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Selected Verse: Mark 4:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mr 4:11 Strong Concordance And [2532] he said [3004] unto them [846], Unto you [5213] it is given [1325] to know [1097] the mystery [3466] of the kingdom [932] of God [2316]: but [1161] unto them [1565] that are without [1854], all these things [3956] are done [1096] in [1722] parables [3850]:
  King James And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them, &c.--See on Mat 13:10-17.
10 And [2532] the disciples [3101] came [4334], and said [2036] unto him [846], Why [1302] speakest thou [2980] unto them [846] in [1722] parables [3850]?
11 He answered [611] and [1161] said [2036] unto them [846], Because [3754] it is given [1325] unto you [5213] to know [1097] the mysteries [3466] of the kingdom [932] of heaven [3772], but [1161] to them [1565] it is [1325] not [3756] given [1325].
12 For [1063] whosoever [3748] hath [2192], to him [846] shall be given [1325], and [2532] he shall have more abundance [4052]: but [1161] whosoever [3748] hath [2192] not [3756], from [575] him [846] shall be taken away [142] even [2532] that [3739] he hath [2192].
13 Therefore [1223] [5124] speak I [2980] to them [846] in [1722] parables [3850]: because [3754] they seeing [991] see [991] not [3756]; and [2532] hearing [191] they hear [191] not [3756], neither [3761] do they understand [4920].
14 And [2532] in [1909] them [846] is fulfilled [378] the prophecy [4394] of Esaias [2268], which [3588] saith [3004], By hearing [189] ye shall hear [191], and [2532] shall [4920] not [3364] understand [4920]; and [2532] seeing [991] ye shall see [991], and [2532] shall [1492] not [3364] perceive [1492]:
15 For [1063] this [5127] people's [2992] heart [2588] is waxed gross [3975], and [2532] their ears [3775] are dull [917] of hearing [191], and [2532] their [846] eyes [3788] they have closed [2576]; lest at any time [3379] they should see [1492] with their eyes [3788], and [2532] hear [191] with their ears [3775], and [2532] should understand [4920] with their heart [2588], and [2532] should be converted [1994], and [2532] I should heal [2390] them [846].
16 But [1161] blessed [3107] are your [5216] eyes [3788], for [3754] they see [991]: and [2532] your [5216] ears [3775], for [3754] they hear [191].
17 For [1063] verily [281] I say [3004] unto you [5213], That [3754] many [4183] prophets [4396] and [2532] righteous [1342] men have desired [1937] to see [1492] those things which [3739] ye see [991], and [2532] have [1492] not [3756] seen [1492] them; and [2532] to hear [191] those things which [3739] ye hear [191], and [2532] have [191] not [3756] heard [191] them.
11 He answered [611] and [1161] said [2036] unto them [846], Because [3754] it is given [1325] unto you [5213] to know [1097] the mysteries [3466] of the kingdom [932] of heaven [3772], but [1161] to them [1565] it is [1325] not [3756] given [1325].
10 And [1161] he said [2036], Unto you [5213] it is given [1325] to know [1097] the mysteries [3466] of the kingdom [932] of God [2316]: but [1161] to others [3062] in [1722] parables [3850]; that [2443] seeing [991] they might [991] not [3361] see [991], and [2532] hearing [191] they might [4920] not [3361] understand [4920].
11 He answered [611] and [1161] said [2036] unto them [846], Because [3754] it is given [1325] unto you [5213] to know [1097] the mysteries [3466] of the kingdom [932] of heaven [3772], but [1161] to them [1565] it is [1325] not [3756] given [1325].
7 Moreover [1161] [2532] he [846] must [1163] have [2192] a good [2570] report [3141] of [575] them which are without [1855]; lest [3363] he fall [1706] into [1519] reproach [3680] and [2532] the snare [3803] of the devil [1228].
12 That [2443] ye may walk [4043] honestly [2156] toward [4314] them that are without [1854], and [2532] that ye may have [2192] lack [5532] of nothing [3367].
5 Walk [4043] in [1722] wisdom [4678] toward [4314] them that are without [1854], redeeming [1805] the time [2540].
13 But [1161] them that are without [1854] God [2316] judgeth [2919]. Therefore [2532] put away [1808] from [1537] among yourselves [5216] that [846] wicked person [4190].
12 For [1063] what [5101] have I [3427] to do to judge [2919] them also [2532] that are without [1854]? do [2919] not [3780] ye [5210] judge [2919] them that are within [2080]?
58 And [2532] he did [4160] not [3756] many [4183] mighty works [1411] there [1563] because [1223] of their [846] unbelief [570].