [1097] not [3756] be known [1097] and [2532] come [2064] abroad [1519] [5318].
26 Fear [5399] them [846] not [3361] therefore [3767]: for [1063] there is [2076] nothing [3762] covered [2572], that [3739] shall [601] not [3756] be revealed [601]; and [2532] hid [2927], that [3739] shall [1097] not [3756] be known [1097].
26 Fear [5399] them [846] not [3361] therefore [3767]: for [1063] there is [2076] nothing [3762] covered [2572], that [3739] shall [601] not [3756] be revealed [601]; and [2532] hid [2927], that [3739] shall [1097] not [3756] be known [1097].
15 Neither [3761] do men light [2545] a candle [3088], and [2532] put [5087] it [846] under [5259] a bushel [3426], but [235] on [1909] a candlestick [3087]; and [2532] it giveth light [2989] unto all [3956] that are in [1722] the house [3614].