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Selected Verse: Mark 15:47 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mr 15:47 Strong Concordance And [1161] Mary [3137] Magdalene [3094] and [2532] Mary [3137] the mother of Joses [2500] beheld [2334] where [4226] he was laid [5087].
  King James And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Beheld where he was laid - The affection of these pious females never forsook them, in all the trials and sufferings of their Lord. With true love they followed him to the cross; they came as near to him as they were permitted to come in his last moments; they followed him when taken down and laid in the tomb. The strong, the mighty, the youthful, had fled; but female love never forsook him, even in his deepest humiliation. This is the nature of true love; it is strongest in such scenes. While "professed" attachment will abound in prosperity and live most in sunshine, it is only genuine love that will go into the dark shades of adversity and flourish there. In scenes of poverty, want, affliction, and death, it shows its genuineness. That which lives there is genuine. That which turns away from such scenes is spurious.
16 And [1161] Jacob [2384] begat [1080] Joseph [2501] the husband [435] of Mary [3137], of [1537] whom [3739] was born [1080] Jesus [2424], who [3588] is called [3004] Christ [5547].